What is intelligence anyway? When I was in the army I    21  an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against   22  of 100, scored 160.No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that, and for two hours they made a big fuss over me.
All my life I've been registering scores like that,    23  I have the complacent(洋洋自得的) feeling that I'm highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so too. Actually, though, don't such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by people who    24     the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents(天分) similar to mine?
For instance, I once had an auto-repair man, who, on these intelligence tests, could not   25  have scored more than 80,by my estimate. Yet, when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him—and he always fixed it.
Well,then,suppose my auto—repair man   26  questions for some intelligence tests.By doing every one of them I'd prove myself a   27  .In a world where I have to work with my    28   ,I'd do poorly.
Consider my auto—repair man   29   .He had a habit of telling  30   .One time he said. “Doc, a deaf and dumb man   31  some nails.Having entered a store,he put two fingers together on the counter and made  32    movements with the other hand.The clerk brought him a hammer.He   33   his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering.The clerk   34  him some nails.He picked out the right size and left.Well,Doc,the   35  man who came in was blind.He wanted scissors.   36  do you suppose he asked for them?" I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers.He burst out laughing and said,“Why, you fool,he used his    37   and asked for them.” Then he said smugly, "I've been    38    that on all my customers today." "Did you catch many?" I asked. "Quite a few," he said, "but I knew     39    I'd catch you." "Why is that?" I asked. "Because you're so goddamned educated, Doc, I knew you couldn't be very     40   ." And I have an uneasy feeling that he had something there.

A.failed B.wrote C.received D.chose
A.an average B.a total C.an amountD.a number
A.then B.butC.so that D.because
A.join inB.make upC.go over D.look through
A.approximately B.possiblyC.certainly D.frequently
A.answered B.practicedC.designed D.tried
A.teacher B.doctor C.winnerD.fool
A.brains B.efforts C.handsD.abilities
A.again B.as usual C.tooD.as well
A.lies B.jokes C.newsD.tales
A.bought B.testedC.foundD.needed
A.cutting B.hammering C.scissoringD.circling
A.nodded B.raised C.shook D.turned
A.brought B.packed C.sentD.sold
A.clever B.other C.rightD.next
A.What B.How C.WhoD.Which
A.imagination B.handC.voiceD.information
A.trying B.provingC.practicing D.examining
A.with wisdom B.at onceC.in reality D.for sure
A.clear B.sillyC.slowD.smart

My son loves video games very much. He spends hours every day playing video games in his room. Is there any redeeming(补偿的)educational value to video games? Some seem like they could help him learn strategy. But I worry others may be too violent or numb(使麻木)his mind.


Some games may improve kids’ hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. Games that require kids to actually move or manipulate(操纵)the game through their own physical movement can even get sedentary kids moving, though not as much as they could if they actually played outside or participated in sports or other outdoor acuities. Others, though, don’t have such benefits, and violent video games have been shown that they might increase kid’s aggressive behavior.

Like a lot of aspects of raising kids, when it comes to video games, the healthiest approach is actually self-control.

The American academy of Pediatrics(AAP) recommends that kids should spend no more than 2 hours each day on screen time, including watching TV or movies, or playing computer or video games. So consider setting limits at least that strict to keep game playing from affecting their schoolwork, household responsibilities, and the physical activity your son needs very day.

Make sure that he’s playing games which are suitable for his age group. All video games are rated and labeled by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. Steer clear of(避开)any rated “M” for mature. Those are for ages 17 and older and can contain heavy-duty violence, strong language, and sexual content.

Try to keep the video game console(游戏机控制板)in a common area of the house, not your son’s room. That way you can catch any inappropriate content in the games he’s playing, and he’ll be in a position to interact with others in the house while he’s playing.

Make sure your son has appealing alternatives, too, such as sports, activities, opportunities to socialize with peers; and downtime to be creative. If you continue to have concerns about his video game activity, talk with your doctor.

Reviewed by:Mary L. Gavin, MD

1.What is the opinion of Mary L. Gavin about playing video games?

A.Whether it’s beneficial or harmful depends on what the video games are.

B.It always improves kids’ hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills.

C.It will make kids more violent and increase their aggressive behavior.

D.Kids should give it up and put their hearts fully into their schoolwork.

2.The underlined word “sedentary” in the first paragraph of the answer letter is the nearest in meaning to “______”.

A.unhealthy         B.lively             C.bright            D.inactive

3.According to Mary L. Gavin, which of the following is encouraged to do by parents?

A.Keep the video game console out of their house.

B.Allow their children to play only such video games as rated “M”

C.Let kids play video games as much as possible if it doesn’t affect their lessons.

D.Help their children develop other healthy hobbies such as sports and painting.

4.Which is the best title of this passage?

A.Should children play video games?

B.Kids’ playing video games is harmful.

C.Is playing video games good for kids?

D.Help children choose video games.


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