Once I saw an incident happening on a bus. A young man in smart trousers, which were dirtied by a 1 fish, met with such 2 ., “It doesn't matter. Give it a 3 and it goes.” 4 this, the young man replied, “Well, what you have said 5 have been my words. It 6 that I would have to 7 you for it!” Laughter burst out from all around them. Surely his 8 temper is praiseworthy; his 9 , however, is even more admirable. Humour has as great deal of appeal because of its “ 10 ” hand in a soft 11 , a clear firm idea passed over in a 12 way. The young man had 13 reason to feel angry when his clean 14 were made dirty, all the more so as the wrongdoer, lacking in 15 , did not even say a word of 16 Instead of bursting into 17 , which was quite 18 in such a situation, the young man used humor so that the woman was 19 in a good- natured way. This is indeed 20 noble and hard to come by.
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(1) D 根据下文可知是一名妇女弄脏了这个年轻人的裤子. (2) A “remark”意为“话语,回答”,下文中的直接引语恰恰是remark的内容. (3) C 洗一下污点就没了. (4) B at this 相当于hearing this,这里at是介词,at sth.是指“听到、看到……而……”的意思. (5) B should“应该”,该句指(这正是)我应该说的话. (6) C it seems that…为固定结构“看起来……样”指看起来应该(因为你所说的)感谢你. (7) D 根据上文的句意推测确定. (8) A good temper“好脾气”,bad temper“坏脾气”,此句应是好的脾气(小伙子的行为)值得表扬. (9) B 显而易见,小伙子的回答非常humor(幽默). (10) C (11) D iron(铁)hand in a soft glove(手套).“柔软的手套里面藏着硬指头” 指小伙子的回答“柔中带刚”. (12) C “以温柔的方式传递明确坚定的观点”这就是对上面一句话的解释. (13) B every 指“一切、所有”根据句意小伙子有任何原因(感觉愤怒).no 和little都为否定的意思,some这里意为“某一(原因)”,不合句意. (14) B 上文提到过. (15) D 这里指那位妇女缺乏manners(礼貌). (16) A a word of apology指道歉的话(她一句没说) (17) A (18) B 根据句意“小伙子用幽默代替愤怒(anger),即使愤怒也是可以理解的(understandable)”. (19) C be laughed at指“某人被嘲笑”;joke with sb.指“和某人开玩笑”.根据文章可知妇女(的行为)被嘲笑了. (20) C something noble指“某些高贵的事情”;everything指“所有事情”. |