
 Is it all right to cheat? Most people would probably 1        no. Not ever!Cheating is 2       (excuse) , and it's not fair to the people 3        study hard.  But cheating 4 (definite) happens,and there are people who believe that it's no big deal to get the answers to a test beforehand. How can people feel 5        differently about something so serious?

The fact is that what seems serious to one person isn't a big issue to someone 6       . If your friend believes that she won't get into the university she wants to attend 7        she doesn't cheat a little on her exam,she might do it. In her opinion,no one is 8       (get) hurt,so it's OK. But another friend might feel that cheating is always 9       (fool) and wrong. He might tell his teacher about your friend who cheated. People's 10       (feel) about cheating are definitely different on this issue.

1.         2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.                  7.                                       8.         9.          10.         

1. say   2. inexcusable   3. who   4. definitely   5. so   6. else   7. if   8. getting   9. foolish   10. feelings


Reading can be fun,1       if your speed is not as fast as you'd like it to be. The average reading speed can range from 200 to 350 words per minute,but that speed can vary depending on your reading experience and the materials you are reading. It's also important to understand what you are reading―even when you improve your speed. Here are a few tips to help you become a better reader.

Adjust your reading speed as you read different materials. Slow down when the material is new to you or you need to understand the material fully. Speed up if you are already familiar with the material or 2       Another way to improve your reading speed is to focus on the key words in the sentences. A large amount of reading time is wasted on conjunctions,prepositions,or articles (i. e. a,an, the,but,and,etc.) .

Talk about what you've read. Some readers find that by talking about their reading with friends or fellow students,they are able to understand the material more effectively. Determine a reading schedule that works for you. You may find that you can't concentrate on the material for more than an hour (or a half hour) . 3      

4       it will slow down your reading speed. If you absolutely don't understand part of the reading selection,go back and review the material later.

Find a proper reading place,where interruptions or distractions will not disturb your reading. Practice. Practice. Practice. 5       Try out some of the above techniques,and then perfect the strategies that work best for you.

   A. Look up the new words when you are reading.

   B. Also select a time of the day when you are ready to read.

   C. but it can also be timeconsuming

   D. another good way is to analyze the sentences when the article is tough

   E. Don't reread right away;

   F. you don't have to understand it completely

   G. The best way to improve your reading speed is to practice reading.

1.       2.          3.                  4.          5.         .

There are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue (过度的) absorption (专注) in the past. There is no need to live in memories,in regrets for the good old days,or in sadness about friends who are dead. 1      ,and to things about which there is something to be done.

It is unwise to be too attached to the youth in hopes of sucking vigor from their vitality (活力) . 2      ,they want to live their own lives,and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young,you are likely to become a burden to them,unless they are cold to you.

I think a successful old age is easier for those who have strong impersonal interests involving proper activities. 3      ,both because they will not believe you,and because mistakes are an essential part of education. But if you are one of those who are incapable of impersonal interests,and you only concern yourself with your children and grandchildren,then you must realize that while you can still give them material services,such as making them an allowance,you must not expect that they will enjoy your company.

4       But in fact the best way is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal. An individual human's existence should be like a river―small at first,rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. 5      ,and the banks move back and in the end they become merged (融入) in the sea without any visible break.

The old man who can see life in this way will not suffer from the fear of growing old and death.

   A. Gradually the river grows wider

   B. When your children have grown up

   C. Family will always be the sweetest place.

   D. Some old people are afraid of death.

   E. One's thoughts must be directed to the future

   F. We should change ourselves to suit the world.

   G. It is no use telling children not to make mistakes 

1.                  2.         3.          4.          5.       

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