
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最隹选项。



                Many American high schoolers participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular(课外的)activities such as sports and clubs. Personally,I enjoy playing tennis for my school's varsity team(校队) .Throughout the past decade,my high school,South,has been consistently ranked as one of the top teams in New Jersey.

                In my first year of high school,I was espe-cially nervous for tryouts(选拔赛) .The night before,I still remember lying in bed,feeling both anxiety and excitement. When I got to my school's courts,I saw a crowd of unfamiliar faces. Coach Crawbuck stressed how the team would be set up I through challenge matches. Afterwards,the coach :paired us together to begin playing games. Unlike many other sports,tennis relies only on the individual player's abilify. Because of this,I had :to make sure that all my points were not only consistent but strategic(有战略的) as well.

                At the beginning,I was ranked number 19 on the team. The second year,I improved greatly,ranking number 10. One day,I visited NJ.com to even find an introduction to myself!It was exciting to see that I was listed as a part of the tennis community.

                Soon,school started again,and our team began to play matches against other schools. Sometimes,it was stressful knowing that our team s undefeated record could not be broken. Once,my partner Alyssa and I played a five-hour match against South Brunswick simply so that our team could keep this standing. Needless to say,it was very exhausting!

                The term “tennis team” doesn't sound right

since the sport is singular in its nature. However,through my experiences with tennis,I have gotten to meet so many amazing players who have become my close friends. Not only does the team bond though our time on the courts,but also through the events the captains organize. Overall,playing tennis has become second nature for me and I don't know where I would be without it.

21. Before the tryouts,the author .

   A. felt frustrated

   B. wanted to quit

   C. was both nervous and excited

   D. practiced hard but made no improvement

22. Tennis differs from other sports in that

   A. the players,personal ability matters~more

   B. the players have to compete strategically

   C. the players should keep .consistent records

   D. the players are chosen through challenge matches

23. Through the exhausting match,the author and her partner aimed to .

   A. reduce their pressure 

   B. break their own record

   C. strengthen their position

   D. show their personal abilities

24. What kind of feeling does the author show for her tennis team? 

   A. Doubt.

   B. Appreciation.

   C. Curiosity.

   D. Disappointment.

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