

  A study of English learning problems was carried out among106 foreign students. 19.        This was followed by speaking. Writing increased as a problem as students discovered difficulties in writing papers that they were now expected to hand in. 20.      

  The information gained helped us in determining where special attention should be paid in our course. Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation,we considered it important to note what seemed to encourage interest. 21.        To use the same method would be selfdefeating because it might reduce motivation,especially if it has failed in the past. 22.         

Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintai?ning or increasing motivation.  Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout. 23.      

This led up to a major rethink,so finally we brought it in?to line with the expressed language needs of the students.

   A. It shows that most students considered understanding spoken English their biggest problem.

   B. Nearly all the students have experienced some kind of grammarbased English teaching.

   C. However,we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest halfway.

   D. Therefore a different method may help because it is different.

   E. English learning problems should be studied again.

   F. Teaching content should be changed halfway.

   G. Reading remained as a significant problem.



  A Researchers have discovered stone tools in Norfolk,UK, which suggest that early humans arrived in Britain nearly a million years ago―or even earlier. The find pushes back the arrival of the first hu?mans in what is now the UK by several hundred thousand years.

  Environmental data suggests that temperatures were relatively cool. This raises the possibility that these early Britons may have been among the first humans to use fire to keep warm. They may also have been some of the earliest humans to wear fur clothing. With the ancient tools were plant material,including a pine cone that pro?vided clues about climate.

  The discoveries were made in Happisburgh,in the north of Norfolk. At the time there was a land bridge connecting what is now southern Britain with continen?tal Europe.

  There are no early human remains,but the researchers speculate (推测) that the most likely species was Homo antecessor,more commonly―and possibly appro?priately―known as "Pioneer Man".

  Remains of the species have been found in the Atapuerca region of northern Spain,and date back to0. 8〜1,2 million years ago. So the species could well have been in Britain at around that time,according to Professor Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in London. "If the climate was good and the land bridge was there,there's no real reason why they couldn't have come (to Britain) as far back as1. 2 million years ago," he told BBC News.

  One million years ago,a land bridge linked the UK to continental Europe. Pio?neer man was much like our own species in that it walked upright,used tools and was a huntergatherer. But physically the species looked rather different. It had a smaller brain,strong brow ridges and big teeth,with some primitive features such as a flat face and no prominent chin (凸起的下巴) on the lower jaw.

1. What's the evidence of these early Britons being among the first humans to wear fur clothing?

   A. The use of fire to keep warm.

   B. The stone tools they used.

   C. The land bridge they used.

   D. The relatively cool temperatures.

2. What Professor Chris Stringer said in Paragraph 5 implies that         .

   A. he thought they came to Britain about1. 2 million years ago

   B. they built the land bridge in order to have access to Britain

   C. the climate was not good enough at that period of time

   D. he didn't know the reason why they came here

3. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. The process of human development.

   B. The discovery of some stone tools.

   C. Humans1 early arrival in Britain.

   D. Early species in ancient times.

4. In which of the following journals will you most probably find this passage?

   A. Fortune. B. Nature.

   C. The Economist. D. Entertainment Weekly.

  For Dr Cynthia Breazeal,it's just about time to celebrate. The robotics researcher and professor was just getting ready to throw a party when The Huffington Post spoke with her yesterday,only hours after she and her team attracted international attention with the first appearance of Jibo,the world's first family robot.

Jibo,which stands just under a foot tall,can see,hear,speak,learn,help and relate. It can take pictures,track faces,recognize where sound is coming from and—ideally―help organize and simplify your life.

  On Wednesday,Jibo began its crowdfunding (民间集资) campaign on Indie-gogo. The bot is selling for $ 499 to consumers and $ 599 to developers. Accord?ing to Breazeal,the crowdfunding approach is their way of getting feedback on the prototype (模型) from the most interested community of bot-enthusiasts out there.

  The bot has a creative design that gives it something between a human and desk lamp appearance. Its midsection and "head" can turn,which helps it show tHe difference between "awake" and "asleep". Even in its prototype stage,Jibo dances? introduces itself,listens to voice commands and displays images on its 5. 7 inch touchscreen LCD display.

  "For a social robot it brings together a set of expertise that is not typical?" Breazeal said. Jibo is able to look around the room and change the focus of your camera. Breazeal plans to incorporate Bluetooth and a cloud-based update system― both things that didn't exist just a decade ago.

  When you take Jibo home,it will guide you through connecting to a Wi-Fi net?work and will take specific steps to learn more about you. The first thing it does is register your face and voice,asking you a few questions and explaining how it can help you.

5. We can infer from the first paragraph that      .

   A. Breazeal was trying to sell Jibo

   B. Jibo still needed further improvement

   C. Breazeal needed money to create Jibo

   D. The invention of Jibo was worth celebrating

6. Why did Breazeal hold the crowdfunding campaign?

   A. To attract robot enthusiasts.

   B. To raise money for her projects.

   C. To make her invention known.

   D. To know what people think of her invention.

7. When you bring Jibo home,you should first      .

   A. take steps to know it   B. connect it to the Internet

   C. ask it a few questions   D. introduce yourself to it

8. What is the text mainly about?

   A. The world's first family robot.

   B. A crowdfunding campaign.

   C. Dr Cynthia Breazeal's celebration.

   D. The recent development in robotics.

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