JAKARTA, INDONESIA - Walking with long steps and his smile lighting up a rainy afternoon, Barack Obama seems to have arrived to visit a school he attended as a boy. But wait. He's not real Obama. The US president is back in Washington, D. C.

    So who is this guy? He's llham Anas, 34, a magazine photographer who has taken advantage of his perfect resemblance(相像) to Obama and turned it into his own wealth.

    When his sister first mentioned the resemblance, Anas dismissed it. Then a friend asked him to pose as Obama in front of a US flag. He also refused. "I'm a photographer, not an object for the camera," he said.

    However, as soon as he accepted the idea, his career took off. Recently a group of reporters followed him on a tour of the school Obama once attended. Anas sat in the classroom where the present US president once studied. He spoke a few lines in English. The moment he opened his mouth, however, the differences became clear. “Obama is a baritone (男中音) ,” Anas said.  “I'm not. I sound like a little boy.” He is also shorter than the president, but he makes up for that by practicing Obama's actions.    

    He says he has made a request to meet President Obama when he arrives, but he hasn't heard back from the president' s schedules. Now he no longer sees an average guy. Now he sees a superstar.

   Now, Anas hopes that Obama will win a second term in the White House. “The longer he's in office, the longer my fame will last,” he said.

What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Anas also thought he looked like Obama.   

B. Anas was satisfied with his sister's comment.

C. Anas didn't think about the resemblance seriously.

D. Anas didn' t understand what his sister talked about.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Obama has met Anas once in Indonesia.

B. Anas didn't become rich until he got to know Obama.

C. Obama studied in Indonesia when he was young.

D. Anas is a baritone but he can sound like a little boy.

We can learn from the passage that Anas now ______ .

A. longs for a simple life             B. is proud of his appearance

C. keeps in touch with Obama         D. wants to become a politician

Why does Anas hope Obama will be president in the next term?

A. He is a supporter of Obama.         B. He hopes Obama will see him.

C. He wants to be famous for longer.     D. He thinks Obama is a great politician.

What would be the best title for the passage?

A. An Obama Lookalike Becomes Popular in Asia

B. Obama Visits His Old School in Indonesia   

C. A Man Practices Obama’s Typical Actions

D. Obama’s Face and Smile to Be Seen on TV

Write a winning story!

       You could win £1,000 in this year’s Fiction Prize and have your story printed in Keep Writing magazine. Ten other lucky people will win a cheque for £100.

       Once again, we need people who can write good stories. The judges, who include Mary Littlejohn, the novelist, Michael Brown, the television reporter, and Susan Hitchins, the editor of Keep Writing, are looking for interesting and original stories. Detective fiction was extremely popular last year, although the competition winner produced a love story. You can write down about whatever you want but here’s some advice to start your thinking:

       Write about what you know

       This is the advice which every writer should pay attention to and, last year, nearly everyone who wrote for us did exactly that. Love, family, problems with friends ---- these were the main subjects of the stories. However, you need to turn ordinary situations into something interesting that people will want to read about. Make the reader want to continue reading by writing about ordinary things in a new and surprising way.

       Get your facts right

       It’s no good giving a description of a town or explaining how a jet engine works if you get it wrong. So avoid writing anything unless you’re certain about it.

       Hold the reader’s attention

       Make the beginning interesting and the ending a surprise. There is nothing worse than a poor ending. Develop the story carefully and try to think of something unusual happening at the end.

       Think about the characters

       Try to bring the people in your story alive for the reader by using well-chosen words to make them seem real.

       Your story must be your own work, between 2,000 and 2,5000 words and typed, double-spaced, on one side only of each sheet of paper.

       Even if you’re in danger of missing the closing date, we are unable to accept stories by fax or email. You must include the application form with your story. Unfortunately your story cannot be returned, nor can we discuss our decisions.

       You should not have had any fiction printed in any magazine or book in this country ---- a change in the rules by popular request ---- and the story must not have happened in print or in recorded form, for example on radio or TV, anywhere in the world.

       Your fee of £5 will go to the Writers’ Association. Make your cheque payable to Keep Writing and send it with the application form and your story to:

       Keep Writing

       75 Broad Street Birmingham

       B12 4TG

       The closing date is 30 July and we will inform the winner within one month of this date. Please note that if you win, you must agree to have your story printed in our magazine.

1.How should writers deal with ordinary situations while writing?

A. They should make them appealing to readers.  

B. They should copy others’ ideas.

C. They should change some facts to make them interesting. 

D. They should describe them as they are.

2.What shouldn’t a writer do?

 A. Making the contents interesting. 

B. Getting the facts right.

C. Meeting the deadline. 

D. Making the end ordinary.

3.Writers should present their works in the following ways except that ____________.

A. they should write originally

B. they can type their stories as they like

C. they should follow some rules

D. they should hand in their stories in time

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Late stories can be faxed if necessary.                            

B. Entry needs no fee.

C. Winners can have their stories printed in other magazines.  

D. All stories should be presented by mail



Insistence or Giving up

There is a battle in our daily life. Two forces are fighting with each other again and again. They never stop until you are buried in the earth. We called them insistence and giving up. They are like twins. One is angle, and the other is a demon..

As we all know, we want to pass the CET-4. So we get our own strategy. First of all, I am bound to master five thousand vocabularies. Second, I will write an article every week which is at least two hundred words. Then I will read at least two English articles, make more friends with foreigners for learning native English, and listening to some English news broadcast every day.

Nevertheless, according to my strategy, the first day, I should wake up at 6 a.m. to memorize at least twenty words. The alarm clock rings for me; I should get rid of my bed in order to study. Suddenly, “Giving up” came and whispered to me. “What about a five-minute prolong sleeping? How soft, comfortable this bed is! But Ms Insistence urged me, “Don’t listen to him; Come on, let’s carry out our plan.” Her voice is sweet, but not what I need.

Time flies! If we can’t seize every opportunity to appreciate time, Mr. Giving up will win all the time. Insistence of your plan, your dream may not be accomplished successfully, but giving up, you are sure to fail in life. (237w)


有些人做事有时候缺乏持之以恒的毅力。请就“坚持” 还是 “放弃”的话题发表你自己的看法,内容要点包括:

1 以约30个词概括阅读材料的要点;

2 请选择一个角度,用你自己或朋友的经历,以约120个词谈谈自己的观点,内容包括:








P:Peter       J:Jimmy

Peter is talking with Jimmy about the just finished match between L.A Lakers and Miami Heats on Christmas Eve, in 2010

P: Hey, Jimmy, watched the game between Lakers and Heats?

J: Certainly. It was really an 1.a_____ fantastic game. My Heats beat L.A.

P: Your Heats? I remembered you were a fan of the Cavaliers.

J: To be exact, a fan of Lebron James. Since James joined the Heats, I also changed my range, which is undoubtedly logical. By the way, which team do you 2.p_____ will win the title of 3.c_____ this season?

P: I think the Lakers will do

J:I don’t 4.a_____ of you. I strongly believe the title must go to the Heats. As you can see, the present Heats possesses the super “BIG THREE”, James is good at scoring. Wade is an expert in penetration(带球突破) and Chris Bosh can 5.d______ backboard(篮板)

P:Maybe you are right. But I am afraid you 6.l_____ out the 7.e______ element(因素) in winning a basketball game---- team work. After all, basketball is not an 8.i_____ game.

J:Apart from the “BIG Three”, there are quantities of excellent bench players available such as Dampier, Arios Arroyo, Eddie House and so on. I see no reason why the Heats can’t 9.p_____ the NBA

P: I still have a preference for the Lakes. Compared to the Heats, the Lakers has a more mature(成熟的) play. And as long as there is Kobe, there is victory. On the other hand, we should not forget that other teams are making rapid progress like the Thunder led by Kelvin Durant,the Celtics and the Magics. They all have the 10.p____ to challenge our teams.


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