I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I’m so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said, “Excuse me too. I wasn’t   36  watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went   37  our way after saying goodbye.
But at     38   , a different story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen, as I    39   the meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned, I    40   knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted with a frown (皱眉). She stepped away silently, with her little heart    41  . I didn’t realize how rudely I had spoken.
That night, when I lay    42   in bed, God’s quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While    43   with a stranger, you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are quick to excite.  Go to look around on the kitchen floor, you’ll find some flowers there by the    44   . Those are the flowers she brought for you. She    45    them herself — pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. She stood there quietly and you never saw the    46    in her eyes.”
By this time, I felt sad and small and now my own tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt (跪) by her    47   . “Wake up, my dear,” I said. “Are these the flowers you picked up for me?” She smiled, “I found them out by the tree, I    48      them in a napkin(纸巾), just for you. I knew you’d like them, especially the     49   .” I said, “I am so sorry that I missed them today. And I    50   have fussed (大惊小怪) at you that way. ”
And she whispered, “Mommy, that’s OK… I still love you     51   .” I hugged her and said, “I love you, too and I love the flowers.”
Do you know that: if you die tomorrow, the    52   you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days. But the family you leave    53  will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into our    54   than into our families--- an unwise investment (投资) indeed.
Remember that   55  =" (F)ATHER" + (A)ND + (M)OTHER + (I ) + (L)OVE + (Y)OU.

A.everB.even C.just D.right
A.to B.inC.on D.for
A.school B.work C.home D.office
A.cooked B.had C.ate D.took
A.already B.hardly C.rudely D.nearly
A.lost B.missed C.beaten D.broken
A.asleep B.awake C.afraidD.alive
A.dealingB.meeting C.going D.talking
A.floorB.kitchen C.window D.door
A.grew B.bought C.picked D.fetched
A.tearsB.expressions C.smiles D.joy
A.desk B.bed C.bodyD.knees
A.wrappedB.covered C.put D.help
A.pinkB.yellowC.blue D.black
A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D.can’t
A.indeed B.besidesC.anything D.anyway
A.for B.withC.behindD.to
A.books B.loss C.meal D.work

I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I’m so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said, “Excuse me too… I wasn’t   41   watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went   42   our way after saying goodbye.
But at   43  , a different story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen, as I   44   the meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned, I      45   knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted with a frown (皱眉). She stepped away silently, with her little heart   46  . I didn’t realize how rudely I had spoken.
That night, when I lay   47   in bed, God’s quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While    48   with a stranger, you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are QUICK to excite… Go look around on the kitchen floor, you’ll find some flowers there by the   49  . Those are the flowers she brought for you. She   50   them herself — pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. She stood there quietly and you never saw the   51   in her eyes.”
By this time, I felt sad and small and now my own tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt (跪) by her   52  . “Wake up, my,” I said. “Are these the flowers you picked up for me?” She smiled, “I found them out by the tree, I   53   them in a napkin(纸巾), just for you. I knew you’d like them, especially the   54  .” I said, “I am so sorry that I missed them today… And I   55   have fussed (大惊小怪) at you that way…”
And she whispered, “Mommy, that’s OK… I still love you   56  .” I hugged her and said, “I love you, too and I LOVE the flowers.”
Do you know that: if you die tomorrow, the   57   you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days. But the family you leave   58   will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into our   59   than into our families--- an unwise investment (投资) indeed.
Remember that   60   =" (F)ATHER" + (A)ND + (M)OTHER + (I ) + (L)OVE + (Y)OU.
41.   A.    ever B.    even C.    just  D.    right
42.   A.    to    B.    in    C.    on    D.    for
43.   A.    school     B.    work       C.    home      D.    office
44.   A.    cooked    B.    had  C.    ate   D.    took
45.   A.    already    B.    hardly     C.    rudely     D.    nearly
46.   A.    lost  B.    missed     C.    beaten     D.    broken
47.   A.    asleep      B.    awake     C.    afraid      D.    alive
48.   A.    dealing    B.    meeting   C.    going      D.    talking
49.   A.    floor       B.    kitchen    C.    window   D.    door
50.   A.    grew       B.    bought    C.    picked     D.    fetched
51.   A.    tears B.    expressions     C.    smiles     D.    joy
52.   A.    desk B.    bed  C.    body       D.    knees
53.   A.    wrapped  B.    covered   C.    put   D.    help
54.   A.    pink B.    yellow     C.    blue D.    black
55.   A.    needn’t    B.    shouldn’t C.    mustn’t   D.    can’t
56.   A.    indeed     B.    besides    C.    anything  D.    anyway
57.   A.    company B.    country   C.    place       D.    state
58.   A.    for   B.    with C.    behind     D.    to
59.   A.    books      B.    loss  C.    meal       D.    work
60.   A.    RESPECT      B.    WARMTH      C.    FAMILY D.    FRIEND

I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I'm so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said, “Excuseme too... I wasn't  36  watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went  37  our way after saying goodbye.
But at  38 , a different story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen, as I 39 our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned, I  40  knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted with a frown(皱眉). She stepped away silently, with her little heart 41_ . I didn't realize how harshly(苛刻地) I had spoken.
That night, when I lay   42  in bed, God's quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While  43  with a stranger, you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are QUICK to excite... Go look around on the kitchen floor, you'll find some flowers there by the  44 . Those are the flowers she brought for you. She  45  them herself-- pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. She stood there quietly, and you never saw the  46 in her eyes.”
By this time, I felt sad and small and now my own tears had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her 47 : “Wake up, my dear,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked up for me?” She smiled, “I found them out by the tree. I  48 them in a napkin, just for you. I knew you'd like them, especially the  49 .” I said, “I am so sorry that I missed them today... And I  50  have fussed(慌乱)at you that way.”
And she whispered, “Mommy, that's okay... I still love you 51 .” I hugged her and said, “I love you, too and I LOVE the flowers.”
Do you know that: if you die tomorrow, the  52  you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days. But the family you leave _53  will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into our  54  than into our families--an unwise investment indeed.
Remember that  55  =" (F)ATHER" -- (A)ND--(M)OTHER -- (I)--(L)OVE--(Y)OU.

A.joy B.expressionsC.smilesD.tears
A.forB.behindC.with D.to

The new Sherlock Holmes film might inspire mystery fans to visit the scenes of the crime or, perhaps, places that inspire classic mysteries. Otto Penzler, owner of New York's Mysterious Bookshop and editor of The Best American Mystery Stories 2009, recommends for USA TODAY some spots to go undercover.
Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, N.Y.
At this picturesque Hudson Valley Victorian resort, "Guests are divided into teams as they try to solve the mystery dramatization presented on opening night." Penzler says. An upcoming vampire-inspired weekend (March 12-14) is called Fangs for the Memories. "Many rooms have fireplaces, and the lake views will take away your breath." he says.
More info: 800-772-6646; mohonk.com
Kiawah Island Golf Resort, South Carolina
"You get a list of suspects when you check in for the interactive crime-solving weekend (Feb. 12-14)." Penzler says. Other than the "murders" that occur, the weather and surroundings make for a pleasant weekend. More info: 800 654-2924; KiawahResort.com
Poe Museum, Richmond, Va.
"The current exhibit here, Ratiocination: Poe the Detective, is about Poe's efforts to solve the real life murder of Mary Rogers in New York." Penzler says of the case that inspired Poe's story, The Mystery of Marie Roget. Poe spent a third of his life in Richmond. On display are his neatly written manuscripts, childhood bed and a lock of his hair. There is also a section about his mysterious death.
More info: 888-213-2763; poemuseum.org
Sherlock Holmes' , London, England
In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes is a guided tour of sites related to "the greatest detective who ever lived. "Penzler says of the excursion that includes references to the new Sherlock Holmes movie. "The tour finishes up at the Sherlock Holmes Pub with its re-creation of Holmes and Dr. Watson's sitting room, complete with bullet holes, and letters pinned to the fireplace mantel with a knife."
Further enquiry: 020-7624-3978, walks.com
Grand Hotel, Torquay, England
The Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, spent her honeymoon at the hotel. "This lovely place offers bargain rates that include a boat ride on the River Dart to Greenaway and a house tour of the place where Dame Agatha lived for more than 20 years. It's a chance to enjoy a nostalgic look at another time.
60.Further enquiry: 800-005-3905, grandtorquay.co.uk/agathachristie.php
If you want to experience detective activities, you may log on_________  .
A. KiawahResort.com           B. Poemuseum.org
C. Walks.com                D. grandtorquay.co.uk.agathachristie.php
61.If you want to see some documents of real world murder you can visit__________.
A. Sherlock Holmes' London B. Kiawah Island Golf Resort
C. Poe Museum      D. Mohonk Mountain House
62.If you want to find some clues about a new detective film, you had best contact____for a tour.
A. 800 654 2924       B. 888-213-2763      C. 800-772-6646       D. 020-7624-3978

Years ago while lying in my hammock (吊床) and drinking JB from the bottle, I    21    my dog dragging something under the fence.    22     looking at it carefully, to my    23     , I realized it was the next-door neighbor’s 10-year-old daughter’s rabbit. For years I      24    her come home from school and     25     straight out to its cage,    26    it and play with it in the yard. I know today    27    be no different.     28     for our dog, I had to think fast.

The rabbit died and was quite dirty, as if it had    29    quite a struggle, so I washed it off with the plastic   30   , combed it with the dog brush and blew it    31    with the leaf blower (吹风机) . Upon finishing its grooming (刷洗), I jumped the       32        and put it back in its cage hoping its      33       would be accepted as “ natural causes”.

    34     to the hammock and JB. Within the hour the neighbor’s car    35    as usual and out came the little girl,     36     as usual she headed straight for the cage. Only this time did she stop about six feet away and    37    “ D-A-D-D-Y-!!”

Her father,    38  , stood looking at the cage. Being the good neighbor, I rushed to the fence and asked if there was anything I could do.

Her father   39     than calmly shouted, “What kind of    40     person would dig up a little girl’s dead rabbit and put it back in its cage?”

1. A. noticed       B. watched          C. enjoyed          D. stopped 

2. A. Without           B. Before       C. Upon                 D. Once

3. A. interest          B. excitement       C. joy     D. disappointment

4. A. watched       B. was watching C. used to watching D. had watched

5. A. head          B. went             C. leave            D. hurried 

6. A. hide          B. bury             C. cover                D. free   

7.. A. would            B. shouldn’t           C. should   D. couldn’t

8.A. Feared         B. Fear             C. Fearing          D. To fear

9. A. put on        B. put up           C. put off          D. put out   

10. A. water            B. pipe                 C. shampoo  D. soap 

11. A. drying       B. dryly            C. dried                D. dry      

12. A. door        B. hammock          C. neighbor             D. fence          

13.A. look          B. death            C. story            D. rabbit

14. A. Again            B. Up               C. Back         D. Prior

15. A. pulled in        B. pulled down      C. pulled up   D. pulled off     

16. A. but              B. or               C. and          D. so     

17. A. scared           B. cheered          C. screamed    D. laughed 

18. A. pleased          B. frightened   C. Delighted  D. satisfied

19. A. more             B. less                 C. no more  D. no longer

20. A. sick             B. nice             C. humorous D. Interesting


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