I’ve wanted to be an astronaut for as long as I can remember. My parents have always been very supportive and I have very specific memories of my mom telling me that I could become whatever I wanted,if I worked hard enough. I guess I took that to heart!I was also influenced by science fiction — by movies like Star Wars and by books!

   As I grew older,I came to realize how difficult it would be to achieve this dream,but my passion for human spaceflight,the desire to explore,and the challenge of it all kept the dream alive.

   I truly feel like books and reading have been fundamental to my success. First of all,books are fiin to read. Space history and science fiction captured my imagination and challenged me to pursue my goals. More importantly,books are a conduit(导管) for knowledge. While I consistently read for enjoyment,I also had to read to learn.

   I like to compare reading to rocket fuel. You can't launch(发射) a rocket without fuel and it is difficult to be successful without strong reading skills.

   My love of science fiction played a huge role in my desire to be an astronaut. Some authors,like Kim Stanley Robinson,describe the fundamental difficulties with living and working in space. I think I am drawn to science fiction because it paints a picture of what the future may hold. Authors can thrill us with their speculation(猜想) of how we might live,work and travel in the future,and what challenges might lie ahead.

   Reading has been a huge part of my life,for both enjoyment and work. I want to share that joy and the success it can bring!

   My kids love to read. My daughter loves animals,so she likes some nonfiction,but she is a big fan of science fiction,too. My boys like to read about superheroes. Their love of reading is no accident — we love to read together as a family and we make regular trips to our local library.

1. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

   A. The author's love for his parents.

   B. The author's mom's encouragement.

   C. The author's interest in science fiction.

   D. The author's dream of becoming an astronaut.

2. As the author grew up,he.

   A. gave up on his dream

   B. kept his dream a secret

   C. became realistic about his dream

   D. realized the importance of dreams

3. Rocket fuel is mentioned to .

   A. explain how to realize a dream

   B. stress the importance of reading

   C. show how difficult it is to succeed

   D. describe an astronaut's amazing life

4. What is the author's attitude towards science fiction?

   A. Critical. B. Worried.

   C. Doubtful. D. Interested.

5. The author's kids enjoy reading .

   A. thanks to their school teachers

   B. since they live near a local library

   C. because of their home environment

   D. because they are very good at reading

   Many years,ago,A1 Capone owned Chicago. Capone wasn't 1 for anything heroic but for cruelty (残暴) .

   Capone had a 2 named “Easy Eddie." Eddie was very good!In fact,Eddie's skill at legal tricks kept Capone out of 3 for a long time.

   To show his 4 , Capone paid him very well. Not only was the money big,but Eddie got special 5 as well. For instance,iie and his family occupied a large house with live-in help and all of the conveniences of the day.

   Eddie lived a(n) 6 life and gave little consideration to the 7 that went on around him. 8 Eddie did have one soft spot. He had a son,whom he loved dearly. Eddie 9 that his young son had clothes,cars,and a good education.

   And,10 his involvement with organized crime,Eddie even 11 to teach his son right from wrong. Eddie wanted his son to be a 12 man than he was.

   Yet,with all his 13 and influence,there were two things he couldn't give his son: he couldn't pass on a good name or a good 14 .

   One day,Easy Eddie reached a 15 decision. He wanted to right those wrongs he had done. He decided he would go to the authorities and tell the 16 about A1 Capone,clean up his 17 name,and teach his son about integrity (正直) . To do this,he would have to testify (作证) against Capone,and he knew that the 18 would be great. But he testified.

   Within the year,Easy Eddie's 19 ended in a burst of gunfire on a lonely Chicago street. But in his eyes,he had given his son the 20 gift he had to offer,even at the heaviest cost he could ever pay.

1. A. ready   B. famous   C. anxious   D. thankful

2. A. friend   B. son   C. servant   D. lawyer

3. A. the city   B. the country   C. prison   D. control 

4. A. respect   B. regret   C. achievement   D. appreciation 

5. A. rewards   B. favors    C. chances   D. responsibilities 

6. A. lonely   B. active   C. enjoyable   D. peaceful 

7. A. cruelty   B. fight   C. show   D. shame

8. A. So   B. But   C. Because   D. Or

9. A. worried   B. believed   C. found out   D. made sure 

10. A. in spite of   B. due to   C. in addition to   D. instead of 

11. A. agreed   B. refused   C. tried   D. forgot 

12. A. smarter   B. better   C. richer   D. stronger 

13. A. happiness   B. luck   C. knowledge   D. wealth

14. A. example   B. explanation   C. lesson   D. plan

15. A. quick   B. final   C. sensible   D. difficult

16. A. story   B. truth   C. news   D. discovery

17. A. popular   B. professional   C. big   D. bad

18. A. profit   B. praise   C. cost   D. waste

19. A. career   B. life   C. adventure   D. love 

20. A. greatest    B.kindest     C. most powerful   D. most generous

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