Women, Race & Class

Angela Y Davis


Analysing the differences and similarities between the experiences of black and white women, Davis casts new light on the struggle for human rights.

The Words to Say it

(an autobiographical novel)

Marie Cardinal

translated by Pat Goodheart


Marie Cardinal's groundbreaking book was the first and remains the complete book about the personal experience of psychoanalysis (精神分析学). It reveals her traumatic (创伤的)childhood and institutionalisation(收容), followed by her escape to the cul-de-sac(死路)where her analyst(精神分析医师)lived. There, for many years, she made the journey towards recovery through Freudian psychoanalysis. A worldwide bestseller, translated into eighteen languages, it remains one of the most highly-praised books of our age.


Millie Murray


Jade Wilson is smart, young, black and ambitious. And she's just been given the chance of a lifetime - a try-out for the Commonwealth Games swimming team. Jade lives with her mum, Jojo, a successful business woman. Jojo is overprotective of Jade, but she has her reasons. As a young model with a wonderful career ahead of her, she fell pregnant(怀孕) with Jade, and, much as she loves her daughter, she's determined not to let anything get in the way of Jade's success. So when Jade starts dating Dicey, there is hell to pay. Will Jade survive her Mum's constant nagging (唠叨)? And what if she were to get pregnant - would she, could she, do the same as Jojo and give up her career? As things start hotting up with Dicey, Jade is faced with some very tough choices... .

The book is very popular with people all over the world.

Which of the following can prove the book The Words to Say it is very successful ?

A. It is the first book about psychoanalysis.

B. It has a successful beginning and ending.

C. It has translated into 18 languages.

D. It remains the complete book about personal experiences.

From the third part we can learn that ________about Jade Wilson’s mother, Jojo.

A. She didn’t care about Jade.

B. She gave it up because of lack of interest in her career.

C. She wouldn’t like Jade to be what she was.

D. She was willing to accept Jade’s boy friend first.

The sentence “there is hell to pay” in the third part probably means _____.

A. there are a lot of ghosts

B. there is a lot of trouble

C. the price has to be paid  

D. it cost too much to do something

Which book do you buy if you want to read about women’s rights?

A. Women, Race & Class         B. Jade  

C. The Words to Say it           D. Marie Cardinal

What is it that makes the book The Words to Say it different from two other books in writing style?  

A. It is an autobiographical novel

B. Its contents and writer

C. Its translations

D. The leading character in the book

More and more teenage addicts in Korea are refusing to leave their bedrooms and some young adults are playing fantasy games online until they literally drop dead. "He didn't adapt very easily into high school," said Chu Dong-jiu, whose son, Jae--yun, 17, cruises football websites 12 to 14 hours a day. "That was why he dropped out. Now he spends all the time he is not eating on the computer. He hasn't been out of the house for eight months."
Eighty percent of South Koreans have broadband internet, the highest rate in the world. In Britain the figure is less than a third. This is partly the result of its intense, science-based schooling.  But according to Dr. Kim Hyun-soo, chairman of the Association of Internet Addiction Psychiatrists, an "education frenzy (狂怒)" has undermined children's self-confidence and forced them to seek escape elsewhere.
Children, many tutored beyond school, enjoy little free time outside home, driving them into the solitary solace(安慰) of the computer, he said. “What children do on the Internet reflects what they want in reality,” he said. “The dreams they pursue are the dreams they would pursue in ordinary life.”
The most common obsession(迷住,困扰) is with online games in which players become fantasy figures in landscapes pitted with foes and obstacles. One 28-year-old young man collapsed and died last year after playing a game non-stop for 50 hours in an Internet cafe. Doctors said he died from exhaustion and dehydration (脱水). Studies show five percent of "gamers” are seriously addicted, with a further 15 ~ 20 percent betraying signs of an unhealthy obsession. Gamers make up 90 percent of Dr. Kim's patients, often referred to him by mental hospitals to which parents had taken their children. The other l0 percent are guilty of freakish (异想天开的)and anti-social behaviour on websites. "These people are very frustrated inside and full of anger," he said.
The government has stepped in, banning children from Internet cafes after l0 p. m. , and sending teams of psychologists to visit them.
67. This passage mainly wants to tell us that________
A. Internet cafes seriously do great harm to children's life
B. lots of students in Korea escape into Internet fantasy
C. why more and more children in Korea like Internet cafes
D. the government should take immediate actions against Internet cafes
68. Why did Jae-yun drop out of the school?
A. Because his family was too poor.    B. Because he wanted to find a job earlier.
C. Because he liked searching football websites greatly.
D. Because he liked playing all kinds of computer games, especial]y football games.
69. According to the passage, we can infer that________.
A. most of Dr. Kim's patients are game lovers
B. garners make up l0 percent of Dr. Kim's patients
C. the government in Korea hasn't taken any action to control Internet cafes so far
D. more and more teenage addicts in Korea are refusing to leave their bedrooms
70. From what Dr. Kim said, we can conclude that_______.
A. children who like surfing the Internet are poor at studying
B. the Internet can help children to realize their dreams
C. most children who often go to Internet cafes hate society
D. the violence at school has something to do with the reasons why teenagers addict to the Internet

More and more teenage addicts in Korea are refusing to leave their bedrooms and some young adults are playing fantasy games online until they literally drop dead. "He didn't adapt very easily into high school," said Chu Dong-jiu, whose son, Jae--yun, 17, cruises football websites 12 to 14 hours a day. "That was why he dropped out. Now he spends all the time he is not eating on the computer. He hasn't been out of the house for eight months."

    Eighty percent of South Koreans have broadband internet, the highest rate in the world. In Britain the figure is less than a third. This is partly the result of its intense, science-based schooling.  But according to Dr. Kim Hyun-soo, chairman of the Association of Internet Addiction Psychiatrists, an "education frenzy (狂怒)" has undermined children's self-confidence and forced them to seek escape elsewhere.

    Children, many tutored beyond school, enjoy little free time outside home, driving them into the solitary solace(安慰) of the computer, he said. “What children do on the Internet reflects what they want in reality,” he said. “The dreams they pursue are the dreams they would pursue in ordinary life.”

    The most common obsession(迷住,困扰) is with online games in which players become fantasy figures in landscapes pitted with foes and obstacles. One 28-year-old young man collapsed and died last year after playing a game non-stop for 50 hours in an Internet cafe. Doctors said he died from exhaustion and dehydration (脱水). Studies show five percent of "gamers” are seriously addicted, with a further 15 ~ 20 percent betraying signs of an unhealthy obsession. Gamers make up 90 percent of Dr. Kim's patients, often referred to him by mental hospitals to which parents had taken their children. The other l0 percent are guilty of freakish (异想天开的)and anti-social behaviour on websites. "These people are very frustrated inside and full of anger," he said.

    The government has stepped in, banning children from Internet cafes after l0 p. m. , and sending teams of psychologists to visit them.

67. This passage mainly wants to tell us that________

   A. Internet cafes seriously do great harm to children's life

   B. lots of students in Korea escape into Internet fantasy

   C. why more and more children in Korea like Internet cafes

   D. the government should take immediate actions against Internet cafes

68. Why did Jae-yun drop out of the school?

   A. Because his family was too poor.    B. Because he wanted to find a job earlier.

   C. Because he liked searching football websites greatly.

   D. Because he liked playing all kinds of computer games, especial]y football games.

69. According to the passage, we can infer that________.

   A. most of Dr. Kim's patients are game lovers

   B. garners make up l0 percent of Dr. Kim's patients

   C. the government in Korea hasn't taken any action to control Internet cafes so far

   D. more and more teenage addicts in Korea are refusing to leave their bedrooms

70. From what Dr. Kim said, we can conclude that_______.

   A. children who like surfing the Internet are poor at studying

   B. the Internet can help children to realize their dreams

   C. most children who often go to Internet cafes hate society

   D. the violence at school has something to do with the reasons why teenagers addict to the Internet


More and more teenage addicts in Korea are refusing to leave their bedrooms and some young adults are playing fantasy games online until they literally drop dead. "He didn't adapt very easily into high school," said Chu Dong-jiu, whose son, Jae--yun, 17, cruises football websites 12 to 14 hours a day. "That was why he dropped out. Now he spends all the time he is not eating on the computer. He hasn't been out of the house for eight months."

    Eighty percent of South Koreans have broadband internet, the highest rate in the world. In Britain the figure is less than a third. This is partly the result of its intense, science-based schooling.  But according to Dr. Kim Hyun-soo, chairman of the Association of Internet Addiction Psychiatrists, an "education frenzy (狂怒)" has undermined children's self-confidence and forced them to seek escape elsewhere.

    Children, many tutored beyond school, enjoy little free time outside home, driving them into the solitary solace(安慰) of the computer, he said. “What children do on the Internet reflects what they want in reality,” he said. “The dreams they pursue are the dreams they would pursue in ordinary life.”

    The most common obsession(迷住,困扰) is with online games in which players become fantasy figures in landscapes pitted with foes and obstacles. One 28-year-old young man collapsed and died last year after playing a game non-stop for 50 hours in an Internet cafe. Doctors said he died from exhaustion and dehydration (脱水). Studies show five percent of "gamers” are seriously addicted, with a further 15 ~ 20 percent betraying signs of an unhealthy obsession. Gamers make up 90 percent of Dr. Kim's patients, often referred to him by mental hospitals to which parents had taken their children. The other l0 percent are guilty of freakish (异想天开的)and anti-social behaviour on websites. "These people are very frustrated inside and full of anger," he said.

    The government has stepped in, banning children from Internet cafes after l0 p. m. , and sending teams of psychologists to visit them.

67. This passage mainly wants to tell us that________

   A. Internet cafes seriously do great harm to children's life

   B. lots of students in Korea escape into Internet fantasy

   C. why more and more children in Korea like Internet cafes

   D. the government should take immediate actions against Internet cafes

68. Why did Jae-yun drop out of the school?

   A. Because his family was too poor.    B. Because he wanted to find a job earlier.

   C. Because he liked searching football websites greatly.

   D. Because he liked playing all kinds of computer games, especial]y football games.

69. According to the passage, we can infer that________.

   A. most of Dr. Kim's patients are game lovers

   B. garners make up l0 percent of Dr. Kim's patients

   C. the government in Korea hasn't taken any action to control Internet cafes so far

   D. more and more teenage addicts in Korea are refusing to leave their bedrooms

70. From what Dr. Kim said, we can conclude that_______.

   A. children who like surfing the Internet are poor at studying

   B. the Internet can help children to realize their dreams

   C. most children who often go to Internet cafes hate society

   D. the violence at school has something to do with the reasons why teenagers addict to the Internet

The Ministr y of Health has called for more awareness from the public on the mental health of the young,as part of efforts to mark World Mental Health Day.

More than 15 percent of the Chinese youth have been found with mental problems,and about 30 million young people under 17 are suffering from depression,the Shanghai­based Wenhui Daily reported.

The World Health Organization estimated that before 2020,the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent,and mental problem will become a major factor behind death and illness in the young worldwide.

Deng Xiaohong,the spokesperson for the Beijing municipal health bureau,said rapid social change is one of the reasons behind the rising number of youngsters with psychological problems.

If these mental diseases are not addressed on time,occurrence of crime,drug­taking and other dangerous behavior is expected to rise.

Experts said mental diseases could be caused by many factors,such as the inability to handle interpersonal relations well,unstable emotions and pressure from the overload of study.

A number of experts have also said the one­child policy is another reason leading to poor mental health in the young.

Children were said to be too “spoiled” and “selfish” in one­child families.

Schools in many cities were reported rolling out measures to help students maintain their mental well­being.

Yin Jingmiao,a teacher of the Beijing No.105 middle school,told China Daily that the school invites psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.

“Students can be arranged to have 40­minute counseling sessions,” Yin said.

The school also gives lectures on mental health to senior grade students before they take the national College Entrance Exams,to help ease any anxiety arising from the tests.

67.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To urge awareness on mental health of the young.

B.To give the details of the problems the Chinese youth are facing today.

C.To recommend that schools should invite more psychologists to help solve the mental

problems among the youth.

D.To show us the causes of the mental problems among students.

68.The underlined word “addressed” in the fifth paragraph most probably means ________.

A.talked about                                                     B.dealt with

C.satisfied                                                                 D.introduced

69.From the passage we can know that the causes of mental problems are mainly the following


A.one­child policy

B.lack of ability to handle interpersonal relations well

C.lack of special training in mental health

D.heavy burden from study

70.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.By 2020,about 50 percent of the students in China will have mental problems.

B.Mental problems mainly appear among the youth while they are seldom seen among


C.China has the largest number of youngsters with psychological problems.

D.Many schools have realized the problem and taken measures.

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