
Riding a bike has many ________ over taking a bus or driving a car. First of all, it causes no air pollution.

  1. A.
    an advantage
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
根据句子表达的意思,空格应填表示“优点”的意思全句才能连贯。many a/an后接可数名词单数,意为“许多”。

China is a land of bicycles.At least it was back in 1992 when I travelled the country.Back then everyone seemed to be riding a bicycle.Millions of them,all black.Cars were rare.Yet since my arrival in Beijing last year,I’ve found the opposite is true.There were millions of cars.However,people still use their bicycles to get around.For many,it’s the easiest and cheappiest way to travel today. Bicycles also come in different colours---silver,green,red,blue,yellow,whatever you want.
It’s fun watching people biking. They rush quickly through crossroads,move skillfully through traffic,and ride even on sidewalks(人行道). Bicycles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just can’t provide.
Eager to be part of this aspect of Chinese culture, I decided to buy a bicycle. Great weather accompanied my great buy. I immediately jumped up on my bicycle seat and started to ride.
My first ride home was orderly(守秩序的).To be safe,I stayed with a “pack”of bikers while cars on the streets came running swiftly out of nowhere at times. I didn’t want to get hit.So I took the ride carefully.
Crossing the streets was the biggest problem. It was a lot like crossing a major highway back in the United States. The streets here were wide,so crossing took time,skill and a little bit of luck.
I finally made it home. The feeling on the bicycle was amazing. The air hitting my face and going through my air was wonderful. I was sitting on top of the world as I passed by places and people.Biking made me feel alive.
【小题1】According to the suthour,why are bicycles still popular in China today?

A.Because they are traditinal and safe.
B.Because they are convienent and inexpensive.
C.Because they are colourful and available.
D.Because they are fast and environment friendly.
【小题2】The authour decided to buy a bicycle because he intened ______.
A.to ride for fun
B.to use for transport
C.to experience local culture
D.to improve his riding skills
【小题3】How did the suthour feel about his street crossing?
A.It was boring.
B.It was difficult.
C.It was lively.
D.It was wonderful.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes the authour’s biking experience?
A.The authour enjoyed showing off his biking skill.
B.The author was annoyed by the air while riding.
C.The authour was praised by the other bikers.
D.The authour took great pleatsure in biking.

Many cities have subways and underground public transportation to take locals and tourists alike rapidly around the city.However, there’s something different about riding a London subway.It may not look different, but the historical value of one of England’s most popular forms of transportation is enough to make riding the subway a must when visiting London.With a little under 300 different stations, the subway can take you almost anywhere you need to go.

Riding a London subway, a person from other countries will notice one major difference: in London, people do not look at each other.In fact, eye contact is avoided at all times.That’s not rudeness―people are just too busy to bother looking.

Busy doing what, you ask? Well, they’re certainly not using the time for a moment of quiet thinking.Nor are they reading a book.New technology has replaced quiet habits.Today the only acceptable form of book on the London underground is an e-book.

Apple must earn a fortune from London commuters(使用月票上下班者).Since the launch of the iPhone in 2007, over 40,000―yes, that’s 40,000 “apps” have been designed.

Commuters love them because they are the perfect time-fillers.One “app”, called iShoot, is a game that features tanks.Another one, Tube Exits, tells passengers where to sit on the train to be closest to the exit of their destination.iSteam clouds the iPhone screen when you breathe into the microphone.You can then write in the “steam” on your phone screen.

For those without an iPhone, another Apple product, the iPod, may be the distraction(消遣)of choice.It’s not just teenagers who “plug in” to their music-iPods are a popular way to pass the time for all ages.

And if games, e-books and music aren’t enough to keep you occupied, then perhaps you would prefer a film? The development of palm DVD technology means many commuters watch their favorite TV shows or films on the way to work.With all these distractions, it’s amazing that people still remember to get off the train.

1.Those who want to save time to reach where they go can download ______ to their iPhones.




D.Tube Exits

2.People in London do not make eye contact on the subway because ______.

A.they are going to work and have no time to communicate with each other

B.they are busy playing games, reading e-books, listening to music or watching film

C.they feel sleepy because of getting up early

D.they love reading books and do not want to be disturbed

3.The underlined word “apps” in the fourth paragraph means ______.


B.fortune from London commuters

C.computer companies

D.programs downloaded for the iPhone

4.Which word best describes the writer’s attitude towards commuters’ behaviors ?





5.The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A.London commuters are unfriendly to strangers

B.technology is changing how London commuters spend their traveling time

C.Apple has earned a lot of money from selling 40,000 apps

D.riding a London subway is a must when visiting London



      For many people,  there is only one good reason to go to an amusement park: the roller coaster. But why do People go on roller coasters?

      "Where else in the world can you scream at the top of your lungs and throw your arms in the air?"  Frank Farley asks. "If you did that in most other places, they'd take you to your parents and probably put you through a psychological evaluation  (心理检查)."  Farley is a psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

      Roller coasters are often attractive to kids whose lives are stressful or controlled.  "Roller coasters are a way of breaking out of the humdrum (单调 ) of everyday life.  You can let it all go and scream and shout or do whatever you want," Farley says. It has been proved that many adults feel the same way.

      Compared with skateboarding, extreme mountain biking, and other adventure sports, riding roller coasters is safe. Parents usually don't mind when kids go on coasters.  Roller coasters also have a way of bringing people together.  Riders share the thrill and adventure of surviving what feels like an extreme experience.

      Whether you like to ride a roller coaster may depend on your personality.  Psychologists say that there is a certain type of person that naturally seeks out extreme experiences. "They enjoy things like change, variety, and intensity (强度)," says Farley. "These people are actually attracted to thrills."  He describes such people as having Type-T personalities ("T" stands for thrill).

     He also believes that these thrill seekers are more adventurous and creative than other people. Albert Einstein was a Type T. "If nobody liked to seek stimulation (刺激)," he argues, "the human race wouldn't be where it is today."

1. What is the passage mainly about?

    A. The disadvantages of roller coasters.

    B. The characteristics of roller coasters.

    C. Why many people enjoy roller coasters.

    D. How people act when riding roller coasters.

2. According to Farley, what will most people feel after riding a roller coaster?

    A. Scared.          B. Confident.    C. Nervous.       D. Relaxed.

3. If a person is a Type T, he seems to           .

    A. enjoy adventure sports

    B. dislike riding roller coasters

    C. like popular sports

    D. work well with others

4. According to Farley, to our society, people with Type-T personalities are __

    A. dangerous            B. important    C. useless               D. harmful


    Riding a London subway, a person from China will notice one major difference; in London, people do not look at each other. In fact, eye contact is avoided at all time. That's not rudeness— people are just too busy to bother looking.

Busy doing what, you ask? Well, they're certainly not using the time for a moment of quiet reflection(沉思).Nor are they reading a book. New techology has replaced quiet habits. Today the only acceptable form of book on the London Underground is an e-book.

Apple must earn a fortune from London commuters(乘车上下班的人). Since the launch of the iPhone in 2007, over 40,000-yes, that's 40,000-"apps"(programs downloaded for the iPhone)have been designed.

Commuters love them because they are the perfect time-filler. One "app",called iShoot, is a game that features tanks. Another one, Tube Exits, tells passengers where to sit on the train to be closest to the exit of their destination(目的地). ISteam clouds the iPhone screen when you breathe into the microphone. You can then write in the "steam" on your phone screen.

For those without an iPhone, another Apple product, the iPod, may be the distraction(消遣)of choice. It's not just teenagers who "plug in" to their music-iPods are a popular way to pass the time for all ages.

And if games, e-books and music aren't enough to keep you occupied. Then perhaps you would prefer a film? The development of palm(掌上)DVD technology means many commuters watch their favorite TV show or film on the way to work. With all this distraction, it's amazing that people still remember to get off the train.

1.People in London do not make eye contact on the subway because they are busy     .

   A.going to work          

B.reading books    

   C.thinking private thoughts 

   D.playing games, reading e-books, listening to music or watching films

2.In Paragraph 4, the underlined word “them” refers to “        ”.

         A.habits                  B. “apps”                        C.iPhones                    D.films

3.Those who like war games can download      to their iPhones.

   A.iShoot              B.Tube Exits     C.iSteam     D.iPod

4.The underlined word "occupied" in the last paragraph probably means     .

   A.delighted        B.busy               C.amused        D.controlled


5.The article tells us that      .

   A.London commuters are unfriendly to strangers

   B.Apple has earned a lot of money from selling 40,000 apps

   C.technology is changing the way London commuters spend their traveling time

   D.with all the new time-fillers, London commuters often forget to get off the train.


Task Reading:



A.Riding School: You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 am and 8:30 pm (3:30 pm on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.

B.Sailing Club: Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You’ll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 pm ~ 8 pm).

C.Diving Centre: Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.

D.Tennis Club: Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, leam the basic rules on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.

E. Watersports Club: We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing, and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 am to 4 pm, with lessons all through the day.

请阅读下列运动爱好者的信息,然后匹配57---60 运动爱好者与拟加入的运动学校、中心或俱乐部:

57. Jack Anderson. Jack works in the city centre and wants to take up a sport that he can do regularly in his lunch hour. He enjoys activities which are fast and a bit dangerous.

58. Margaret Lillian. Margaret already plays golf at weekends. Now she has retired and wants to leam a new activity she can do in the countryside in the mornings.

59. Peter Florian. In six weeks' time, Peter is having a holiday on a Thailand island, where he plans to explore the ocean depths. He has a 9-to-5 job and wants to prepare for this holiday after work.

60. Alice Fingelhamm. Alice is 16. She wants to do an activity one evening a week and get a certificate at the end. She would also like to make new friends.

Paper three: Writing


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