
Ways to be safe in school

School safety issues involve more than violence. It may also address such concern as natural disasters, illness, fire and local emergencies. 1.

Have a plan

Teachers and students should know where to go and what to do in case of a school security situation. 2. Schools can also post guidelines in each classroom with simple pictures pointing out emergency exits, fire extinguishers (灭火器), and other emergency equipment.

Screen visitors

3. Give school visitors temporary badges (证章) to identify them. Install cameras at all entrances and restrict access as much as possible. Ask teachers and hall monitors to stop anyone in the halls without appropriate identification.

Panic buttons

Provide teachers with panic button in classroom so they can ask for help immediately. Provide clear and brief instructions about use and immediate response when .started. 4.

Establish a hotline

Establish a hotline so students can report crimes and threats anonymously (匿名地). Post the number in obvious locations so students can see it on a regular basis. 5. Establish a student disciplinary committee, and develop peer counseling programs for newcomers and victims of bullying (欺负).

A. Teachers and students should be certain that immediate help will arrive.

B. Visitors are not allowed to enter schools.

C. Students may report crimes and threats more quickly without being identified.

D. Require that all visitors enter the security office and explain why they are there.

E. It is said that about 16,000 students die in school accidents every year in China.

F. So what can we do to make the school a safer place?

G. Just as schools practice fire drills, they can conduct safety drills.


Last year,around Labor Day,I read a “Happy Ad” in our local newspaper.There was a lady in a local nursing home,who was celebrating her 90th birthday and her family wanted everyone to know about it.It said that if you wanted to drop her a line,here was her address.So I did.I found a birthday card and dropped her a short note,wishing her a happy birthday.

A week or so later,someone knocked at my front door.I opened the door and found a middle-aged man standing on my doorstep.He introduced himself as the son of this woman to whom I had sent the card.He explained that he just wanted to drop by in person and thank me for sending such a nice card to his mom.Apparently,like many older folks,she did not receive much mail and was quite excited to receive mine.I just didn’t know what to say.I told him it was my pleasure and that I hoped his mom had enjoyed her birthday.

That year,I did not send out any Christmas cards,except to this lovely old lady in the nursing home.I just told her that I was thinking about her and hoped that she had a nice holiday.I sent her a Valentine and also a couple of notes in between.I just thought she might like to have someone write to her,to get some mail.

She passed away a couple of months ago.I never met this lady,but I did keep her and her family in my thoughts. I dropped them a line of sympathy.I hope that my few little notes were enough to brighten a couple of her days here on earth.

1.The old lady's address was given because .

A. her family wanted to make her well-known

B. the old lady wanted to receive a birthday card

C. the son of the old lady wanted to meet the author

D. her family wanted to give her a happy birthday

2.Which of the following best describes the author?

A. Brave. B. Polite.

C. Caring. D. Faithful.

3.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A Kind Act B. An Old Lady

C. A Happy Ad D. A Considerate Son

Baseball was always where my heart lay. However, my father did not care for baseball. Two recreational activities he enjoyed were golfing and fishing, neither of which I considered a real sport. He didn’t talk much and he wasn’t good at expressing himself. Frankly, I wasn’t entirely certain he cared about me. In a way, my father was like a familiar stranger I saw every day.

One day, watching the play on television made me want a glove of my own. To my surprise, my father said he wanted one, too. He was on the portly side, but then again, one of the famous pitchers (投手) on the Mets was even fatter. So I thought, why not?

We bought two gloves, and that evening, he suggested we go out to the courtyard and toss (掷) the ball around. I’d already practiced catching and throwing at school, but I could tell this was the first time for my father, because every time he caught the ball, it landed directly in his palm. If you’ve ever caught a ball with a baseball glove, you know how much this hurts.

But my father caught ball after ball this way. Slap! Slap! He winced (龇牙咧嘴). After about five minutes, I told him I’d had enough. It wasn’t out of mercy, but for my own self-interest. Neighborhood kids were watching and would no doubt tease me later for having an old man who didn’t know how to properly catch a baseball do that. When my father took the glove off, his palm was red and swollen.

Dad, who passed away 11 years ago, never told me he loved me. But that sound of the baseball landing in the soft flesh of his hand, over and over again—it spoke its own tender language, though at the time, all I felt was shame.

1.What does the underlined word “portly” mean in Paragraph 2?

A. Experienced. B. Cool.

C. Famous. D. Fat.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The father didn’t feel hurt when catching the ball.

B. The father didn’t understand his child at all.

C. The author didn’t realize his father’s love for him back then.

D. The author criticized his father when playing baseball together.

3.What could be the best title for the passage?

A. A Crying Shame for Baseball

B. Saying “I Love You” with Baseball

C. A Loving Father and His Son

D. Living a Happy Life with Baseball

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