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Dear Li Hong,

    I haven’t heard from you for quite a long time. How have you been these days? 


                                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                                Liu Ming

Dear Li Hong,

   I haven’t heard from you for quite a long time. How have you been these days?

   During the coming winter vacation, I’m going to Beijing for a tour. As I have never been to Beijing before, I’d like you to be my guide. I hope you can show me around the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and some other places of interest. What’s more, during my visit I hope to stay together with you in your house so that we can have a good talk about our life and studies. What do you think of my idea? I would like to know your opinion.

   Please give my best regards to your parents.

                                                              Yours sincerely

                                                               Liu Ming



Annie had just begun school. Her parents were tired of the methods they were using to correct her behavior, including scolding (训斥), and taking away privileges (特权). Annie still needed to be scolded for her bad behavior, but her parents felt the good things she did needed to be recognized. So, they began to spend more time recognizing the improvements (改进) in Annie’s behavior and the good things she did every day rather than like before when they only noticed her bad behavior. Within a few weeks Annie began to change her attitude and her behavior improved.

Praise is one of the most powerful tools parents can use to teach their children good skills and help them grow. Praise works well when it is given and when you remember to use it frequently. It is important to praise all good behavior. Look for the good things your child does. Praise will have a lot of effects on your child. Use the 4 to 1 rule. For every bad behavior you notice, find four good behaviors or reasons to praise. It is a good way to remember to look for good behavior.

Remember to praise the things your child has already done well, or improvements in his behavior and new skills. Show your agreement by smiling and touching his shoulder or back. Be sure to say what your child did well in detail. Tell your child how good behavior helps and that it is liked by others.

What was the result of recognizing Annie’s good behavior?

A. She started to correct her bad behavior.

B. She was tired of her parents’ scolding.

C. She was not scolded for her bad behavior.

D. She spent more time praising her good behavior.

When praising children’s good behavior, parents should do the following EXCEPT __________.

A. praising their children for what they did in detail

B. encouraging their children to go on doing good things

C. telling their children more about their bad behavior

D. praising their children in a good way with smiles

What can we learn from the passage?

A. Praising is a better way than scolding.

B. Annie was a middle school student.

C. Annie’s parents are education experts.

D. Parents should not often show agreement.

The best title for this passage would be ____________.

A. How to Praise a Good Child

B. A Good Method of Praising Children

C. Praise More and Scold Less

D. The Importance of Good Behavior

The German shepherd runs off and noses around in the grass of Kenya’s Laikipia Plateau. “OK, Oakley,” the dog’s handler orders, “Find it!”

Oakley sniffs (嗅) until he comes to a bush, then stops, sits, and looks up at his handler. She bends to see what he has found: the waste of an endangered African wild dog. “Good dog!” she praises. The handler pulls a tennis ball from her pocket. Oakley jumps for his reward.

“He doesn’t actually want the waste,” says Aimee Hurt, a founding member of the U.S.-based group Working Dogs for Conservation. Hurt is in Kenya to train both Oakley and his handler. “He finds it so he can play with his ball. We’re the ones who want the waste.”

Detection dogs are sometimes taught to locate actual animals. Black-footed ferrets (雪貂) have been studied with their help. But more often the dogs learn to locate the waste of creatures such as bears, wolves and mountain lions.

What the dogs find provides scientists with data about a species. Scientists can use the DNA collected from animal waste to identify individuals, sex, and population sizes — all without ever seeing the animal itself. “It can take years to gather this kind of information if you have to trap animals,” Hurt explains.

Waste analysis might make a huge difference when wild species are accused of attacking domestic livestock (家畜). Hurt says, “A good detection dog will find the waste so we can see what the animal is actually eating.” This may help reduce problems between people and wildlife.

The underlined word “She” in Paragraph 2 refers to  “_____”.

    A. the German shepherd                B. an African wild dog

    C. Aimee Hurt                        D. the handler

Oakley is interested in finding the waste because _____.

    A. he wants to study endangered animals

    B. he can get a tennis ball to play with

    C. he wants to eat it   

    D. he wants to play with it

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Trapping animals is not difficult.

    B. People are making efforts to protect the environment.

    C. Detection dogs attack domestic livestock frequently.

    D. Collecting animal waste is a good way to gather information.

What is the main idea of the passage?

    A. Detection dogs can help scientists study wildlife.

    B. Detection dogs can defend wildlife.

    C. Detection dogs can help the police catch the criminals.

    D. Detection dogs can help local people defend domestic livestock.

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