
请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的A, B, C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。

It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were  1.  .The rivers were long gone back into the  2.  .If we didn’t see some rain soon, we would lose everything. It was on this day that I learned the true  3.  of sharing and  4.  the only miracle I had seen with my own eyes.

I was in the kitchen making lunch when I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. Minutes after he  5.  into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house.

I went back to make sandwiches,  6.  that what he had been doing was completed. Moments later,  7.  ,he was once again toward the woods. This  8.  went on for an hour—walked  9.  to the woods, and ran back to the house.

  10.  I couldn’t take it any longer, so I went out of the house quietly and  11.  him on his journey. As I leaned into spy on him. I saw the most   12.  sight. Several large deer were in front of him. Billy walked right up to them. And I saw a tiny young deer lying on the ground  13.  suffering from dehydrateion (脱水) and heat exhaustion, lifting its head with  14.  effort to drink up the water in my beautiful boy’s  15.  .

When the water was  16.  ,Billy jumped up to run back to the house. I followed him back to a tap that we had  17.  .Billy opened it all the way up and a small trickle(细流) began to creep out. When he stood up and began to  18.  ,I was there in front of him. His little eyes were just filled with tears.

“I’m not  19.  ,”was all he said.

As the tears that rolled down his face began to hit the ground,they were suddenly  20.  by other drops…more drops…and more.

All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm, just like one little boy saved deer.

21..A.dying           B.producing         C.harvesting    D.drying

22..A.sea         B.gas                C.earth        D.land

23..A.skill                  B.lesson           C.impression   D.opinion

24..A.found          B.expected           C.noticed     D.witnessed

25..A.disappeared   B.broke           C.turned              D. looked

26..A.admiring             B.thinking             C.imagining      D.desiring

27..A.consequently B.eventually         C.however        D.therefore

28..A.experience     B.activity         C.exercise        D.arrangement

29..A.hurriedly             B.secretly             C.worriedly      D.carefully

30..A.Immediately  B.Finally           C.Fortunately  D.Unexpectedly

31..A.stopped     B.caught          C.followed        D.urged

32..A.amusing     B.interesting       C.appealing      D.amazing

33..A.anxiously         B.disappointedly      C.naturally       D.obviously

34..A.no           B.brave            C.great        D.poor

35..A.hands         B.face               C.eyes          D.legs

36..A.gone          B.cool                 C.running          D.faded

37..A.put out      B.taken away         C.shut off              D.set up

38..A.stop       B.leave              C.smile         D.run

39..A.washing    B.drinking          C.throwing       D.polluting

40..A.melt               B.added             C.attached       D.joined




Dear Ralf,

   I have received your letter from school and am glad to know that you are becoming responsible enough to decide on your career.

   You are now in the final year of college and are about to start more independent life in society. You know that a generation divides us, and the conditions of social life were different in my days. However, all I can say as advice is that you must select a career wisely. The first consideration is your interest. You can only succeed and feel happy when you do something you enjoy. Your job must be both gainful and satisfying. Then, you must read up on the latest books on the field you are aiming at. Also, you should get familiar with the men and women in the profession of that field. When mind and heart function together, success is inevitable(必然的).

   No career is more or less important than any other career. It takes different people to operate the machine of life. I think your interest may lie in the field of making TV programs. Your great communication skills, your active participation in school plays and the prizes you have won in speech competitions all point in that direction. So a career in Mass Communication and TV film production proves suitable for you. If you succeed and make it in that field, fame and treasure will both follow.

   Think a thousand times before making any final decision regarding your career. Anyhow, I want you to be a man of success.

   I know that you are mature(成熟的) enough to think for yourself.

   With all the best wishes!

                                                               Your loving father

1. We can infer that Ralf wrote a letter to ask for advice on how to ________.

   A. prepare for a competition.                B. communicate with others

   C. choose a career                              D. get good marks

2. What can we know about Ralf?

   A. He has graduated from college.         B. He gets on badly with his father.

   C. He has taken part in school plays.      D. He won prizes in the field of making films.

3. Ralf’s father thinks that ________.

   A. fame is more important than treasure

   B. every career is of the same importance

   C. Ralf is too young to make a decision himself

   D. there is no real understanding between parents and children

4. The father suggests that his son should ____________.

   A. consider his interest first when choosing a career.

   B. make friends with successful people.

   C. be never proud when making progress

   D. be active in school activities.


Dear Ralf,

I have received your letter from school and am glad to know that you are becoming responsible(有责任的)enough to decide on your career.

You are now in the final year of college and are about to start more independent life in society. You know that a generation divides us, and the conditions of social life were different in my days. However, all I can say as advice is that you must select a career wisely. The first consideration is your interest. You can only succeed and feel happy when you do something you enjoy. Your job must be both gainful and satisfying. Then, you must read up on the latest books on the field you are aiming at. Also, you should get familiar with the men and women in the profession of that field. When mind and heart function together, success is inevitable(必然的).

No career is more or less important than any other career. It takes different people to operate the machine of life. I think your interest may lie in the field of making TV programs. Your great communication skills, your active participation(参与) in school plays and the prizes you have won in speech competitions all point in that direction. So a career in Mass Communication and TV film production proves suitable for you. If you succeed and make it in that field, fame and treasure will both follow.

Think a thousand times before making any final decision regarding your career. Anyhow, I want you to be a man of success.

I know that you are mature(成熟的) enough to think for yourself.

With all the best wishes!

Your loving father

56. We can infer that Ralf wrote a letter to ask for advice on how to ________.

A. prepare for a competition.                         B. communicate with others

C. choose a career                                         D. get good marks

57. What can we know about Ralf?

A. He has graduated from college.               B. He gets on badly with his father.

C. He has taken part in school plays.           D. He won prizes in the field of making films.

58. Ralf’s father thinks that ________.

A. fame is more important than treasure

B. every career is of the same importance

C. Ralf is too young to make a decision himself

D. there is no real understanding between parents and children

59. The father suggests that his son should ____________.

A. consider his interest first when choosing a career.

B. make friends with successful people.

C. be never proud when making progress

D. be active in school activities.




Dear Ralf,

I have received your letter from school and am glad to know that you are becoming responsible(有责任的)enough to decide on your career.

You are now in the final year of college and are about to start more independent life in society. You know that a generation divides us, and the conditions of social life were different in my days. However, all I can say as advice is that you must select a career wisely. The first consideration is your interest. You can only succeed and feel happy when you do something you enjoy. Your job must be both gainful and satisfying. Then, you must read up on the latest books on the field you are aiming at. Also, you should get familiar with the men and women in the profession of that field. When mind and heart function together, success is inevitable(必然的).

No career is more or less important than any other career. It takes different people to operate the machine of life. I think your interest may lie in the field of making TV programs. Your great communication skills, your active participation(参与) in school plays and the prizes you have won in speech competitions all point in that direction. So a career in Mass Communication and TV film production proves suitable for you. If you succeed and make it in that field, fame and treasure will both follow.

Think a thousand times before making any final decision regarding your career. Anyhow, I want you to be a man of success.

I know that you are mature(成熟的) enough to think for yourself.

With all the best wishes!

Your loving father

56. We can infer that Ralf wrote a letter to ask for advice on how to ________.

A. prepare for a competition.                  B. communicate with others

C. choose a career                               D. get good marks

57. What can we know about Ralf?

A. He has graduated from college.           B. He gets on badly with his father.

C. He has taken part in school plays.        D. He won prizes in the field of making films.

58. Ralf’s father thinks that ________.

A. fame is more important than treasure

B. every career is of the same importance

C. Ralf is too young to make a decision himself

D. there is no real understanding between parents and children

59. The father suggests that his son should ____________.

A. consider his interest first when choosing a career.

B. make friends with successful people.

C. be never proud when making progress

D. be active in school activities.


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