
9. In the region         1. 5 million people have died from war related causes,and 8 million have been forced to flee their homes,1. 9 million into neighboring countries.

   A. on the other hand   B. as a whole

   C. once again   D. in particular

9. B句意为:"作为一个整体而言,该地区共有150万人死于与战争相关的原因,8百万人流离失所,190万人流人邻国。"as a whole意为"作为一个整体",符合句意。


  Although women lead healthier,longer lives,the cruel perception that they reach their sellby date and become "old" sooner than men is widespread in the workplace,research shows.

  A survey of more than 2 ,600 managers and personnel professionals showed that age discrimination is not only popular in the workplace,but is shot through with inconsistencies (不协调) .

  Six in ten managers reported being a victim of age discrimination―usually because they were turned down for a job for being too old or too young. Yet more than a fifth admitted that they used age as a standard for the new.

  Although the survey found widespread agreement that older workers were better than younger colleagues when it came to reliability,commitment,loyalty and customer service,these qualities were not necessarily considered to be deserving of advancement.

  More than half of respondents believed that workers between 30 and 39 had the best promotion chances,with only 2 percent citing 50-year-olds or above.

Dianah Worman of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development said that there was unpublished evidence that people were considered old at different ages in different sectors.

  "We heard of one man working in IT who said he was considered too old by the age of 28, ”she said.

  There was no evidence to suggest that older workers were less valuable to companies than younger workers,in fact the opposite was often true because older workers often brought experience,she added.

  The findings also suggested that the Government's ideas on age in the workforce may also be out of step with reality.

(   ) 1. According to the passage,in most people's minds,women         .

   A. can live longer than men

   B. have the same chance in promotion as men

   C. become old sooner than men

    D. can't work well as long as men do

(   ) 2. What is the purpose of the writer to write the third paragraph?

   A. To prove there is age discrimination.

   B. To tell us some people's experiences.

   C. To tell us age is very important when people look for jobs.

   D. To tell us not to care about your age wherever you are.

(   ) 3. Compared with younger workers,the older workers         .

   A. are better in reliability,quicker in customer service

   B. have fewer chances to get higher positions in the workplace

   C. are less valuable to companies

   D. are too old to work well

(   ) 4. The underlined sentence quoted by the writer means that         .

   A. it is easy for people working in IT to get old

   B. IT business develops too fast

   C. people working in IT are most young people

   D. the man is tired of his job in IT

People just naturally associate kangaroo,koala and fine beaches with Australia. Yes,you can find many fine sand beaches,white or brown,to enjoy the sunshine and seaside breeze. However,in Queensland,the eastern state of Australia,a night beach tour at this time of year may bring you a more exciting sight of the miracle of life:You can watch hatching baby turtles making their first steps in a natural environment.

On Mon Repos beach,about 14 kilometers east of the city of Bundaberg in Queensland,Australia,lies Mon Repos Conservation Park.

By day,Mon Repos beach is a sweeping bay of brown sand,a quiet spot for people to sunbathe,surf and fish.

By night,it's home to the largest concentration of endangered marine turtles on the eastern Australian mainland. And the miracle of egglaying and hatching occurs from around mid October to the end of April every year. 

In order not to disturb the turtles,tourists have to follow the instruction of the guides. But this may make the tour more like an adventure:Tourists are usually told to huddle (crowd) close together,hold hands and walk close to the shoreline in the dark.

At the start of the season (October and November) ,tourists can view turtles laying their eggs. Nature turtles first use all four flippers to dig a body pit in the sand and then lay eggs in it. It's not uncommon for a turtle to lay more than 100 eggs at a time. And her mission isn't done until she uses her flippers to flick sand and cover the nest.

If you go there at the end of the season (March to April) ,you can see groups of hatchings walk down to the water. It is an astonishing sight as the small creatures,barely two minutes old,race instinctively to the sea.

If they survive,the same hatchings will return in 50 years' time to lay eggs on the very beach where they first emerged (出现) .

(   ) 5. The first paragraph is intended to         .

   A. recommend the readers to have a holiday in Australia

   B. give the readers an idea of the different sceneries of Australia

   C. draw the readers' attention to the topic of this article

   D. show that Australia has a variety of animals

(   ) 6. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. A turtle can usually lay 100 eggs at a time.

   B. If you go to the beach in October,you can see turtles lay eggs.

   C. Turtles usually lay eggs when they are 50 years of age.

   D. It's quite dangerous for the tourists to watch the turtles at night by the seashore.

(   ) 7. Which of the following shows the correct relationship of the three places?

(M = Mon Repos Conservation Park; Q = Queensland;B = Bundaberg)

(   ) 8. Which of the following words may be used to replace the underlined word "flick" in the 6th paragraph?

   A. dig   B. move   C. gather   D. make

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