
Last night I watched a play,an adaptation of a classic novel by George Bernard Shaw. The play's plot is very simple,but 1.        (就. 而言) its meaning,it is great. It shows us that the language we speak determines our life.

2.       (一般说来) ,our spoken language 3.        (显露出) our

4.        (身份) .In this play,the idea is fully proved. If a person from a lowclass is trained 5.        (适当地) in language,he or she will be 6.       (改变或胃充成) a highclass one. Professor Green,an expert in language,can 7.        (把分类) people by their own speech.  He makes his 8.        (相识) with a girl wearing dark garments and a woollen .scarf on the street.  He thinks her terrible English will 9.        (使.. 注定) her to the gutter to the end of her days. He asks her to attend his experiment. The girl 10.        (犹豫) for a moment and agrees. Professor Green doesn't treat her like dirt. When the girl opens her mouth,he finds that her grammar and pronunciation are 11.        (需要) being trained,so he decides to train her by beginning with the alphabet. After six months,his experiment gets an 12.        (显著的) outcome and the girl is employed as a shop assistant because of her authentic English. When the voices of the characters 13.        (渐渐模糊) ,the audience burst out applause. On the way home,when I recalled the play 14.        (再一次) ,I was determined to improve my spoken English and never make a 15.        (妥协) to any difficulties.

阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

It's one way for a weasel (黄鼠狼) to get around: taking a ride on the back of a woodpecker (啄木鸟) .In fact,the picture shows the bird's fight 44.        life after the flesheating weasel jumped onto its back and attacked it. The extraordinary picture was taken by Martin Le-May,an amateur 45.        ( photograph) who was out walking with his wife in Hornchurch Country Park,Essex.

  "As we walked we heard a painful noise and I saw the flash of green," said Mr Le-May,52. "We trained our telescope and it occurred that the woodpecker was 46.       (natural) jumping about like it was standing 47.       a hot surface. The bird was about 50m away from us and took off just as I lifted the camera up. Originally,I 48.        (think) I was just taking 49.        picture of a green woodpecker flying. Then I realized it had 50.        on its back.  Suddenly it was obvious it had a small creature on its back and this was a struggle for life."

  The bird was around two metres off the ground when Mr Le-May caught it on camera.   Happily,it managed 51.        (shake) off the weasel and fly up into the trees.

  The picture became a hot topic when it was circulated on social media,with some Twitter users 52.        (say) it could not be real. 53.        Matt Binstead,head keeper at the British Wildlife Centre,said, "You can tell it's a real photograph."

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