
1.She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other,and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system. (P2)


① 本句是一个由 连接的并列复合句。

② 前一分句是一个复合句,主句是 She also discovered,后跟   引导的宾语从句。

③ 后一分荀是一个简单句,为主谓 宾补结构,work out their social system作宾语补足语。

[句意]她还发现了黑猩猩之间是 如何交流的,并且她对黑程程身势语的研究帮助她勾勒出黑猩猩的社会体系。



1.[分析]and; how

[仿写]Jack explained how the machine works,and he made us know its many uses.

   It seems we can 't get on the planet last enough. Two thirds of NAS As money is spent on manned space exploration,and that number will grow with the USA’s decision to send a man to Mars in 2037. We've seen all there is to see on Earth,right? Wrong. The final place is here,under the surface of the sea.

     Heading down into the ocean,human limits are quickly reached. At 200 metres,the water is as black as a moonless night. Most nuclear submariries (核潜艇) woutb implode (内爆) before they reach 1 km down. At 3 km — still less than the average depth of the ocean — there's a good chance that you’ 11 discover a new species. The deepest-diving whales go no further. At the very bottom,about 11 km down,lies the Challenger Deep,the deepest part of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. Eighteen humans have walked on the Moon,but only three have seen the Deep with their own eyes.

     Yet things live down there. Big things. A very loud sound was once heard and scientists suggested that it was produced by an animal bigger than a blue whale,the largest creature known on the planet.

     In the late 1990s,a deep-water submarine vas dropped in the Southern Ocean,and passing 1,000 metres,it discovered something huge assing under it. Surprised? Don't  be. The ocean :overs 70% of the planet's surface and we’ve itudied less than 5% of it. We know more about he dark side of the Moon than about the bottom the sea.

One reason that we explore space is to find evidence of other life forms. The search for life outside of Earth is important,but robots can look inder the dry rocks of Mars better than humans,rhey’ re absolutely important for doing ocean esearch too,but they can't look under the sea. rhe cost of exploration is rising,but the results kvould benefit all our lives. Understanding the  ceans will help us find new sources of food,drugs and energy.

    Perhaps now it's time to begin a new period df sea exploration. Manned exploration of space is fiction(科幻小说)Theadventure of the ieep sea is science fact.

6. What do the examples in Paragraph 2 suggest?

   A. Sea exploration is no easy task.

   B. Nuclear submarines need to be improved.

    C. The ocean is far deeper than people expected.

   D. The condition under the sea is similar to that on the Moon.

7. What do we know about the Challenger Deep?

   A. Blue whales live there.

   B. No one has ever been there.

   C. People are terrified by the sight of it.

   D. It is the deepest known location 6n Earth.

8. What does the author think of the discovery in the Southern Ocean?

   A. It's surprising.     B. It's no wonder.

   C. It's worrying.      D. It's no success.

9. Why do we need to explore the sea?

   A. Sea exploration is cheaper than ever before.

   B. We have explored less than 5% of the sea.

   C. It will help improve our future life.

   D. It will benefit space exploration.

10. What does the author want to tell us?

   A. Space exploration is of little,value.

   B. We spend too much money on space travel.

   C. Humans’ success lies in how much they explore the sea.

   D. The ocean is the place where we should make our efforts.


     Arx animal that is of great importance to the jOTlftieaifcem coast of Oman is the abalone,a shellfish that has become the center of the nation' s multi-million-dollar industry. Once,abalone shellfish were brought to the surface in the hope that their bodies had beautiful pearls. Today,the shellfish are caught for a' different reason —

restaurant menus!The fresh white shellfish has a pleasant taste and is the most highly valued product from Omani waters.

    Abalone live in shallow (浅的) sea waters. Young abalone live in small groups,holding on to the undersides of rocks,while the adults live in larger groups together in rocky cracks. They can only survive successfully in areas where cold,rich water rises from the sea bed. There,in the shallow,brightly lit conditions,the abalone shellfish live.

    The environmental requirements for cool water conditions are seldom met and,as a result,abalone fisheries worldwide are very restricted. Until recently,there was a three-year official order against abalone fishing in Oman and now fishing is only allowed from October 20 to November 15 each year.

       The coast of Dhofar in Oman is one of the friendly environments that support abalone populations. The southern coast of Oman experiences (季风) winds across the surface of the sea from April to September. As these winds blow across the surface,the rich cold water from the depths of the Arabian Sea can easily rise and move towards the coast.

     After the monsoon period,fishermen jump into the sea,reaching a depth of 10 meters. Groups of up to ten men search for abalone living on rocks and remove the shells using a knife,before coming up for air. A good fisherman searches for large adults and will get up to 600 abalone a day.

25. Why do Omani fishermen catch abalone nowa- nowadays?

   A. They are good pets.

   B. They are very delicious.

   C. There are pearls in their bodies.

   D. Their shells are beautiful and useful.

26. What do we know about abalone?

   A. They prefer the darkness.

   B. They live under the sea bed.

   C. They face bad rocky conditions.

   D. They need special environments.

27. What does the underlined word “restricted” in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. Strange. B. Controlled.

   C. Unpopular. D. Underdeveloped.

28. What influence do monsoon winds have on abalone?

   A. They are helpful for abalone's survival.

   B. They carry abalone to the surface.

   C. They bring abalone to the coast.

   D. They help abalone to move.

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