
A long time ago, I knew a girl whose name is Gloria. She is a student. Most people in school liked Gloria.So when she got sick,some boys_____to visit her. But none of them wanted to  _____any money for a gift to bring.

    Then Willie said,“We can _____some flowers from a _____. ”

    Gloria will not know ______they come from,and the dead man will not _____them.

    Everybody was afraid,_____Willie.So he went alone and ____some beautiful flowers.Then they went to Gloria’s_____,and the boys acted as if the flowers were from all of them,but______did not mind.

    After their visit,Willie_____the other boys,“It is a good thing that I was not afraid. Gloria ____ the flowers. ”

    The other boys laughed. Gloria would not have liked the _____if she had known they had come from a grave.

    That night, Willie was reading a book _____his mother came into his room.“Willie,did you and other boys buy some flowers today ______Gloria?”she asked.“There’s a man  _____asking for you,”she added. “He says that you didn’t ______the flowers. ”

    “What does he look  ____?”Willie asked.

    “That’s hard to say,”Willie’s mother answered. “He is all _____with mud(泥土). ”

    Willie,all of a sudden,was ____.

1.A. thought B. planned C. asked D. took

2.A. keep B. cost C. take D. spend

3.A. steal B. pick up C. buy D. plant

4.A. shop B. store C. street D. grave

5.A. how B. when C. where D. why

6.A. miss B. lose C. hate D. love

7.A. except B. besides C. including D. beside

8.A. saw B. thought C. looked for D. found

9.A. room B. hospital C. school D. library

10.A. Gloria B. some C. Willie D. nobody

11.A. told B. asked C. said to D. explained

12.A. refused B. liked C. hated D. missed

13.A. boys B. flowers C. secret D. news

14.A. when B. as C. while D. suddenly

15.A. to B. for C. on D. with

16.A. inside B. outside C. still D. also

17.A. ask for B. water C. like D. pay for

18.A. as B. about C. like D. for

19.A. painted B. dressed C. wrapped D. covered

20.A. afraid B. red C. sad D. glad


William Green, aged 82, was making his breakfast when he heard somebody in his garden. “I went out of back door and suddenly I saw his man running towards me. He________me out of the way and took my ________from the garden shed(棚屋).” Mr. Green did not ________, as he knew he would be no match in a fight with the man. The burglar tried to cycle away, but the _______on the bike were flat so it was difficult to ride. “He kept ________the bicycle,” said Mr. Green, “at least three or four times.” ________the man had fled, Mr. Green called the police.

When they arrived, officers asked him to ________ the man, but instead he _________ to draw them a picture. “When Mr. Green started drawing,” said one of the police officers, “I knew who the ________was.” In fact, Mr. Green had worked for more than 20 years in daily newspapers, doing caricatures (漫画) of Australian footballers. “I had no _______in remembering the man’s face because he was so _______to me.” he said.

Police searched in the neighborhood with the sketch(素描) of the burglar and found him ________half an hour. The cartoon was a perfect _______of the burglar. The 34-year-old man was to be _______with theft, burglary and assault(袭击). And the _______bike was later found in a road nearby.

Police believed that this was the first time they have ________caught a suspect with a _________sketch. A senior police officer said that in the past some ________had used their mobile phones to take ________at crime scenes, but they had not been as ________.

1.A. warned B. pushed C. led D. caught

2.A. mobile phone B. wallet C. picture D. bicycle

3.A. resist B. refuse C. withdraw D. obey

4.A. wires B. wheels C. tyres D. parts

5.A. falling off B. moving away C. dropping on D. putting aside

6.A. Since B. Before C. After D. While

7.A. identify B. name C. draw D. describe

8.A. offered B. promised C. stopped D. continued

9.A. owner B. burglar C. rider D. footballer

10.A. reason B. point C. difficulty D. interest

11.A. dangerous B. friendly C. close D. strange

12.A. among B. within C. beyond D. over

13.A. partner B. likeness C. pair D. model

14.A. charged B. met C. punished D. supplied

15.A. missing B. broken C. new D. flat

16.A. even B. never C. ever D. still

17.A. beautiful B. professional C. pencil D. cartoon

18.A. criminals B. officers C. painters D. victims

19.A. actions B. photographs C. messages D. emails

20.A. exact B. smooth C. skillful D. effective

Before you accept a job offer, it’s important to really think about the offer. Here are some suggestions about the things you need to consider.


Firstly, is the salary (薪水) listed on your contract and documents the same as you were offered? Secondly, are you happy with the amount? Do you think that the pay you’ll receive is fair for your skill sets and experience? Be sure to do a little market research to ensure you’re being paid a reasonable amount.

Will the location work for you?

No matter how good a role, there’s no point accepting a job offer that is too far from your home. If you’re already spending 40 hours a week at work, adding three hours a day commuting (来回上下班) is far from ideal. 2.

Is there any career development?

It’s all very good if the job you’ve been offered is exactly what you want at the moment, but what about the future? 3. We recommend asking your potential employer before accepting.

Will you like the work culture?

As previously mentioned, you’ll most likely be spending 40 hours a week at this new job.4. Does the company promote a good work / life balance? Do they agree with your environmental / social values? Essentially, will this be a company that you enjoy working for?

How does the new job compare with your current one?

This is relatively simple. If the job you’re being offered doesn’t have as good a role, salary or satisfaction level as your current one, then why are you considering it at all? 5. Have a think about why you want to leave your current job before deciding on the next one.

A. Be realistic & consider whether or not the job’s location is going to work for you in the long run.

B. There’s a big difference between just doing your job and doing your job well.

C. Although change is good, sometimes it’s not always smart.

D. So it’s important that the company’s culture meets your values.

E. Is the salary reasonable?

F. It is very important that you understand exactly the duties in your new job.

G. Whether or not you have the opportunity to grow within a business is an important thing.

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