Statistically, air travel is by far the safest way to travel, and you can make flying even safer, just by following these simple rules. As your chances of being involved in an air accident are practically nil(零), many of these tips concern what you should and shouldn't do to make your journey safer when you are airborne(升空的).

● Fly on non-stop routes

Most accidents occur during the takeoff, climb, descent and landing phases of a flight, so flying non-stop reduces your exposure to these complex procedures.

● Choose larger aircraft.

Although small aircraft have very good safety records, those with more than 30 passenger seats are designed to comply(遵守)with much stricter regulations and are tested more regularly to make sure they still comply. Also, in the unlikely event of a serious accident, larger aircraft provide a better opportunity for passenger survival.

● Pay attention to the pre-flight safety briefing

The information may seem repetitious(重复的), but it's worth listening to the flight attendants. And even if you’ve flown before, it doesn’t mean you know everything about the aircraft you're on, such as the location of the closest emergency exit.

● Store things safely

Never put very heavy articles in the overhead storage bins. They may fall out when someone opens the bin and cause injury. Also, the bin may not be able to hold heavier objects during turbulence(气流).

● Keep our seat belt fastened while you are seated

Cabin crew always tell you this, but it’s important. You would be seriously injured if the plane hits unexpected turbulence. Always fasten your seat belt if you are told to. The general rule of flying is this: If you are told to do something, do it first and ask questions later.

● Let the flight attendant pour your hot drinks

Flight attendants are trained to handle hot drinks like coffee or tea in a crowded aisle on a moving aircraft, so allow them to pour the drink and hand it to you. Never ask to take a coffee pot from one of them.

What is the overall reason for these air safety tips?

A. What to do in the event of a crash.

B. How to avoid turbulence.

C. How to improve safety while you are flying.

D. How to avoid injury.

The underlined word “those” in the second tip refers to ____

A. smaller planes         B. passengers

C. larger aircraft  D. safety records

The underlined phrase “The general rule” in the fifth tip refers to ____.

A. anything the flight staff tell you to do  B. general safety advice

C. walking around the plane              D. pouring hot drinks

Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Larger planes have more safety checks and are safer in an accident.

B. Take-offs are safer on non-stop flights than landings.

C. Every aircraft is different, so the safety procedures may be different.

D. Seat belts should be worn to protect against turbulence.

The best title of the passage should be____.

A. The Safest Way to Travel       B. Air Safety Tips

C. Non-stop Routes              D. How to Fly a Plane

Do you remember last summer, when angry travelers were urging the government to do something about airline customer service? Airlines  36  to improve, and they adopted (采用) new standards just before Christmas.  37  as another summer nears, plenty of  38  travelers don’t see much improvement in customer  39  overall.
This month, the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) office will publish its first critical  40  on whether airlines are  41  their promises. One survey suggests problems: the number of  42  to the DOT about the top 10 airlines in the first   43  rose 89% from a year ago .
Hit last summer by passenger complaints and the threat (威慑) of consumer-protection laws by the    44 _, 14 airlines  45  to adopt a set of basic customer-service standards called Customers First . The “12 promises” to passengers were introduced  46  a major effort to improve service. Since then, airlines have been redesigning websites , retraining employees and upgrading technology
Recently, DOT inspector general Kenneth Mead, at McCain’s request, sent 20 examiners to airports to     47  whether each airline is doing what it promised. Mead warns travelers shouldn’t  48  too much. Most of the promises are  49  better communication with customers , not problems with flights .
“Passengers should show more understanding to airlines about their  50  to better air service.” Spokeswoman Shelly Sassoon says. “And when  51  are made, it takes a long time for them to be noticed,” she says.
Now, the efforts may be working. During the first quarter, Delta had the second-lowest rate of complaints among the  52  10 carriers.  53 , its rate, along with other carriers’, is up from last year. McCain and other lawmakers say there may be a  54  to pass new consumer-protection  55 .

A.promised B.managed C.hoped D.refused
A.So B.But C.Merely D.Even
A.skilled B.experienced C.tired D.puzzled
A.flight B.opinion C.service
【小题5】 B.information C.doubt D.article
A.honoring B.making D.improving
A.problems C.passengers D.complaints
A.quarter B.yearC.month D.summer
A.customer C.government D.public
A.wished B.agreedC.remembered D.failed
【小题11】 B.for
A.explain B.discuss D.check
【小题13】 B.expect C.complain D.suggest
A.aimed at B.considered as C.joined to D.made from
A.difficulty B.situation C.reality D.efforts
A.suggestions B.rules C.decisions D.improvements
A.large B.first D.bad
A.StillB.ThereforeC.Instead D.Meanwhile
A.possibility B.need C.chance D.use
A.examinations B.service C.laws D.reports

We all know that everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older, but men's minds decline(衰退) more than women's, according to the results of a worldwide survey.
General differences seem to be inherent in male and female brains: Men are better at maintaining and dealing with mental images (useful in mathematical reasoning and spatial skills), while women tend to excel (擅长) at recalling information from their brain's files. Many studies have looked for a connection between sex and the amount of mental decline people experience as they age, but the results have been mixed. Some studies found more age-related decline in men than in women, while others saw the opposite or even no relationship at all between sex and mental decline. Those results could be improper because the studies involved older people, and women live longer than men: The men tested are the survivors, "so they're the ones that may not have shown such cognitive decline," said study team leader Elizabeth of the University of Warwick in England.
Scientists surveyed completed four tasks that tested sex-related cognitive skills: matching an object to its rotated form, matching lines shown from the same angle, typing as many words in a particular category (范畴) as possible in the given time, e.g. "object usually colored gray", and recalling the location of objects in a line drawing. The first two were tasks at which men usually excel; the latter are typically dominated by women. Within each age group studied, men and women performed better in their separate categories on average. And though performance declined with age for both genders, women showed obviously less decline than men overall.
49.According to the passage, which of the following can NOT be typed into the same category?                 B.sheep                 C.trees                  D.goose
50.Which of the following statements is true according the article?
A.Men do better than women when it comes to learning English.
B.Women stand out at remembering people’s names.
C.Men excel at typing as many words in a particular category as possible in the given time.
D.Women excel at dealing mathematic problems.
51.One important factor that affects the correctness of the results is that _________.
A.the old men tested may not have shown such cognitive decline
B.people surveyed are all old
C.people taking part in this test came from all over the world
D.women live longer than men
52.The author aims to tell us that __________.
A.women’s minds perform better than men’s’s minds decline more with age
C.everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older
D.a survey on human’s mind decline was done recently

A firm handshake is key to interview success. As any serious job-hunter knows, it helps to dress smartly and smile at that all-important interview. But research has showed that a firm handshake is what really matters when it comes to impressing potential employers.
The US research looked at 98 undergraduates taking part in mock (模拟) interviews with businesses. As each undergraduate was graded on their overall performance, five "handshake raters" also marked them on their grasp, strength, duration, vigor and eye contact.
Professor Greg Stewart, from the University of Iowa, who led the study, said those who scored highly with the handshake raters were also considered to be the most hirable by the interviewers. Students with " wimpy" shakes were judged to be more timid and less impressive.
The study also found women with a firm handshake were likely to be evaluated more favorably than their male counterparts.
Professor Stewart said: "We've always heard that interviewers make up their mind about a person in the first two or three minutes of an interview. But we found that the first impression begins with a handshake that sets the tone for the rest of the interview. We don't consciously remember a person's handshake but it is one of the first non-verbal clues we get about the person's overall personality, and that impression is what we remember."
Women were less likely to have a highly rated handshake, partly because traditionally they shake hands less than men. But when women did possess a firm handshake, they were likely to be evaluated more favorably than their male counterparts.
Body language experts warn, however, that the firmness needs to be just right, - as an over enthusiastic "bone crusher" handshake can indicate self-importance, a controlling personality and a lack of trustworthiness.
The handshake is thought to have originated in medieval Europe as a way for kings and knights to show that they did not intend to harm each other and possessed no hidden weapons.
【小题1】The passage is probably intended for ______.

A.job-hunters undergraduate C.employers D.handshake raters
【小题2】From the first paragraph we know that in an interview ______.
A.dressing smartly is more important than a firm handshake has no effect on impressing potential employers
C.a firm handshake is more important than dressing smartly, and smile
D.dressing smartly, smile and a firm handshake are of the same importance
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The firmer your handshake is the better impression you leave.
B.The undergraduates without a firm handshake are thought to be less impressive.
C.Generally speaking, women shake hands less with others.
D.It's said that the handshake dates back to medieval Europe.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Women with a firm handshake were likely to leave a better impression than men.
B.A successful job interview starts with a firm handshake.
C.Dressing, smile and a firm handshake are all important to a successful job interview.
D.Job interview success depends on interviewees' body language.

Plants have family values, too; it seems, with new research suggesting they can recognize close relatives in order to work together.
An ability to tell family from strangers is well known in animals, allowing them to cooperate and share resources, but plants may possess similar social skills, scientists believe.
Susan Dudley and Amanda File of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, report they have demonstrated for the first time that plants can recognize their kin.
This suggests that plants, though lacking recognition and memory, are capable of complex social interactions.
“Plants have this kind of hidden but complicated social life,” Dudley said.
The study found plants from the same species of beach­-dwelling wildflower grew aggressively alongside unrelated neighbors but were less competitive when they shared soil with their families.
Sea rocket, a North American species, showed stronger and healthier root growth when planted in pots with strangers than when raised with relatives from the same maternal(母系的) family, the study found.
This is an example of kin selection, a behavior common in animals in which closely related individuals take a group approach to succeeding in their environment, the researchers said.
Kin selection also applies to competition, because if family members compete less with each other, the group will do better overall. “Everywhere you look, plants are growing right up next to other plants,” Dudley said,“ Usually it’s a case of each plant for itself. But sometimes those plants are related, and there are benefits to not wasting resources on being competitive, and there is not really a cost to not being competitive as long as your neighbor is also not being competitive.”
Learning and memory appear to be important for kin recognition in animals, but this isn’t an option for plants, she noted.
Some researchers speculate(猜测) that plants communicate through their roots, identifying themselves using tiny chemical signatures specific to each plant’s family.
【小题1】What’s the main idea of the message?

A.Studies find plants can recognize, communicate with relatives.
B.Kin selection is important for plants.
C.Animals can recognize and memorize their relatives.
D.Competition asks plants to recognize their relatives.
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT right about animals’ social skill?
A.Animals can recognize and memorize their relatives.
B.Animals’ social skill is to cooperate and share resources.
C.Animals’ social skill can recognize close relatives in order to work together.
D.Animals’ social skill is no use at all.
【小题3】Plants’ kin selection is to ________.
A.grow wellB.compete with other kinds of plants
C.strengthen the relationship among siblingsD.find which one is the best
【小题4】From the passage,we learn that ________.
A.sea rocket is a South American species
B.sea rocket grows aggressively alongside unrelated neighbors
C.sea rocket grows aggressively alongside its siblings
D.sea rocket is a kind of bush without flowers
【小题5】How can the plants communicate with each other according to experts’ suppose?
A.Plants communicate by using tiny chemical signatures specific to each plant’s family.
B.Plants communicate with each other through their roots.
C.Plants communicate with each other by their leaves.
D.Plants communicate with each other with their flowers.

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