
China’s Beidou global satellite navigation system will have been completed by 2020, ________ of more than 30 satellites.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    to consist
  4. D.
试题分析:考查现在分词做状语,句意:中国的北斗全球卫星导航系统将在2020年完成,由30个卫星组成。Consist of是不及物的短语,用现在分词做伴随状语。选A。
Who is Gogo?

Almost every pupil in Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Thailand will tell you:Gogo is from outer space and is teaching children to speak and read English.

Gogo has visited Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand and Korea. Now he is in China’s mainland—“Gogo has Adventure with English has been published by Addison Wesley Longman China Ltd(AWL).

The six level English course, full of exciting stories, educates and delights children at the same time. Gogo learns English from his friends, Tony and Jenny. The children will learn along with Gogo, enjoying all the fun he produces. Gogo has a warm place in every young learner’s heart wherever he goes.

A presentation(介绍) about Gogo was given by Beijing AWL Information Center last November. All the pupils in Huijia School attended the presentation. A foreign teacher at Huijia later said,The children were attracted by Gogo after only a 45-minute presentation. They remember a song taught by Gogo seven weeks later. Parents often ask me how they can help their children learn English and now there’s a programme I can direct them to.

Clive Sawkins, Paul Price-Smiths and Gregg Schroeder worked closely at AWL to make sure that Gogo will become an easily recognized symbol(标志) of learning English wherever English is studied.Gogo is our baby, said Gregg.It is very easy to get children going with Gogo.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Gogo visits Asian countries.?         B.Gogo receives high praise.

C.Children love to learn with Gogo.?     D.AWL introduces Gogo.

2.It can be learned from the passage that Gogo is     .

A.an English teacher?             B.an English boy

C.an English textbook?                D.a character in an English textbook

3.In what way is Gogo a great help to young learners?

A.He teaches them English through songs.

B.He teaches them English through adventure stories.

C.He helps them to remember English words.

D.He makes English lessons full of fun.

4.The underlined word them in the fifth paragraph refers to .

A. parents        B.children     C.teachers    D.textbooks

5.When Gregg said,Gogo is our baby,he really meant .

A.Gogo belongs to AWL?         B.Gogo needs improvement

C.Gogo is lovely?                D.Gogo is very young



  Good morning. I'm speaking to you today from Beijing. In just two days, I've seen some of the rich history and remarkable changes that are taking place in China, home to nearly one- quarter of the world's population.

  China is the oldest civilization on Earth. In Xi'an, on Friday, I saw the old and the new China, from magnificent Terra Cotta Warriors sculpted by artisans 2,000 years before America was founded, to the beginnings of democracy in a nearby village, where residents soon will hold elections.

  I've been touched by the warm reception given to me, my family, and the members of Congress travelling with us. Tens of thousands of Chinese families have lined the streets to greet us. For all these people, China is changing. I see cell phones, beepers, new office buildings.

  China is no longer the same country it was when president Nixon first came here 26 years ago. Never before have so many Chinese had the opportunity to start businesses, lift their families out of poverty, choose where to live, work, and travel, and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

  Today in Beijing I am meeting with China' s leaders to talk about the future of our two countries and a relationship between us that is essential to a peaceful, stable, and prosperous world in the next century. We talked about the United States and China's mutual interests ---- promoting peace in Korea, where 400,000 U.S. soldiers still risk their lives to patrol the Cold Wars last frontier; preventing a nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan; restoring economic stability in Asia; stopping the spread of unclear soldiers chemical, and biological weapons and the misspread of unclear soldiers chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them; combating international crime and drug trafficking; preserving the environment; and opening trade.

  China is important to our future, with the largest population on Earth, a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, an economy increasingly connected to our own. Without China, it will be difficult to face the challenges. In dealing with China, we must stay true to a course that is both principled and pragmatic.We must continue to expand our areas of cooperation, even as we deal directly with out differences. With China, we can build a safer, more prosperous future for our children, a world of unlimited possibility in the new century

  Thanks for listening.

(1)When was the Terra Cotta in Xi'an sculpted?

[  ]

A.2,000 years ago.

B.On the beginning of the last century.

C.2,000 years before America was founded.

D.Right before Clinton's visit to China.

(2)Who traveled together with Clinton in China?

[  ]

A.His family.

B.His family and some congressmen.

C.Members of congress.

D.Reporters and bodyguards.

(3)Which of the following issue was NOT discussed by President Clinton and China's leaders during his visit in Beijing?

[  ]

A.peace in KoreA.

B.Asian economy.

C.American human rights.

D.prohibition of nuclear weapons.

(4)Which of the following impressed the president most during his visit in China?

[  ]

A.Rich history and remarkable changes of China.

B.Modern communication facilities of China.

C.Democracy progress of China.

D.Economic development of China.

(5)According to the president's address, why is China important to the U. S.?

[  ]

A.Because China has the largest population in the world.

B.Because China has a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.

C.Because China and the U.S. have mutual interests in the economic development.

D.All of the above.

No one can believe that the over 6,300-kilometer Great Wall might disappear some day. Believe it or not, the Great Wall is being destroyed by people. Less than 20 percent of the Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty ,is still perfect, but about 80 percent is in danger. The Great Wall can be called “ great “ mostly because of its amazing length. But we should realize that the length was made up of one brick at a time. If we do nothing to save the Great Wall,it will become a series of separate wasteland rather than a historic site.

The Great Wall is actually a series of walls built and rebuilt by different dynasties over the past 2,000 years. It began in the rule of China’s first emperor, Qin Shihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221BC----206BC), and lasted into the Ming Dynasty. The parts built before the Ming Dynasty have nearly disappeared. People are familiar with sections such as Badaling in Beijing and Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu, because they have been open to tourists for many years. But those sections far away from the public eyes have been almost forgotten.

Few local people knew the 3—meter—high walls made of earth and stones beside them are parts of the Great Wall. The lack of knowledge is considered as one of the main reasons behind human.

The bricks on the Great Wall are carried off by countryside people to build their houses,sheep corrals and pigsties. Some were taken away to build roads. Bricks carved with people’s names are put away as remembrances. The rubbish is spread over the battlements. The brick can be sold 15 yuan per tractor load. Those who destroyed and are destroying the Wall know its name, but are not clear about its cultural meaning. It will take a long time to let them know this. The local farmers not only carried off the body of the Wall but also dug out the entire base.

It is necessary to protect the Great Wall. First of all, the officials should be aware of the importance of the Great Wall. Young Chinese should know more about the nation’s great civilization and learn to love it.

1.Why does the writer say the Great Wall might disappear?

A.It is useless from now on.

B. It is too old to be used again.

C. It will be replaced by a new one.

D. Some parts of it are being destroyed.

2.The underlined part “ those sections far away from the public eyes “( in Para. 2 ) refers to the parts of the Great Wall______________.

A.nobody can watch.

B.that are too far to be seen.

C.that are too difficult to find.

D.that are not well-known to the public.

3. What’s the main reason of the Great Wall being destroyed?

A.The local people sell the bricks for a living.

B.The local people are short of culture knowledge.

C.The local people think that the Great Wall is not important.

D.The local people need bricks and stones to build houses.

4. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

A.How to Protect the Great Wall.

B.How the Great Wall came into being.

C.The Great Wall Being Rebuilt.

D.The Great Wall Being in Danger.


Several hundred strangers received “love letters” from a young man on the street. The letter was written and given out by Yang Yang, a student majoring in human resources at Chongqing University of Science and Technology,who hoped to show his disappointment with job hunting.

    Yang’s story has caught media attention perhaps because it is similar to those of millions of recent graduates seeking jobs and struggling for survival in the country’s wealthiest cities. They have diplomas, rather than professional skills,and come to big cities in hopes of better lives, only to find low-paying jobs and poor living conditions.

They are China’s “ant tribe(蚁族)”, a term created by sociologist Lian Si from Peking University in his 2009 book, Ant Tribe. “They’re so similar to ants. They share small and narrow living areas. They’re intelligent and hard-working, yet nameless and underpaid.” The term also speaks to their helplessness in a world governed by the law of the jungle -- only the strongest survive.

A survey in Lian’s another book published this year, Ant Tribe II, found nearly 30 percent of “ants” are graduates of famous universities—almost three times last year’s percentage. Most had degrees in popular majors. In addition, 7.2 percent of "ants" have at least a master’s degree compared to 1.6 percent in 2009.

    An “ant’s” average monthly salary is l, 904 yuan, with about 64 percent of them earning less than 2,000 yuan a month.

  Another survey in the 2010 Annual Report on the Development of Chinese Talent found more than 1 million “ants” live in big cities.

   “Most ants are from rural families or small towns, and their experiences in universities didn’t arm them well enough to fight with competitors in big cities’ employment markets.” Professor Zhang Ming at Renmin University of China said.

The “ant tribe’s” embarrassing living situations have become a serious social problem, and the government should develop smaller cities to attract more graduates from big cities, Zhang


    However, “ants” expect more study and training opportunities in big cities, which keeps them positive despite their situations.

1.Yang’s story is introduced in order to_________.

A. analyze graduates’ difficulties in finding jobs

B. lead to the topic of the article—“ant tribe”

C. tell readers a story about those big cities

D. show a clever way of dealing with pressure

2. The “ants” fail to find high-paying jobs mainly because__________.

A. they have no diplomas from good universities

B. their majors do not meet the needs of society

C. those from rural areas are not treated equally

D. they do not have necessary professional skills

3. “Ant tribe” members are similar to ants in the following aspects EXCEPT that_________.

A. they live in narrow and small places in groups

B. they work hard but earn little for survival

C. they are in a world judged by the jungle law

D. they are pleased with being nameless and underpaid

4.Professor Zhang thought “ants” problems could be solved by__________.

A. creating more jobs for graduates in big cities

B. developing smaller cities to attract graduates

C. sending graduates to rural areas and small towns

D. training graduates to improve their ability


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