
                                Summer survival guide

   Finally ... the season of sun,fun,and freedom!36 Follow these steps to keep yourself healthy and safe.

   Don’t rely on sunscreen. Yes,you need to slather(大量地涂抹) sunscreen on exposed skin,but other precautions are just as important. Seek shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and protect your skin and face with clothing,a hat,and shades.

   37 If you feel thirsty,you’re already dehydrated (脱水的) —that puts you at an increased risk of hot weather-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke ( 中暑).

   Know the signs of heat stroke. When its hot or humid,it becomes harder for your body to release the heat generated during exercise. If your core temperature becomes too high,heat stroke can set in. Avoid ending up in the emergency room by starting slower than normal,then gradually increasing the intensity of your workout over two full weeks. 38 

   Turn down the car radio. Here's a scary fact: 39 So cut out any distractions(分心的事物) while driving 一 from exciting music to texting — that can raise your risk of having an accident.

   Learn these lifesaving swim moves. Drowning is the second-most-common cause of accidental injury or death in adolescents. 40 Stick to zones with a lifeguard present,never swim alone,and learn these simple swimming skills — even if you never plan on getting wet. 1. Turn yourself around in a flill circle while in the water. 2. Float on your back. 3. Tread(踩) water. 4. Swim 25 yards (the length of a standard swimming pool) .

   A. Try to reduce the risk of brain injury.

   B. Float on your back if your arms get tired.

   C. Don’t wait until you’ re thirsty to drink up.

   D. Luckily,there are easy ways to cut this risk.

   E. Try and aim to be back at your usual activity level by day 14.

   F. Dont waste a minute of it feeling anything less than awesome.

   G. The period between May and September is the deadliest time for teen drivers.



36. F。F项中的it指代上文的the season of sun,fun,and freedom 。

37. C.C 项与下文的 If you feel thirsty,you,re already dehydrated 相呼应。

38. E。E 项与上文的 starting slower than normal …two flill weeks 相呼应。

39. G。G项即上文的 a scary fact。

40. D.D项在此处起承上启下的作用。


   I was bom in England with perfect hearing. In 1990,when I was five,my family moved to the United States. I started getting ear infections every three months or so. We didn't have health insurance at the time and when I got a third infection,my parents couldn't  pay for the treatment. I went deaf in my right ear and was left with 20 percent hearing in my left.

   There was always music on in my house when I was little,because my dad was a DJ,and he played all kinds of music. When I grew up,I was hooked on deejaying(播放音乐) . I wanted to leam more. I e-mailed DJ Shiftee,a well-known New York City DJ:“I know you like a challenge. How about teaching a deaf person to deejay?” He wrote back the next day: “Challenge accepted." He tutored me twice a week for two years,helping me develop correct technique. I practiced four hours a dai. Nbw when I'm performing,muscle memory takes over.

   When I started,I wouldn't tell the club managers I was deaf. I would just show up,introduce myself,and start playing music. At the end of the night,they were always so surprised that I couldn't hear. Sometimes I would bring doctors’ notes because they wouldn't believe me. It was what I wanted: they were giving me the chance to play because I was good,not out of sympathy.

   For a show,I set up one speaker facing my left side,my good ear. The speakers that play the bass(低音) are on the floor behind me so I can hear some of the lower frequencies and feel the beat in my feet. I also use software that turns the music into lines of color on a computer screen. For example,red is the bass,and green is the melody(主旋律) .I'm visually hearing the music. What I love about deejaying is the creativity,what you can do with a machine,two turntables,and a mixer.

   I go to elementary schools for the deaf and talk to the students about motivation and believing in themselves. I'm big on talking to the parents. Many parents nearly give up their deaf Jcids,but I always tell them ,“My advice to you is to let [your kids] chase their dreams,I'm a deaf DJ,so why not?”

1. The author became nearly deaf .

   A. after his third ear infection

   B. after his parents went broke

   C. when he was bom in England

   D. when he moved to the United States

2. Which of the following words can best describe the author according to Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Easy-going and considerate.

   B. Kind-hearted and ambitious.

   C. Hard-working and determined.

   D. Single-minded and responsible.

3. The author didn't tell the club managers he was deaf at first because he .

   A. didn't wan>sympathy

   B. was afraid of discrimination

   C. hoped to surprise them in the end

   D. was worried they wouldn’ t believe him

4. What's Paragraph 4 mainly about?

   A. The charm of deejaying.

   B. How the author deejays.

   C. The advanced way of deejaying.

   D. What the author needs when deejaying.

5. By saying the underlined sentence in the last paragraph,the author means .

   A. he is asked by the students to talk to the parents

   B. he thinks it is important to talk to the parents

   C. he can persuade the parents very easily

   D. he feels proud to talk to the parents

   A group of police blocks off narrow streets with their cars. They move quietly,spot the target,and close in,taking a group of smugglers(走私贩) by surprise. A few seconds later,the victims are discovered.

   The location: a street market in the city of Sao Paulo,Brazil. The victims: birds,American lizards,and tortoises snatched(抢走) from the wild. The smugglers planned to sell them at the market.

   “People who want to own a wild animal fbel the illegal wild animal trade,” says Juliana Machado Ferreira,a National Geographic explorer who works to fight the illegal wildlife trade. Removing too many animals from the wild upsets the balance of nature. aIf people truly love wildlife,they will want them to be free,” she says.

   Each day illegally caught wild animals are carried thousands of miles to be sold as pets,food,or ingredients for traditional medicines. “Wildlife illegal trade is one of the largest illegal trades in the world,worth about 20 billion dollars a year,” says Matthew Pritchett of Freeland,an organization that fights the illegal wildlife trade. “The United States is one of the top three markets in the world for illegal wildlife products."

   Smugglers use special ways to take the animals through airport security checks. But smart police use their own tricks to catch them. Read the following story.

   How many finches — small singing birds — can you fit inside a purse? At least 25 ,as it turns out. When a woman from Guyana,a country in northeast South America,started acting nervously at JFK airport,U.S., customers and border protection agents x-rayed her bags. They found birds called seed finches stuffed inside hair curlers!The agent called FWS (Fish & Wildlife Service) officers to take the birds,which will live at a zoo. The woman,however,was singing a different song.

32. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?

   A. Police catching smugglers.

   B. A game of hide-'and-seek.

   C. Victims being found.

   D. A scene of a movie.

33. What do we learn about the illegal wildlife trade from the text?

   A. Freeland fights against it.

   B. It can't meet pet lovers’ needs.

   C. Brazil doesn't have a law against it.

   D. It's usually carried out at the airport.

34. By saying the last sentence,the author means the woman .

   A. enjoyed singing

   B. could be in prison

   C. tried to disturb the inspection

   D. used a smart way to hide the birds

35. What is the best title for the text?

   A. Rescue wildlife

   B. Illegal wildlife trade 

    C. Catch animal thieves

   D. Various uses of wildlife

   To wear rohes and wigs(长袍和假发) ,or to not wear robes and wigs: that is the question. In 1776,when the United States declared its independence from England,the Founding Fathers set out to create a government and wrote the most important political documents. It is not surprising that they used English common law as the basis of our society’s laws. Apparently,they also debated court dress. Thomas Jefferson,and a few of his colleagues,wanted judges to wear suits in order to rid the influence of the English era. John Adams,on the other hand,wanted to keep the tradition alive. The Founding Fathers did what they did best,and compromised. They threw away the uncomfortable wigs and kept the robes.

   At the time,Supreme Court Justices usually wore red robes. But Chief Justice John Marshall changed the dress rules by putting on a black robe.

He started a new fashion and judges in the United States have been wearing black ever since.

   The tradition of robes came from the English,but why were the English wearing robes in the first place? The wearing of robes by justices can date back to the 15th century. English judges wore red,green,reddish blue,and black robes depending on the fashions of the time. In 1635,it was decided that reddish blue robes should be worn in the summer and black for the winter. It was also decided that red robes should be worn on ceremonial occasions.

   The origins of wearing the black robe in England are debated among historians. Most historians say that the black robe tradition started with the mourning of the death of Queen Mary II in 1694.

   However,in the United States,the tradition of black robes Was not always followed. Former Idaho Supreme Court Justice,Byron Johnson,chose to wear a royal blue robe stating in a letter to his friend that he sat in the “black and blue” court.

   Wearing black robes will most likely continue in the United States for a long time to come. However,everyone,especially judges,should take a moment to thank Thomas Jefferson for convincing John Adams to give up those ridiculous wigs.

6. The Founding Fathers disagreed about whether.

   A. judges should debate like English judges

   B. judges should dress in the English way

   C. they should obey English common law

   D. they should set up a new government

7. What was Jefferson's attitude towards the English tradition?

    A. He doubted it. B. He tolerated it.

   C. He was against it. D. He was uncertain of it.

8. Black robes became a tradition of American courts because of .

   A. John Adams’ argument

   B. John Marshall's example

   C. the dress rules in English courts

   D. the Founding Fathers’ compromises

9. The black robe in English courts may go back to.

   A. the 15th century   B. the 18th century   C. the year of 1635   D. the year of 1694

10. How does the author sound when telling the stories in the text?

   A. Humorous. B. Anxious.

   C. Cautious. D. Serious.

                  All Change!The charity role-reversal(角色互换) game 

So, what's it all about?

   All Change!is a fantastic,fun-filled,fancy dress festival that will help us to raise money for children in need.

When did it get going?

   The first All Change!role-reversal entertainment took place in 2005 in aid of a local children's charity. Every year since then nearly 100,000 men,women and children have worn the strangest and the most wonderful headgear(头饰) possible to raise money for a growing number of children's charities. This year we are helping a record number of good causes,all aimed to help children in need.

Want to take part?

   Great!We want 100,000 or more people like you to bring a smile to the face of local children. To find out more contact us on our website or phone 502 389 711. And remember,for the sake of children ...

Still want to take part?

   OK!Here's what you have to do. On Friday 15 June,go to work,or to school,or shopping or whatever you normally do,dressed as normal,BUT on your head you must wear the strangest,most unbelievable headgear you can possibly find!Are you a policeman but would really love to be a chef? Are you a secretary with secret desires to be a Hollywood princess? Or a baker who wants to wear the world's largest wig(假发) ?Now is your chance!Be creative!

               IT,S TIME FOR A CHANGE On Friday 15 June 

                      It's ALL CHANGE DAY!!

21. What's the aim of the role-reversal game?

   A. To amuse kids. B. To raise money.

   C. To help sick kids. D. To change the world.

22. According to the text,All Change!is a festival that .

   A. is held around the world

   B. involves mainly the young

   C. has a history of about ten years

   D. falls on different dates each year

23. What are you expected to do on 15 June?

   A. Try your dream job. B. Dress up as children.

   C. Skip work or school. D. Wear creative hats.

   E-cigarettes began as a way to stop people from smoking tobacco. But a new study among teens suggests a scary. effect: E-cigarettes are now appealing to non-smokers,as well. In a survey of over 2 ,000 California high school juniors and seniors,researchers from the University of Southern California discovered that over 40 percent of teen e-cigarette smokers have never smoked traditional cigarettes.

   The National Youth Tobacco Survey reports a nearly 9 percent increase in the number of high school students using e-cigarettes from 2013 to 2014,more than enough to stifle (掩盖) the 3. 5 percent decrease in teen cigarette use,as recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While 9 percent may not sound like a ton,the amount of middle and high school students using e-cigarettes has actually tripled(增至三倍) .

   How,despite decades of anti-smoking advocacy efforts,have e-cigarettes gained such massive popularity in such a short time? Scientists say that the “renormalization” of teen smoking may not be entirely self-inflicted(自己造成的) .A study found that 34 percent of adolescent e-smokers are exposed to electronic cigarettes via a member of their family or friend groups.

   Advertising also makes e-cigarettes look cool. E-cigarettes,which are not very expensive,are marketed as a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes,and teens are buying the message. In a recent study in North Carolina,high schoolers easily made a list of the dangers of smoking tobacco,but when asked to do the same with regard to e-cigarettes,the teens were unsure whether the devices could be considered safe. Some weren't even aware that e-cigarettes contain nicotine. But e-cigarettes do contain nicotine. It is highly addictive,which is why some consider e-cigarettes a gateway drug.

   If stressing the dangers of tobacco helped make cigarettes uncool,we can do the same to destroy e-cigarettes.

29. According to Paragraph 1 ,what is frightening is that .

   A. few tobacco smokers quit smoking

   B. non-smokers are attracted to e-cigarettes

   C. more and more people are smoking tobacco

   D. smokers are replacing tobacco with e-cigarettes 

30. From 2013 to 2014,student e-cigarette smokers in high school increased by about .

   A. 3. 5%   B. 9% 

   C. 27%   D. 40%

31. About one third of teen e-smokers use e-cigarettes because of .

   A. e-cigarettes’ low prices

   B. cool designs of e-cigarettes

   C. the influence of people around them.

   D. their dislike of traditional cigarettes

32. What can we infer from Paragraph 4 ?

   A. E-cigarettes are different from drugs.

   B. Most teens know the dangers of e-cigarettes.

   C. E-cigarettes are safer than traditional cigarettes.

   D. Teens are misled by e-cigarette advertisements.

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