The Indian Ocean is the third-largest ocean in the worl D.Only the Pacific and the Atlantic are larger.More than one-fifth of all the world’s water supply is in the Indian Ocean.

  The Indian Ocean touches four different continents.To the south is Antarctica and to the east is Australi  A.Africa lies to the west and Asia lies to the north.There are several important islands in the Indian Ocean.These include Madagascar,the largest one,which is near Africa,and Sri Lanka,which is near Indi  A.There is also a group of islands called the Seychelles near the African coast.

  The Indian Ocean is extremely important to the countries in Southeast Asi  A.Strong winds from the Indian Ocean bring warm weather and heavy rains which are necessary for growing foo D.

1.We may conclude that ______.

[  ]

 A.India is larger than Antarctica

 B.the Indian Ocean is to the east of Australia

 C.Madagascar is larger than Sri Lanka

 D.the Indian Ocean is larger than the Atlantic

2.Sri Lanka lies near ______.

[  ]



 C.the African coast


3.Of all the oceans in the world,the Indian Ocean contains more than ______.

 A.5 percent of the world’s water

 B.15 percent of the world’s water

 C.20 percent of the world’s water

 D.50 percent of the world’s water

4.The word supply in the third sentence means ______.

[  ]

 A.liquid or wet

 B.big or large or saving

 D.amount or quantity

5.A good title for this passage is ______.

[  ]

 A.The Indian Ocean

 B.An Interesting Continent

 C.Warm Weather from an Ocean

 D.The World’s Water Supply

Although the Garden God had made him the most beautiful place that there could ever be, Adam was lonely.

Adam needed some    . So God reached into the ground again and took some more stuff from the earth. This time he made every kind of animal and every kind of bird. He brought them all to Adam to see    he would call them. It must have    a long, long time to think up all those    ! Luckily, he didn't call them things like 'Foo Foo' or “Snuggems”or 'Pooky' or anything like that.     , he called them 'gerbils' and 'rabbits' and 'rhinoceroses'. And he    the birds 'eagles' and 'egrets' and 'ruby throated warblers'.

Well,     , we don't know what Adam named them,     he didn't speak English. But he named each kind, and that's important because people are the only ones that name things. Your    knows what a squirrel is, but he doesn't call    a squirrel. He just barks    it! But naming things is one of the things that shows we are    from all the other creatures that God made.    

      even with all the animals around to keep him company, God saw that Adam was     sad. Monkeys are fun to play with, but they don't have very much to say and they have    table manners. So God made Adam fall    , and while Adam was sleeping, God took one of his ribs(肋骨).God took Adam's    and he made a woman from it. When Adam woke up, God    Eve to him , and Adam said, “At last! Here is    like me! Her bones were made from my bones, and her body was made from my body. I will call her 'woman' because that means she was taken out of man.”

  At last Adam was    . And so Adam and Eve lived together in God's garden.

1.A. friend         B. classmates     C. company       D. family

2.A. how   B. what      C. why       D. that

3.A. taken B. cost       C. paid       D. spent

4.A. birds  B. animals C. plants    D. names

5.A. Instead       B. But        C. However       D. Therefore

6.A. raised         B. called    C. played  D. names

7.A. surprisingly         B. strongly         C. relatively       D. actually

8.A. that    B. why       C. because         D. how

9.A. dog    B. bird       C. plant     D. flower

10.A. that B. him        C. them     D. it

11.A. in     B. at  C. on          D. about

12.A. different  B. difficult C. great     D. clever

13.A. Because   B. And       C. But       D. However

14.A. much        B. even     C. any        D. still

15.A. terrible    B. polite    C. good     D. trained

16.A. ill     B. asleep   C. awake   D. alone

17.A. body         B. animal   C. bird       D. rib

18.A. slept         B. got         C. brought        D. took

19.A. someone B. anyone C. nobody D. everyone

20.A. lonely       B. happy   C. sad        D. alone


time  horse  soon  also  enough  however  few  ready  send  hold


To: Christin

Date: 23rd March

Subject: The Riding for the Disabled Association

Hi Christine,

Sorry I haven’t emailed lately —I’ve been very busy since becoming a volunteer for the Riding for the Disabled Association.

Every Saturday, I help to get the horses ______51_____ for the disabled(残疾) riders. Many more disabled people want to ride _____52______ than you’d imagine. It’s a disadvantage that I don’t know how to ride —I’d love to get on long rides with the riders— but I’ll learn  _______53____. Right now, I’m just happy to be able to lead the horses around for the disabled riders.

I’m ______54_____ helping to organize a sale, which will be _____55______ next month. It’s a lot more work than helping the disabled. I need to collect second-hand things to sell at the sale. There are _____56______ things available(获得的) than I thought, but I’m sure we’ll have  ______57_____ next month.

I hope the sale raises more money than last month’s walk. It was rainy, so too few people took part in the event. Last week, we held an auction(拍卖). The auction took much less _____58______ to organize than the walk. _____59______, for some reason, people offered too little money for the things, so we didn’t raise enough money.

I’m ______60_____ you some pictures in the letter, as well as a speech I gave last week.                                                                                                                           Robin

用方框中所给单词的适当形式 填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)

time  horse  soon  also  enough  however  few  ready  send  hold


To: Christin

Date: 23rd March

Subject: The Riding for the Disabled Association

Hi Christine,

Sorry I haven’t emailed lately —I’ve been very busy since becoming a volunteer for the Riding for the Disabled Association.

Every Saturday, I help to get the horses ______51_____ for the disabled(残疾) riders. Many more disabled people want to ride _____52______ than you’d imagine. It’s a disadvantage that I don’t know how to ride —I’d love to get on long rides with the riders— but I’ll learn  _______53____. Right now, I’m just happy to be able to lead the horses around for the disabled riders.

I’m ______54_____ helping to organize a sale, which will be _____55______ next month. It’s a lot more work than helping the disabled. I need to collect second-hand things to sell at the sale. There are _____56______ things available(获得的) than I thought, but I’m sure we’ll have  ______57_____ next month.

I hope the sale raises more money than last month’s walk. It was rainy, so too few people took part in the event. Last week, we held an auction(拍卖). The auction took much less _____58______ to organize than the walk. _____59______, for some reason, people offered too little money for the things, so we didn’t raise enough money.

I’m ______60_____ you some pictures in the letter, as well as a speech I gave last week.                                                                                                                         Robin

A.Join local club to get some advice

B.Take a partner along

C.A good way for hiking

D.Let somebody know your detailed plan

E.Take along some basic equipment

F.Take along enough water and foo


If you are hiking through wild places,the possibility of getting lost or injured becomes very real.You should think about carefully whether or not you are wise to head out on your own.Taking a partner along can have many advantages,especially if that partner is an experienced hiker.As  “two heads are better than one”,if you do get lost or run into difficulty,you’re much less likely to be panic if you have somebody with you to help solve the problem or even save your life.


As a new hiker you should certainly follow clearly marked and well travelled routes.However,it won’t take you too long before you’re ready to take some more adventurous hiking and,at that point,there might be a lot of unknowns and you may need some help.For this reason you should always tell somebody where you’re going and when you will expect to return.


It’s a good idea to always carry a basic survival kit (救生包) with you and your local hiking club will be able to give you excellent advice on the kinds of items you should take with you.The things we’re talking about here might include matches and a lighter,a first aid kit,a sharp knife and a flashlight.It’s also a good idea to have a map and compass with you and a fully­charged cell phone.


      Water is clearly necessary because you may dehydrate (脱水) even over a short period of time on a hot day.Natural water sources may look clean but they can make you sick quickly.You  should remember,however,that water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon,so take enough but not too much.Also take along enough food with you.


It’s all too easy when you get out into the wilderness  to  get  carried  away,with  your  own enthusiasm (热情) and try all kinds of things,but you will quickly realize it is stupid.Joining your local hiking club will allow you to get some advice and information on hiking,including such things as which are the best hiking boots to buy.

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