
    Marie was a single mother of two children in the county of Missouri. She worked full-time during the day and sold handmade leather gifts on weekends. She 16 devoted much spare time in her and her neighbouring community charities to 17 others.

    Then one day Marie received some 18 news from her doctor. She had cancer,and it was 19 rapidly. Her life was so hard that she could not 20 to put a cent in the medical treatments she would need. She decided to let her 21 alone and put her future to God.

    But soon,Marie learned a fact: 22 she was not financially wealthy,she already had the most valuable 23 in the world. Many people she had 24 in caring ways offered help and money to Marie. Hundreds in her community and 25 areas teamed up to help her and her family. She did not 26 the disease. However,she lived long enough to feel the 27 of those she had cheerfully served. She died calmly as she knew a couple had 28 to take care of her children.

   The spirits of love and gratitude (感激,谢意) increase rapidly when they are 29 among people. Happiness is the 30 of sharing love and gratitude. Giving 31 was a belief that Marie carried out all her life,and her spirit of giving still 32 after she died in those who knew and loved her.

    All her life,Marie had shown the truth of this simple 33 : happiness will not come from worldly possessions or wealth. 34 , it is an attitude that comes from appreciating what we already have. We can find the happiness we 35 all the time if we first share it with others. Then—and only then—we will have the most val-uable possessions on earth:love,happiness,and increasing gratitude.

16. A. even   B. still   C. also   D. already

17. A. greeting   B. teaching

   C. challenging   D. helping

18. A. encouraging   B. shocking

   C. amazing   D. attracting

19. A. disappearing   B. spreading

   C. decreasing   D. producing

20. A. afford   B. dare   C. decide   D. offer

21. A. children   B. career

   C. disease   D. charity

22. A. because   B. before

   C. if   D. although

23. A. possessions   B. knowledge

   C. gifts   D. information

24. A. met   B. remembered

   C. visited   D. moved

25. A. foreign   B. faraway

   C. surrounding   D. rural

26. A. survive   B. cure

   C. develop   D. understand

27. A. respect   B. love

   C. sympathy   D. support

28. A. hoped   B. planned

   C. expected   D. promised

29. A. shared   B. noticed

   C. mentioned   D. received

30. A. fact   B. result

   C. relationship   D. effort

31. A. properly   B. willingly

   C. completely   D. unselfishly

32. A. changed   B. rose

   C. lived   D. happened

33. A. principle   B. message

   C. lesson   D. experience

34. A. Meanwhile   B. Instead

   C. Therefore   D. Nevertheless

35. A. seek   B. lack   C. waste   D. choose

16. C解析:由上下文可知“除了日常工作外,玛丽也把很多时间用于……”,前后是 并列关系。

17. D解析:由此空前的“her and her neighbouring community charities” 可知, 玛丽把 很多业余时间用于帮助别人。

18. B 解析:由下文 “ She had cancer... ” 可 知,玛丽得了癌症,这个消息是令人震 惊的。

19. B解析;由下文玛丽的死可知,此处是说 她身上的癌细胞扩散得很快。

20. A 解析:由上文“Her life was so hard." 可知,玛丽的生活很艰难,她负担不起她所 需要承担的医疗费用。

21. C 解析:由下文“put her future to God” 可 知,由于负担不起医疗费用,所以她决定不 治疗,任病情发展。

22. D解析:由上下文可知,此处是说尽管她 在金钱上不富裕,她却拥有世界上最宝贵 的东西。

23. A解析:同第22题解析。

24. D解析:由上文可知,尽管玛丽很穷,但 她还是用很多时间来帮助别人,此处是说 她的这种做法感动了很多人,很多接受过 玛丽帮助的人现在都来帮助她。

25. C 解析:由上文“devoted much spare time in her and her neighbouring community charities…”可知,不仅她自B的社区,而 且周围地区的人也来帮助她。

26. A 解析:由下文 “ She died calmly." 可 知,玛丽并没有从癌症中幸存。

27. B解析:玛丽虽然死了,但她有生之年感 受到了曾经受到她帮助的人们奉献的爱。

28. D解析:由文章语境可知,玛丽很平静地 离开了人世,因为有一对夫妇承诺会照料 她的孩子。

29. A解析:由下文可知,爱和感恩之心在与 他人一起分享时会迅速增长。

30. B解析:此处是说幸福是分享爱与感激 的结果。

31. D解析:由上文可知玛丽对别人的帮助 是无私的奉献,并且她一直坚持着这个信念。

32. C解析:由文章内容可知,玛丽的善举感 动了很多人,虽然她已离开人世,但她的奉 献精神仍然“活在”那些认识她、爱她的人 们的心中。

33. A解析:玛丽的一生说明了这样一个简 单原则的真谛:幸福不是来源于坐世的财产或财富。

34. B解析:下文所述的内容和上一句的意 思相反,故选instead。

35. A解析:如果我们首先跟他人一起分享 幸福,我们就能获得自己一直追求的幸福。


第二节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到题后相应 的位置上(请注意问题后的词数要求) 。

   These days,it can be difficult to find time for even the smallest of tasks. People are constantly on the go,and that stressful lifestyle can lead to all sorts of problems. Instead of living each day in chaos,follow these steps to manage your time and feel your best.

   Make the most of it.

   Try to kill two birds with one stone as often as possible. For example,if you have to take a day off from work to receive a delivery at home,schedule the appointment with the refrigerator repairman that youVe been putting off. The more you can check off your to-do list at once, .

   Just say no.

    Don’t try to please everyone by accepting every invitation for dinner or drinks. Politdy decline requests for your time if they interfere with precious family time or a work project you must finish. It will feel even better to reward yourself after you’ve completed several tasks.

Eat early or late.

   Instead of taking lunch at the usual noon hour,grab

a bite an hour earlier or an hour later. Then,youUl be able to get work done when the office is least crowded. Review your calendar.

   At the end of every month,take a look at the calendar. Note when you fell behind schedule and what days went smoothly. Then decide how many activities,meetings,and appointments you are realistically able to manage.

   Have self-awareness.

    Determine when you are at your best and brightest each day. Schedule your most difficult tasks for those times,to ensure you will be alert and awake for your toughest challenges.

55. What's the passage mainly about? (no more than 10 words)

56. Fill in the blank with proper words,  (no more than 3 words )

57. Suppose one of your friends invites you to dinner,but you have to finish your work. What does the writer advise you to do? (no more than 5 words)

58. What's the meaning of the underlined phrase? (no more than 5 words)

59. How can you manage your most difficult tasks effectively according to the passage? (no more than 15 words)

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