
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


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            I grew up in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania with my mother and elder sister. While we weren't rich,my mother managed to provide us with more than we needed and quite a bit of what we wanted. We had ups and downs,but mostly ups. One of my mother's favorite things to say was, “Well,try it and see." As a carefUl little girl,her words didn't do much to make me a real explorer of anything other than good books. However,my mother's  words encouraging me to try harder,to climb and to reach new heights finally worked one day.

           In December,2015,I had the extreme pleasure of visiting the South Pole,Antarctica to be exact. I once thought it would be the last place on the earth that I'd  ever visit. First of all,I didn't vacation in a cold place. Second,if I did,it would be more like a lodge(乡间小屋) on a mountain with a hot bathtub and a warm fire. But I went there.

          It was a ten-day cruise that .produced more highs than I could have ever imagined. It was the longest time I'd ever been away from my children. I missed them so much that I had a few mild meltdowns(崩溃) ,but I recovered quickly after seeing a family of four crabeater seals swim right up below my deck. Somehow that moment of missing my children was soothed(抚慰) by God's wonderful works.

          When I reached the highest point of Cuverville Island, after a scary and long trip up,I felt I had done something very meaningful. It was a journey for moms,for new entrepreneurs(企业家) and for the little girls who would dream bigger and do better because we showed them they could.

1. When the author was young,her mother liked .

   A. reading books   B. complaining a lot

   C. encouraging her   D. exploring new places

2. What did the author once show no interest in?

   A. Going on vacation.  B. Going to Antarctica.

   C. Getting new things. D. Reading good books.

3. How did the author react when seeing the four crabeater seals?

   A. She felt a lot better.

   B. She burst into tears.

   C. She wanted to touch them.

   D. She missed her children even more.

4. What did the author think of her journey?

   A. Costly.     B. Relaxing.

   C. Inspiring.  D. Disappointing.

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C



1. C.细节理解题。根据第一段中的One of my mother's favorite things to say was ,“Well,try it and see.”和 my mother,s words encouraging me to try harder可知,妈妈喜欢鼓励作者。.

2. B.细节理解题。根据第二段中的I once thought it would be the last place on the earth that V d ever visit可知,作者以前对去南极洲旅行并不感兴趣。

3. A.推理判断题。根据第三段中的Somehow that moment of missing my children was soothed by God's wonderful works可推知,看细那一幕作者心 里好受多了。

4. C.推理判断题。根据末段中的It was a journey for moms,for new entrepreneurs and for the little girls who would dream bigger and do better because we showed.them they could可知,作者觉得这次旅行经历很鼓人心。




         You can tell a lot about people by looking at their hair 一 not just whether they brush,spray,or blow-dry. Scientists have found a way to use hair to figure out where a person is from and where that person has been. The fTnding could help solve crimes among other useful applications.

          Water is central to the new technique. The liquid makes up more than half an adult human's body weight. Our bodies break water down into hydrogen (氢) and oxygen. Atoms of these two elements end up in our tissues,fingernails,and hair.

           But not all Water is the same. Hydrogen and oxygen atoms can vary in how much they weigh. In the case of hydrogen,for example,there are three types according to their weights. Each type is called a hydrogen isotope (同位素) .And depending on where you live,tap water contains different isotopes.

            Can hair record this information? That's what James R. Ehleringer,an environmental chemist at the University of Utah,wondered. To find it out,he and his colleagues collected hair from hair stylists in 65 cities in 18  states across the United States. Even though people drink a lot of bottled water these days,the researchers have found that people's hair has the same isotopes as found in the local tap water. That's  probably because- people usually prepare their food with the local water.

            Authorities can now use the information to analyze hair samples from criminals,or crime victims and to narrow their search for clues. For example,one hair sample used in Ehleringer's study came from a.man who had moved from San Francisco to Salt Lake City. As his hair grew,it reflected his change in location.

5. What do we know about the hydrogen isotopes,according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. They are classified by^?ize.

   B. Each type of them differs in weight.

   C. They can improve the quality of tap water.

   D. Some of them cannot combine with oxygen.

6. Why is it possible to know where people are from by analyzing their Hkir?

   A. People use the same bottled water.

   B. People wash their hair in different ways.

   C. People's hair is affected by the weather of the places they stay.

   D. People's hair indicates the type of water in the places they stay.

7. The last paragraph is mainly to show .

   A. how to recognize criminals

   B. how to collect hair samples

   C. the usefulness of hair analysis

   D. the process of Ehleringer's study

8. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A lesson plan.       B. A news report.

   C. A physics textbook.  D. A tourist guidebook.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


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           Brandon Paulin is the top official in the town of Indian Head even though he is only 19 years old. Mr. Paulin started the job in May,and his first goal is to recover the business in the town. The area includes small businesses,old homes on tree-lined streets,and new townhouses along the highway. It is about an hour’ s drive to Washington. About'4,000 people live there. But on the way to the capital,the highway passes the remains of closed businesses. The shops failed largely because of competition from shopping centers in larger cities.

           Mr. Paulin says when some people drive into Indian Head and see the empty buildings,they just turn around and leave. He hopes to return the town to a friendly, successful place where people want to live and visit. “Many years ago,Indian Head was a booming town,and that's  what I want to get back,“he said.

           Right now,people who own the old empty buildings are permitted to use their p’rapeW/es (财产) to reduce their taxes. Mr. Paulin wants to change the situation. He plans to charge owners a fee for their empty buildings,and to increase the cost every year. Only in that way will owners hurry to establish a new business. The owner of a local food store,Kelly Murphy, says, “Mr. Paulin's age doesn’t  bother me. I know he's excited,and when we get around,him,we feel excited,too. We haven’t felt like that for many years in this town."

            Mr. Paulin began participating in city politics when he was ten years old. At that time,he urged town officials to put on signs urging drivers to be aware of pedestrians. Mr. Paulin succeeded. Since then,he has been involved in the town government.

            As a mayor,Mr. Paulin earns $6,000 a year. In comparison ,most U.S. legislators (立法委员) earn an average salary of about $40,000 a year. Mr. Paulin lives at home and takes college classes online. His mother,Wendy Paulin,says her soil accepts challenges and works on problems until he has a solution.

1. According to the text,Brandon Paulin's ambition is to.

   A. start a business in Indian Head

   B. reduce the taxes of Indian Head

   C. make Indian Head a booming town again

   D. build a lot of townhouses along the highway

2. Why does Brandon Paulin plan to charge for empty buildings?

   A. To introduce a new property tax.

   B. To help the owners repair the buildings.

   C. To follow the examples set by large cities.

   D. To encourage the owners to start their business.

3. What's Kelly Murphy's attitude towards Brandon Paulin? 

   A. Positive. B. Critical.

   C. Worried. D. Sympathetic.

4. We can learn from the last two paragraphs that Brandon Paulin .

   A. became active in politics as a boy

   B. takes his income seriously as a mayor

   C. earns more than most U.S. legislators a year

   D. thinks it is a challenge to take college classes



          The “e”in e-sports stands for electronic. Instead of playing physical games,people play games on a computer. Most of these games are played on the Internet.

          People love e-sports for the same reasons as people love many other sports. The competition is fun. The play is exciting to watch. The players are highly skilled. However,people like e-sports for another key reason. The sport of video games creates new,exciting worlds. In the games,people can do things that they cannot do in normal life.

          South Korea is the global center for professional e-sports. In South Korea,places called PC Bangs are Very popular. They usually have one big room filled with many computers. There are no windows. People pay to play the games. They can also buy energy drinks and food. Young people spend many hours there.

          Many people are concerned about the problems that can come with e-sports. One main problem is technology addiction (瘾) . Young people can especially play so many games that they cannot stop. Some experts believe that half of South Korean children have problems because of using computers and the Internet too much. Therefore,the South Korean government made a special Shutdown Law in 2011. According to the law,children under 16 are not permitted to use the Internet between midnight and six in the morning. Today,parents are responsible for setting rules for their own children. Also,the government established technology addiction treatment centers,which treat millions of people every year.

         One of the biggest problems in e-sports is drugs. Many players often take drugs to improve their performance. However,using drugs can be very dangerous. Bjoem Franzen worked in the e-sport business for many years. He wrote in his blog, “Using drugs in e-sports is one of the industry’s  secrets. It is a natural thing for some League of Legends players to take different kinds of drugs before a game. They will even do this to extend their training for a few extra hours.”

5. According to Paragraph 2, people are more attracted by e-sports particularly because .

   A. it is creative

   B. it is full of competition

   C. it has no time limitation

   D. its players are professional

6. What do PC Bailgs in South Korea mainly aim at?

   A. Selling popular drinks and snacks.

   B. Providing people with computer games.

   C. Displaying different types of computers.

   D. Instructing kids under 16 to surf the Internet.

7. What did the South Korean government do about technology addiction?

   A. They shut down some e-sports centers.

   B. They urged parents not to use computers at home.

   C. They passed a law to limit the time kids spend on the Internet.

   D. They planned to set up technology addiction treatment centers.

8. What can we learn from Bjoren Franzen's words in the last Paragraph?

   A. It is confusing for some players to take drugs after a game.

   B. It is common for some players to take drugs before a game.

   C. It is unexpected for some players to take drugs in their Gaining.

   D. It is dangerous for some players to take drugs while playing e-sports.



             Elephants have strong defenses against cancer that can prevent it forming,say scientists. They were trying to explain why the animals have lower levels of cancer than would be expected considering their size.

             People think that every cell can become cancerous,so the more of them you have,the more likely you are to get cancer. So if an elephant has 100 times as many cells as a person,then it should be 100 times more likely to have the disease. And yet the analysis showed only 5% of elephants die from cancer compared to up to 25% of people.

            The scientists turned to elephants’ DNA. Cancer is caused by mutations (变异) in a ceir s DNA that produce faulty instructions leading to (遏制不住的) growth. But animals also have “smoke alarms” that detect the damage and lead to the cell being repaired or killed. One of these alarms is called TP53,and while humans have one TP53 gene,elephants have 20.As a result,elephants seem far keener to kill off cells.

             But Mel Greaves,from the Institute of Cancer Research in London,said, “We should focus on why humans have such high levels of cancer. In terms of adaptive mechanisms (机制) against cancer we have the same as chimps,but a lot more humans get cancer than chimps. I think the answer is that humans are completely unique as a species in having very rapid social evolution (进化) in a short period of time." He pointed to the rise of unhealthy,cancer-causing behavior,such as obesity and sunbathing. “You’ve never seen an elephant smoke!” he added.

             In an evolutionary sense, “success” is judged by the number of kids you have rather than how long you live. Elephants have the greatest reproductive success towards the end of their lives,while humans can live for decades after we are no longer able to getting pregnant. It means there is little evolutionary pressure in humans to develop ways of preventing cancer in old age.

9. What is the text mainly about? ,

   A. When elephants will get ill.

   B. How elephants live a long life.

   C. What elephants do when having cancer.

   D. Why elephants have slight chances of getting cancer.

10. Why are elephants keener to kill off cells compared with humans?

   A. They are larger in size.

   B. They have a unique alarm.

   C. They have more TP53 genes.

   D. They have healthier eating habits.

11. In the eyes of Greaves, .

   A. chimps get more cancer than humans

   B. humans* unhealthy behavior increases cancer risk

   C. chimps have better adaptive mechanisms than humans

   D. elephants have more rapid social evolution than chimps

12. When elephants become old,they will .

   A. fall into bad habits

   B. suffer from various diseases

   C. go on producing baby elephants 

   D. have less evolutionary pressure

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