






How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18


1.Why did the woman have to walk?

[  ]

A.There was something wrong with her back.

B.Something happened to her bike.

C.She got up too late to catch the bus.

2.What's the most important thing they should take?

[  ]

A.Food.  B.Water.  C.Camera.

3.When will the woman visit the man's school?

[  ]

A.Monday afternoon.

B.Tuesday afternoon.

C.Tuesday morning.

4.What will the man do?

[  ]

A.He will help the woman to tidy things up.

B.He will help the woman to move things.

C.He will go to visit the woman's new house.

5.What are the two speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.They are talking about activities after class.

B.They are talking about a class outing this weekend.

C.They are talking about playing games after school.





6.What is the woman doing?

[  ]

A.She is warning the man to drive slowly and carefully.

B.She is talking with the man about her driving experience.

C.She is learning to drive.

7.What's the result of the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The policeman punished David.

B.Nobody saw him, so he drove away.

C.He stopped in front of the traffic lights.


8.What's the profession of the woman?

[  ]

A.A famous sports star.

B.A famous politician.

C.A famous singer.

9.Why didn't the woman want to go back to her former school?

[  ]

A.Because she hated all the teachers there.

B.Because she was not a good student at that time.

C.Because she was busy working.


10.What's wrong with the woman?

[  ]

A.She's got a headache.

B.She's got a fever.

C.She's got a running nose.

11.What is the cause of the problem?

[  ]

A.She has a cancer.

B.She has a cold.

C.She has overworked.

12.What should she do to solve her problem?

[  ]

A.Take some medicine.

B.Have an operation.

C.Stay in bed for a day or two.


13.What did Laurie tell the man?

[  ]

A.She has a friend.

B.She has a card for sale.

C.She has a friend with a car for sale.

14.What kind of car is it?

[  ]

A.It is not smaller than that one.

B.It is a small foreign car.

C.It is an old car.

15.How many miles does Laurie think the car has?

[  ]

A.About twenty-five or thirty thousand miles.

B.About twenty or thirty thousand miles.

C.Over twenty-five thousand miles.

16.What do you learn about the conversation?

[  ]

A.A used car for sale.

B.Laurie will buy a car.

C.The woman has bought the car.


17. When does the store close on Mondays?

[  ]

A. All day.

B. At six p.m.

C. At nine p.m.

18. How much is the sale price of the one-hundred-eighty-dollar men's suits?

[  ]

A. Eighty dollars

B. One hundred and twenty dollars.

C. One hundred and fifty dollars.

19. How many kinds of items of winter clothing are on sale?

[  ]

A. Thousands of items of winter clothing.

B. One thousand items of winter clothing

C. Hundreds of items of winter clothing.

20. Which store made this winter clothing sale advertisement?

[  ]

A. Northside Shopping Center .

B. Harrison's.

C. Master Charge.





M:What jobs do women do in your country?

W:All kinds of jobs.There are women doctors,teachers,engineers,farmers and so on.

1.What are they talking about?




M:I know you once worked in this company.

W:Yes,I began to work in this company in 1988.Four years later I stopped working here because of my illness.

2.When did the woman stop working in this company?

A.In 1990.

B.In 1991.

C.In 1992.

M:Yesterday Mrs.King hurt her legs badly when she was repairing a machine.Now she is in hospital.Let’s go to see her.

W:Does her husband know it?He’s in the country.We’d better call him to tell him about it.

3.Where is Mr King?

A.In hospital.

B.In a factory.

C.In the country.

M:What are you going to do this evening?

W:I’ll go to visit Mr.Little at nine and go to see a film at eleven.But I won’t go out before eight o’clock.

4.What time did the woman go to visit Mr Little?

A.At 8∶00 p. m.

B.At 9∶00 p. m.

C.At 11∶00 p. m.

M:Do you think Mr.Pattis will be late for the meeting?

W:Well,If you think Mr.Pattis will be late,you are completely wrong.

5.What conclusion can we draw from this talk?

A.Mr Pattis will be late.

B.Mr Pattis will be here on time.

C.Mr Pattis makes mistakes.




M:Susan.What do you do for exercise?

W:I run and ride a bicycle every day and go swimming once a week.What about you,Tom?

M:I used to go swimming and skating a lot in high school.But now I don’t have any time.

W:That’s too bad.Exercise is really important.

M:I know.What do you enjoy doing most of all?

W:I enjoy swimming.Well,I’m going swimming tonight.Would you like to go with me?

M:OK.I’ll be glad to.

W:Then let’s meet at eight outside the park gate.

6.How often does Susan go swimming?

A.Every day.

B.Once a week.

C.Twice a week.

7.What exercise does Susan like most of all?


B.Riding a bicycle.


8.Where will they meet that night?

A.Outside the swimming pool.

B.Outside the park.

C.Outside the garden.


W:Are you going to the gym now?

M:No,I’ve got a soccer game tonight.

W:Oh! Do you play on a team?

M:Yeah.We play every week.We are not very good but have a lot of fun.How about you?Do you play any sports?

W:I play basketball once or twice a week.

9.What’s the man going to do?

A.Play a soccer game.

B.Watch a soccer game.

C.Watch a basketball game.

10.What sports does the woman play?




11.How often does the man play?

A.Every week.

B.Once a week.

C.Twice a week.


W:Listen to the song!

M:Hmm,it sounds familiar.What’s its name?

W:Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.

M:Speaking of smoke,I smell smoke,don’t you?

W:It must be a cigar.It smells awful.

M:I think it’s coming from the kitchen.

W:Your steak,sir.It will be ready in a few minutes.

M:Well,it is well done.

12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a kitchen.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At a concert.

13.What produces the smoke?

A.A fire.

B.A cigar.

C.The meat.


W:Hi,John,I haven’t seen you for a few weeks.

M:Oh,hi,Mary.I’ve been studying a lot for my final exam.

W:Well,the term is almost over now.

M:Yes.My brother’s coming for a visit this summer,and we’d like to see some of the country.But traveling is so expensive.

W:Have you thought about camping?

M:Camping?I’ve never done that.

W:I think you’ll really like it.It’s much cheaper than staying at a hotel.And being close to nature is a good way to forget about our school for a while.

M:What a good idea! We can go by bike until we find a nice place and just camp.

14.Why hasn’t Mary seen John lately?

A.He went to a camping trip.

B.He was visiting his brother.

C.He’s been studying.

15.Who will go camping with John?

A.John’s brother.


C.John’s classmates.

16.What does John think of Mary’s idea about camping?

A.It’s wonderful.

B.It’s is unsafe.

C.It’s expensive.


  Miss Jenkins was born in a rich family.She liked all the foods which were rich in fat and sugar.So she got fatter and fatter.Her workmates often laughed at her for it.She was angry with them and couldn’t get on well

  with them.But her weight brought her some trouble.No young man liked a fat girl like her and now she was more than thirty,she had to live alone.She went to see the doctors.They gave her a list of the healthy diets and advised her to lose weight and of course it was difficult for her to do so.For example,it was her birthday one day.She went to a restaurant and bought a nice cake.The waiter asked her how many pieces she wanted him to cut it into.She thought for a while and said she was losing her weight so the cake would be cut only into two,not into six.

17.How old was Miss Jenkins?

A.Less than twenty.


C.More than thirty.

18.Why did Miss Jenkins get fatter?

A.Because something was wrong with her.

B.Because she liked fat and sugar very much.

C.Because she never had any sports.

19.Why couldn’t Miss Jenkins get on well with her workmates?

A.Because she was richer than her workmates.

B.Because she was fatter than any of her workmates.

C.Because she was often laughed at.

20.With whom did Miss Jenkins go to the restaurant?

A.With her servants.

B.By herself.

C.With her friends.




W:Could you tell me the way to the hospital?

M:I’m sorry I’m a stranger here myself.You can ask the policeman over there.

1.Why doesn’t the man tell the woman the way to the hospital?

A.Because he is a stranger to the city.

B.Because he doesn’t want to tell her the way.

C.Because he doesn’t feel like talking with her.

W:Where is the post office?

M:Just walk down this street.It’s only ten minutes’ walk from here.You will find it on your right.

2.Where are the two speakers?

A.They are in an office.

B.They are in the street.

C.They are at home.

W:Would you mind if I borrowed your dictionary?

M:I’m sorry, but I’m using it now.

3.Why doesn’t the man lend his dictionary to the woman?

A.Because he is using it.

B.Because he hasn’t brought it with him.

C.Because he doesn’t want to lend it to the woman.

W:Do you mind if I use your rubber?

M:Of course not.Go ahead, please!

4.What does the woman want to borrow from the man?

A.A dictionary.

B.A pen.

C.A rubber.

W:Would you like me to carry this box for you?

M:No, thanks.I can manage it myself.

5.What does the woman offer to do?

A.To wash some clothes for the man.

B.To carry his box.

C.To look after his child.




W:What’s the matter, Peter? You don’t look very happy.

M:I’m not.I’m worried about my English.

W:What’s the problem?

M:I’m not practicing enough.

W:Why not?

M:Well, it’s difficult to meet English people.

W:You should go out more.

M:Where should I go?

W:You should go to bars.You should join a club.

M:But English people never speak to me.

W:Ah! You should speak first.

M:What can I talk about?

W:The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.

6.What are the two speakers talking about?




7.What is Peter worried about?

A.English people.

B.His English.

C.Going out.


M:Today is the twelfth of August.In another four days it will be my sister Mary’s birthday.We will have a party.Would you please come and join us, Jean?

W:What time will the party begin?

M:At twenty to two.

W:My sister is coming to see me from Shanghai at 1∶20 that afternoon.I’ve got to meet her at the station, so I’m afraid I’ll be late for the party.

M:That’s all right.Do come please.


8.When is Mary’s birthday?

A.On August 15th.

B.On August 16th.

C.On August 12th.

9.What time will the party begin?

A.At 2∶00 p. m.

B.At 2∶20 p. m.

C.At 1∶40 p. m.

10.Will Jean come to the party?

A.No, she won’t, because she’ll meet her sister at the station.

B.Yes, she will, but she will be late for the party.

C.Not sure.Perhaps she won’t be able to come.


M:Madam, come and look at this china.It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

W:Yes, it is.I haven’t seen anything like this for years.

M:Ladies always like the china more than the weapons.

W:Tell me something about it, please.

M:Well, you see, all these pieces of china belong to the same set.A king gave it to the Duke in 1819, and pictures on the china tell the story of the Duke’s life.

W:You know a lot about the things in the museum, don’t you? Have you worked here long?

M:Oh yes, I’ve worked here for a long time.I’ve been here since the opening of the museum.I’ve been here for ten years.

11.Where are the speakers?

A.At a museum.

B.In a shop.

C.In a school.

12.What are they talking about?

A.A country.

B.A china.

C.A gun.

13.How long has the man worked here?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Ten years.


W:I’m sorry you had to wait so long.

M:That’s all right.Was the boy hurt badly?

W:No.After I cleaned his head, he felt much better.So did his mother.The blood had frightened her.

M:She probably thought it was much worse than it really was.

W:Yes, mothers are always worried about their children.Now, what’s the matter with you?

M:I’ve just got a headache.I feel weak.I really feel terrible?.

W:I’m sorry to hear that.Let me examine you.

14.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and parent.

C.Doctor and patient.

15.Who probably thought it was much worse than it really was?

A.The child.

B.The mother of the boy.

C.Everyone there.

16.What’s the matter with the man?

A.He has a headache and feels bad.

B.He is frightened at the blood.

C.He hurt himself on the head.


A young father was visiting an old neighbor.They were standing in the old man’s garden and talking about children.The young man asked, “How strict should parents be with their children?” The old man pointed to a string between a big, strong tree and a thin, young one.“Please untie that string,” he said.The young man untied it, and the young tree bent over to one side.“Now tie it again, please,” said the old man, “But first pull the string tight so that the young tree is straight again.” The young man did so.Then the old man said, “There, it is the same with children.You must be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to see how they are getting on.If they are not yet able to stand alone, you must tie the string tight again.But when you find that they are ready to stand alone, you can take the string away.”

17.What was the young father doing?

A.He was looking after his child.

B.He was paying a visit to an old neighbor.

C.He was working with an old neighbor.

18.What were they talking about?


B.Their houses.

C.Their trees.

19.Why did the young tree bend over to one side?

A.Because it was pulled by a string.

B.Because it was dying.

C.Because it was too thin to stand straight alone.

20.What did the young father learn from the old man?

A.He needn’t be strict with children.

B.He learned how strict parents should be with their children.

C.He learned how to plant a tree.




W:David, so you are taller than Smith.

M:That’s right.

But I’m shorter than Tom.

1.Who is the shortest of the three?




M:Pop music is really boring to all people.

W:I can’t agree with you.Most of the young people enjoy it.

M:Simply because they are too young.

2.Who is the man?

A.He is a young man.

B.Maybe he is an old man.

C.He is a pop music lover.

M:Mary, have you found a job at the market?

W:No, I wish I were a boy.

3.What does the woman imply?

A.A boy is stronger than a girl.

B.A boy can find a job more easily than a girl.

C.She doesn’t like to be a girl.

W:How many eggs did you buy from the supermarket this morning?

M:A dozen.But four were broken on my way home.

4.How many eggs does the man have now?




W:What do you think of the football game we watched last night?

M:It is no better than the one we are watching now.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Neither of the football games is good.

B.Both of the football games are good.

C.The football game they are watching is better than the one they watched last night.




M:The American pop star Jackson is in our city.

W:That’s great.

M:I’m very fond of Jackson, so are my parents and my sister.

W:Are you going to the Jackson’s concert?

M:Yes.My family will go there.I’m going to buy tickets for tonight’s concert.

W:Why not buy a ticket for me?I’m busy now, I have to type two letters for my boss, David.

M:With pleasure.

W:100 yuan, please.

M:Oh, your change, twenty yuan, here you are.

6.How many tickets will the man possibly buy for tonight’s Jackson’s concert?




7.What job does the woman probably do?





M:Sit down, please, take it easy.What is your name, please?


M:What is the matter?Madam?

W:My house was broken into last night.

M:Can you describe what happened last night?

W:Yes.At six o’clock, my husband and I left home to attend a friend’s birthday’s party.We didn’t get home until mid-night.When I opened the door, we found that someone had entered our house by the window.

M:Have you got anything stolen?

W:Yes.My diamond necklace is gone, so are my computer and two valuable vases.

M:Can you tell me anything more?

W:Oh, the man living opposite our house said he had heard a sound of glass being broken at about eleven.After a while, he saw a tall man with long hair came out of my house.

M:Well, we will look into the case right away.If we have any news, we will let you know.

8.What in the man in the conversation?

A.A policeman.

B.Alice’s husband.

C.Alice’s neighbor.

9.When was the woman’s house broken into?

A.At twelve last night.

B.At around 11 last night.

C.At seven yesterday evening.


M:Susan, is your cousin beautiful?

W:No, she is not as good-looking as you thought.She is an ordinary girl.But she is very tall.You are taller than I, but she is even taller than you.

M:Does she use any make-up?

W:No, she doesn’t like to.She is very natural.

M:Does she have a good figure?

W:I don’t think so.But she looks very healthy.She is also very lively and very lovely.

M:Do you like her because of that?

W:That’s not the main reason.I like her because she is gentle and understanding.

M:Oh, everyone likes such a girl.

W:Yes.And she always wears a sweet smile.

M:I see.No wonder you’re always talking about her.

10.What did the man used to think of Susan’s cousin?

A.Very beautiful.



11.Who is the shortest of the three people?


B.The man.

C.Susan’s cousin.

12.What is the main reason for Susan’s liking her cousin?

A.Because Susan’s cousin is very tall.

B.Because Susan’s cousin is very healthy.

C.Because Susan’s cousin is gentle and understanding.


M:Mrs Speneer, what time is Mr Black’s flight expected to arrive at Boston Airport?

W:Around 2 p.m.sir.Will you go with the company car to meet him?

M:Yes.So I’d better leave here no later than now.How about the hotel for Mr Black and his party?

W:I made the reservations for them last week and checked again yesterday, to be sure everything is ready.

M:Including the welcome room for tonight’s reception.

W:That’s right.The manager promised me that everything would be exactly as we have requested.

M:Excellent.I want everything to be the very best.

W:I’m sure it will be.That manager has never let us down yet.

M:We want to make a good impression.Not just to be sure that this business deal is a success, but pay back the wonderful treatment we received from them in Tokyo last year.

13.What is the man going to do?

A.Take a flight for Japan.

B.Drive the woman to the hotel.

C.Meet a guest at the airport.

14.Where will Mr Black stay after his arrival?

A.At a hotel.

B.At the man’s house.

C.At the woman’s house.

15.What will take place that evening?

A.Mr Black’s arrival.

B.A hotel reception.

C.A business meeting.

16.Why does the man want to make a good impression?

A.To repay Mr Black’s kindness.

B.To get invited back to Tokyo.

C.To increase the hotels business.


Bill, Ed and Arnold are three musicians who are discussing ways in which they will perform together on stage in front of an audience.Bill says, “Here’s what I have in mind, when the curtain goes up, I’ll come out and play the violin.Then the curtain goes the piano.Then the curtain goes down.Then the curtain goes up...”

“Wait a minute, ”interrupt the other two.“What are we supposed to do?”Bill says.“The curtain doesn’t go up and down by itself.”

17.What instrument do Ed and Arnold play?

A.The violin.

B.The piano.


18.According to Bill, who will be performing on the stage?

A.Ed and Arnold.

B.Bill, Arnold and Ed.


19.Who asked the question, “What are we supposed to do?”

A.Bill and Ed.

B.Ed and Arnold.

C.Bill, Ed and Arnold.

20.According to Bill, what will Ed do?

A.Pull the curtain up and down.

B.Play he instruments with the other two.

C.Play an instrument by himself.




W:Could you tell me the way to the hospital?

M:I’m sorry I’m a stranger here myself.You can ask the policeman over there.

1.Why doesn’t the man tell the woman the way to the hospital?

A.Because he is a stranger to the city.

B.Because he doesn’t want to tell her the way.

C.Because he doesn’t feel like talking with her.

W:Where is the post office?

M:Just walk down this street.It’s only ten minutes’ walk from here.You will find it on your right.

2.Where are the two speakers?

A.They are in an office.

B.They are in the street.

C.They are at home.

W:Would you mind if I borrowed your dictionary?

M:I’m sorry, but I’m using it now.

3.Why doesn’t the man lend his dictionary to the woman?

A.Because he is using it.

B.Because he hasn’t brought it with him.

C.Because he doesn’t want to lend it to the woman.

W:Do you mind if I use your rubber?

M:Of course not.Go ahead, please!

4.What does the woman want to borrow from the man?

A.A dictionary.

B.A pen.

C.A rubber.

W:Would you like me to carry this box for you?

M:No, thanks.I can manage it myself.

5.What does the woman offer to do?

A.To wash some clothes for the man.

B.To carry the box for the man.

C.To look after the child for the man.




W:What’s the matter, Peter? You don’t look very happy.

M:I’m not.I’m worried about my English.

W:What’s the problem?

M:I’m not practicing enough.

W:Why not?

M:Well, it’s difficult to meet English people.

W:You should go out more.

M:Where should I go?

W:You should go to bars.You should join a club.

M:But English people never speak to me.

W:Ah! You should speak first.

M:What can I talk about?

W:The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.

6.What are the two speakers talking about?




7.What is Peter worried about?

A.English people.

B.His English.

C.Going out.


M:Today is the twelfth of August.In another four days it will be my sister Mary’s birthday.We will have a party.Would you please come and join us, Jean?

W:What time will the party begin?

M:At twenty to two.

W:My sister is coming to see me from Shanghai at 1∶20 that afternoon.I’ve got to meet her at the station, so I’m afraid I’ll be late for the party.

M:That’s all right.Do come please.


8.When is Mary’s birthday?

A.On August 15th.

B.On August 16th.

C.On August 12th.

9.What time will the party begin?

A.At 2∶00 p. m.

B.At 2∶20 p. m.

C.At 1∶40 p. m.

10.Will Jean come to the party?

A.No, she won’t, because she’ll meet her sister at the station.

B.Yes, she will, but she will be late for the party.

C.Not sure.Perhaps she won’t be able to come.


M:Madam, come and look at this china.It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

W:Yes, it is.I haven’t seen anything like this for years.

M:Ladies always like the china more than the weapons.

W:Tell me something about it, please.

M:Well, you see, all these pieces of china belong to the same set.A king gave it to the Duke in 1819, and pictures on the china tell the story of the Duke’s life.

W:You know a lot about the things in the museum, don’t you? Have you worked here long?

M:Oh yes, I’ve worked here for a long time.I’ve been here since the opening of the museum.I’ve been here for ten years.

11.Where are the speakers?

A.At a museum.

B.In a shop.

C.In a school.

12.What are they talking about?

A.A country.

B.A china.

C.A gun.

13.How long has the man worked here?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Ten years.


W:I’m sorry you had to wait so long.

M:That’s all right.Was the boy hurt badly?

W:No.After I cleaned his head, he felt much better.So did his mother.The blood had frightened her.

M:She probably thought it was much worse than it really was.

W:Yes, mothers are always worried about their children.Now, what’s the matter with you?

M:I’ve just got a headache.I feel weak.I really feel terrible.

W:I’m sorry to hear that.Let me examine you.

14.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and parent.

C.Doctor and patient.

15.Who probably thought it was much worse than it really was?

A.The child.

B.The mother of the boy.

C.Everyone there.

16.What’s the matter with the man?

A.He has a headache and feels bad.

B.He is frightened at the blood.

C.He hurt himself on the head.


  A young father was visiting an old neighbor.They were standing in the old man’s garden and talking about children.The young man asked, “How strict should parents be with their children?” The old man pointed to a string between a big, strong tree and a thin, young one.“Please untie that string, ” he said.The young man untied it, and the young tree bent over to one side.“Now tie it again, please, ” said the old man.“But first pull the string tight so that the young tree is straight again.” The young man did so.Then the old man said, “There, it is the same with children.You must be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to

  see how they are getting on.If they are not yet able to stand alone, you must tie the string tight again.But when you find that they are ready to stand alone, you can take the string away.”

17.What was the young father doing?

A.He was looking after his child.

B.He was paying a visit to an old neighbor.

C.He was working with an old neighbor.

18.What were they talking about?


B.Their houses.

C.Their trees.

19.Why did the young tree bend over to one side?

A.Because it was pulled by a string.

B.Because it was dying.

C.Because it was too thin to stand straight alone.

20.What did the young father learn from the old man?

A.He needn’t be strict with children.

B.He learned how strict parents should be with their children.

C.He learned how to plant a tree.

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