No one really knows how and why people change as they get older. Also, no theory sufficiently explains all the changes of the aging process. Aging is a complex and varied process that varies in how it affects different people and organs. In fact, even in one person , different organ systems “age “ at a different rate.

    At a certain point in our lives our body systems will begin to weaken . It may become more difficult for us to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to live longer , we have always tried to slow or stop this change that leads us toward the end of our lives.

   Many factors decide our health . A good diet plays an important role. The amount and the type of exercise we get are another two factors. Our living condition is yet another. But scientists studying the aging problem want to know: Why do people grow old? They hope that by studying the aging medical science they may be able to make the length of life longer.

    There is nothing to be afraid of as the old age comes. Many consider the later part of life to be the best time for living. Physical activity may become less, but often we get better understanding of the world and ourselves.

    What we consider the old age now may only be middle-aged some day soon. Who knows ,with so many advances in medical science happening so quickly, life length may one day be measured in centuries ,rather than in years!

The underlined phrase “bounce back ”means “__________.”

   A. jump backward     B. run fast    C. prevent     D. recover

In order to make people live longer, scientists _______according to the text.

   A. teach people how to eat properly

   B. discover how important the exercise is to one’s health

   C. study the ways to slow or stop the process of aging

D. invent new medicine to slow down the process of aging

Many consider the later part of life to be the time of living because they__________.

  A. consider their lives have been very successful

  B. have come through the battle of life safely

  C. know more about themselves and the outside world

  D. can have a good rest and enjoy themselves

How many factors which decide our health are mentioned in the text?

  A. Two  B. Four   C. Five   D. Six

Many children would start school hungry without breakfast clubs, teachers have claimed. A new survey suggests these clubs are the only way many students can get a meal before lessons.

???? About 54% of the 552 school staff questioned by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers(ATL)said their school provides a breakfast club for pupils. The biggest reason for them to attend these clubs is that their parents or carer goes to work early, cited by 76.8% of those questioned.

???? About 22.6% said children attended due to lack of money at home because parents or carers are unemployed and 15.2% said lack of money at home due to changes or cuts to benefits.

About 17.6% said pupils mainly attend breakfast clubs to socialize.

??? The survey found that teachers believe that offering breakfast to pupils often helps improve their concentration and ability to learn. One primary school teacher said: “Although there is a charge for our breakfast club, we have accessed funding for those pupils on free school meals and the breakfast club had an effect on their attendance, concentration and being in school for the start of lessons.

???? ATL general secretary Dr Roper said a nutritious meal at the start of the day has a huge impact on pupils’ ability to learn. “Many schools do everything they can to ensure children eat well during school term-time. But there are many children living in poverty, who we fear won’t be getting a decent meal a day in the holidays and this is something the government needs to address,” she said.

???? A Department for Education spokesman said: “We know how important it is for children to

have a good breakfast. We want schools and local authorities to use their budgets to best meet the needs of their children. Many provide breakfast clubs which offer a free meal to children from poorer families. The Pupil Premium, which will double to 2.5 billion in 2014-2015, targets extra money to help schools to provide support such as this to the most disadvantaged children. The free school meal scheme also ensures that these children have access to a nutritious lunch every day.

1.How many factors are mentioned which can account for the popularity of breakfast clubs?

A. Two.???????? ????????????? ????????????? B. Three.???? ????????????? ????????????? C. Four.???????? ????????????? D. Five.

2.By getting breakfast offered by breakfast clubs, pupils can______.

A. perform better in their study????????

B. know how they can save money

C. eat better for their lunch and supper??

D. make more friends with their classmates

3.The pupil Premium and the free school meal scheme are mentioned in order to show_____.

A. every child should get access to a nutritious meal

B. breakfast clubs play a key role in children’s growth

C. many efforts are made to provide a good and free meal

D. many schools can’t offer a good and free meal to children

4.In which part of a magazine can we probably read this passage?

A. Entertainment.?????? B. Education.?????? C. Culture.??????? D. Health.


Self-confidence is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that,within reason, they will be able to do what they wish., plan., and expect. Having self-confidence does not mean that individuals will be able to do everything. Self-confident people have expectations that are realistic. Even when some of their expectations are not met,they continue to be positive and to accept themselves.

    People who are not self-confident depend too much on the approval of others in order to feel good about themselves. They tend to avoid taking risks because they fear failure. They generally do not expect to be successful. They often put themselves down and tend to ignore compliments(赞美)paid to them By contrast,self-confident people are willing to risk the disapproval of others because they generally trust their own abilities. They tend to accept themselves;they don't feel they have to conform in order to be accepted.

    Many factors affect the development of self-confidence. Parents' attitudes are crucial to children's feelings about themselves,particularly in children's early years. When parents pro- vide acceptance, children receive a solid foundation for good feelings about themselves. If one or both parents are much to critical or demanding, or if they are overprotective and discourage children's moves toward independence, children may come to believe they are unqualified or inadequate.

    Surprisingly, lack of self-confidence is not necessarily related to lack of ability. Instead it is often the result of focusing too much on the unrealistic expectations or standards of others, especially parents and society. Friends' influences can be as powerful or more powerful than those of parents and society in shaping feelings of one's self. Students in their college years reexamine values and develop their own identities and thus are particularly sensitive to the influence of friends.

1.Paragraph 1 mainly talks about____.

A. the sources of self-confidence

B. the benefits of self-confidence

C. the development of self-confidence

D. the lack of self-confidence

2.In Paragraph 2,the underlined word "conform" probably means“_______”.

A. refuse  B. separate  C. permit  D. obey

3.According to the passage, self-confident people tend to____.

A. be practical  B. control others

C. avoid risks  D. depend on others

4.Which of the following can we learn about self-confidence according to the passage?

A. Self-confidence is usually the symbol of special abilities.

B. Parents' protection prevents children's self-confidence development.

C. Parents and friends matter in building one's self-confidence.

D. College students are the least self-confident group in society.

5.What might the author most probably continue to talk about in the following passage?

A. How we can become more acceptable.

B. Lack of self-confident has many side effects.

C. What self-confident children usually get from parents.

D. What one should avoid in building self-confidence.


New York Times-The already crazed competition for admission to the nation’s most famous universities and colleges became even more intense (激烈的) this year, with many recording the lowest acceptance rates.

Harvard College, for example, offered admission to only 7.1 percent of the 27,462 high school seniors who applied — or, put another way, it rejected 93 of every 100 applicants, many with extraordinary achievements, like a perfect score on one of the SAT exams. Yale College accepted 8.3 percent of its 22,813 applicants. Both rates were records.

Columbia College admitted 8.7 percent of its applicants, Brown University and Dartmouth College about 13 percent, and Bowdoin College and Georgetown University 18 percent — also records.

    “We love the people we admitted, but we also love a very large number of the people who we were not able to admit,” said William R. Fitzsimmons, dean (主任) of admissions and financial aid at Harvard College.

Some colleges said they placed more students on their waiting lists than in recent years, in part because of uncertainty over how many admitted students would decide to enroll (登记入学). Harvard and Princeton stopped accepting students through early admission this academic year; that meant that more than 1,500 students who would have been admitted in December were likely to have applied to many famous schools in the regular round.

Many factors contributed to the tightening of the competition at the most selective colleges, admissions deans said. The number of high school graduates in the nation has grown each year over the last decade and a half, experts estimate that the figure will reach the highest point this year or next, which might reduce the competition a little.

Other factors were the ease of online applications, expanded financial aid packages, an ambitious students’ applying to ever more colleges.

48.What’s the passage mainly about?

       A.Harvard has the lowest admission rate this year.

       B.Many factors have led to the intense competition.

       C.Famous universities prefer to have more students on their waiting lists.

       D.Admission to famous universities became even more difficult this year.

49.Which of the following has the highest acceptance rate this year?

       A.Yale College.               B.Georgetown University.   

         C.Columbia College.            D.Dartmouth College.

50.How many of the 20,000 applicants would be rejected by Columbia College this year?

       A.18,260        B.1,740 C.18,350        D.1,950


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