use numbers to understand our personalities, or predict what will happen to us in the future.
Numerology is a way of using numbers to describe a person’s character, and to make predictions
about future life events. Numerologists use the numbers 1-9, 11 and 22 - also known as the “master”
numbers - to help a person understand his or her personality, life goals, and destiny.
Numerologists consider your Life Path number to be the most significant because this number
describes your character. To find this number, add together all the numbers in your date of birth. For
example, a person born on April 25, 1985 would add the month (4), to the numbers of the date (2+5),
plus the numbers of the birth year (1+9+8+5). In this case the total is 34, so this person’s life path
number is 7(3+4). Numerologists believe that people with this number are peaceful and affectionate
but can also be very reserved.
Your Expression number describes your talents and predicts how you should use these to fulfill your
destiny in life. Numerologists assign a number between 1 and 9 to each of the letters in your name.
These numbers are then added together in the same way as before to find your Expression number.
Numerologists can also do calculations to predict when the most challenging periods of your life will be.
Numerologists also believe that the day a person is born is important. Each day of the month has a
character description. People born on the fourth are said to be responsible, honest, and stubborn.
People born on the fifteenth have very strong attachments to family and home. Those who celebrate
their birthday on the thirtieth are artistic, creative, and imaginative, and often make good writers.
If we calculate the numerical value of our name and birth date, numerologists believe that we can
learn more about our personalities. They also believe that we can predict our destinies, how our lives
will progress, and what challenges we may face along the way. To the numerologist, numbers can be
used in many more ways than we think.
B. 8
C. 9
D. 11 ks5u
B. Expression number
C. birthday
D. name and birth date
B. home-loving
C. artistic
D. imaginative
B. Expression number is the most meaningful for people to learn a person’s character
C. numbers can help people better understand themselves
D. numbers can be used to change a person’s future
B. to persuade readers about the benefits of the practices it describes
C. to describe some of the numerological practices and their purpose
D. to tease those who take such beliefs seriously