Once there were two brothers,John and Tom,whose father died. They divided the land in half. Over time,the older brother John married and had six children,while the younger brother Tom never married.

One night,Tom lay awake. "It's not fair that each of us has half the land to farm," he thought. "My brother has six children to feed and I have none. He should have more grain than I do."

So that night Tom went to his silo,gathered a large bag of wheat,and climbed the hill that separated the two farms and over to his brother's farm. Leaving the wheat in John's silo,he re?turned home,pleased.

Earlier that very same night,John was also thinking , " In my old age my wife and I will have our grown children to take care of us,while my brother will probably have none. He should at least sell more grain from the fields now so he can provide for himself with dignity in his old age."

So that night,too,he did the same as Tom..

The next morning,Tom was surprised to see the amount of grain in his silo unchanged. "I can not have taken as much wheat as I thought," he said,confused. "Tonight I'll be sure to take more."So it was the same with John.

After night fell,each brother did the same thing as last night. The next morning,the brothers were again puzzled at the unchanged silo. But they decided to do it again.

The third night,each brother gathered a large pile of wheat,and went to his brother's silo. At the top of the hill,under the shadow of the moon,each brother noticed a figure in the dis?tance.

Who could it be?

(   ) 5. Why did Tom think it's unfair for him to have half the land?

   A. Because his brother had a big family to support on half the land.

   B. Because he wanted to get more land,for he was younger.

   C. Because his parents loved his brother more than him.

   D. Because his brother had six children to help farm the land.

(   ) 6. What call we learn from the passage?

   A. Tom stole a large bag of wheat from John's.

   B. Both of the two brothers did the same thing that night.

   C. Tom was disappointed to see the grain stolen.

   D. The brothers decided to sell their grains in their own way.

(   ) 7. When the two brothers found the unchanged grain,they felt         .

   A. disappointed   B. frightened

   C. confused   D. pleased

(   ) 8. The author writes this passage in order to         .

   A. tell us a story about the two brothers

   B. introduce the two brothers' wisdom

   C. bring out an interesting topic

   D. present the brotherhood between them

 Doctors commonly view too much daytime sleepiness as a most important sign of disturbed or inadequate sleep. But a new study suggests it could also signal depression or even diabetes (糖尿病) ,regardless of whether an individual doesn't sleep well.

  Among a random sample of 16,500 men and women ranging in age from 20 to 100 years old from central Pennsylvania,8. 7 percent had too much daytime sleepiness.

Researchers,who considered a wide range of possible reasons for why these individuals were over sleepy during the daytime,found that too much daytime sleepiness was more strongly associated with depression and obesity (过度肥胖) or metabolic (新陈代谢的) factors than with sleepdisordered breathing or sleep disruption.

  Depression was by far the most significant risk factor for too much daytime sleepiness,they report in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. The possibility of being over sleepy during the daytime was more than three times higher in those who reported they were being treated for depression.

  T he investigators also observed strong ties between too much daytime sleepiness and diabetes. Individuals reporting treatment for diabetes were close to two times more likely to report too much daytime sleepiness than those who were not being treated for diabetes.

  Being overweight also increased the possibility of too much daytime sleepiness.

Too much daytime sleepiness was more common in people younger than age 30 ,a finding that hints at the presence of unmet sleep needs and depression,and in the over-75 crowd,suggesting increasing medical illness and health problems,they explain.

Smoking also appeared as a risk factor for too much daytime sleepiness,a link that hasn't been shown before. It could be that smokers use nicotine which can make people more active for a time to selftreat their daytime sleepiness,the authors suggest.

  Sleep apnea (呼吸暂停) was not a significant player in too much daytime sleepiness. This is in agreement with former studies that have reported only weak associations between sleep apnea and too much daytime sleepiness.

  The authors conclude that adults bothered by too mtich daytime sleepiness should be thoroughly evaluated for depression and diabetes,regardless of whether or not sleepdisordered breathing is present.

(   ) 1. Which of the following is more likely to cause too much daytime sleepiness?

   A. Smoking. B. Obesity.

   C. Depression. D. Disturbed sleep.

(   ) 2. Which of the following statements is right?

   A. Smoking can help people selftreat their daytime sleepiness.

   B. Too much daytime sleepiness doesn't necessarily result from inadequate sleep.

   C. People who suffer from depression are twice more likely to be over sleepy.

   D. People under 30 who are over sleepy during the daytime are most likely over?weighted.

(   ) 3. We can learn from paragraph eight that         .

   A. smoking may cause people to become more sleepy

   B. many people can selftreat their daytime sleepiness

   C. doctors didn't know the side effects of smoking before

   D. nicotine can make people more active during the daytime

(   ) 4. As a conclusion the writer tells us that if we have too much daytime sleepiness we should         .

   A. cut down the amount of smoking cigarettes

   B. go to some specialist without delay

   C. ignore it as it is a very common phenomenon

   D. do more exercise to reduce sleepiness

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