
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is one of the most common sayings in the English languages. This is because apples were one of the first foods that medical professionals recognized as healthy—their benefits became obvious when, quite simply, doctors found that people who ate apples were sick less often than those who did not. Today we have a more specific understanding of why apples are so beneficial to overall health.

Apples can help keep your levels of bad cholesterol (胆固醇) down. The pectin (果胶) in apples helps you to maintain cardiovascular health and reduce LDL cholesterol(which is the “bad” kind). Apples themselves do not add cholesterol to your diet and are full of water and fiber to help prevent the cholesterol in other foods you might digest. According to Health Diaries, people who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.

Apples are naturally low in calories and high in water content. Eating an apple can satisfy your hunger and keep you from reaching for high-sugar, high-calories snacks. By eating apples, you will be more able to maintain a healthy weight because they fill you up, potentially stopping you from eating food that encourages a waistline increase.

Apples contain respectable levels of boron (硼), which helps build healthy bones, and can also prevent diseases like arthritis. Apples are rich in vitamin C, which is known to help build immunity.

Studies have shown that apples can decrease the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, and liver cancer. One theory is that the apple skins are responsible for this, so be sure not to peel your apple before you eat them, as you could remove some of the health benefits.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. An explanation of an English saying.

B. How to make full use of apples.

C. Apples are beneficial to our health.

D. How to keep healthy in our daily life.

2.By eating apples we can get many benefits EXCEPT________.

A. lowering the cholesterol B. keeping a healthy weight

C. building immunity D. preventing heart disease

3.Which of the following can most probably replace the underlined word “respectable”?

A. Admirable. B. Considerable.

C. Reliable. D. Valuable.

4.Which plays an important role in reducing the risk of breast cancer?

A. The pectin. B. The apple skins.

C. The flesh of apples. D. The fiber of apples.

5.What’s the author’s attitude towards the effect of eating apples?

A. Positive. B. Negative.

C. Doubtful. D. Uncertain.


A new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over the world. Web holism, a twentieth century disease, affects people from different ages. They surf the net, use e-mail and speak in chat rooms. They spend many hours on the computer, and it becomes a compulsive (强迫的,强制的) habit. They cannot stop, and it affects their lives.

Ten years ago, no one thought that using computers could become compulsive behavior that could affect the social and physical life of computer users. This obsessional behavior has affected teenagers and college students. They are likely to log on computers and spend long hours at different websites.

They become hooked on computers and gradually their social and school life is affected by this situation. They spend all free time surfing and don’t concentrate on homework, so this addiction influences their grades and success at school. Because they can find everything on the websites, they hang out there. Moreover, this addiction to websites influences their social life.

They spend more time in front of computers than with their friends. The relation with their friends changes. The virtual life becomes more important than their real life. They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society.

Because of the change in their behavior, they begin to keep themselves apart from the society and live with their virtual friends. They share their emotions and feelings with friends who they have never met in their life. Although they feel confident on the computer, they are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life. It is a problem for the future. Tins addictive behavior is beginning to affect all the world.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The influence of web holism B. The advantage of web holism

C. The popularity of web holism D. The cause of web holism

2.What does the underlined word “obsessional” in the second paragraph most probably mean?

A. attractive B. professional

C. addictive D. potential

3.We can infer from the passage that .

A. web holism has the greatest effect on teenagers

B. people are addicted to games on the Internet

C. students can hardly balance real and virtual life

D. virtual life is more vivid and attractive anyway

4.The author’s attitude towards web holism is that of being .

A. optimistic B. disapproving

C. positive D. acceptable

Like it or not, there will be difficult times in our lives. You might lose your job, fail in your exams or have an illness. 1. Here are some ways not to lose hope during difficult times.

1.1Have faith.

2. No matter how bad the situation is, things will turn out to be good in the end. Several years ago I failed to get my master’s degree. It was a really bad experience.3. It was of much better quality than my previous university. Experiences like this strengthen my belief that having faith is important during difficult times.

2.Be around supportive people.

Going through difficult times is hard, and going through them alone is even harder. You need a group of positive people who can support you. 4. If you don’t, my suggestion is to start looking for one. Don’t wait until you need it, because it will be too late by then. You need the community before difficult times come.

3.Help others.

An additional benefit of being in a good community is that it encourages you to think about other people. It pushes you to help others and, therefore, think about other people. 5. As a result, your situation won’t look as bad as it would be otherwise. Often the situation looks worse than it really is because we give too much attention. Shifting(移开)some of your attention away will put the situation in a better view.

A.Your community helps a lot.

B.Whatever it is, it’s important not to lose hope.

C.However, I changed my attitude towards failure.

D.In this way you shift your focus away from yourself.

E.But I got a scholarship at an overseas university later.

F.You must believe that things will work out well eventually.

G.You should become part of a community that cares for one another.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in the window seat of the super-crowded ladies’ compartment in a train to Mumbai. I’d been ______to find a seat because I had got in at the first station. In a few minutes, the seats were all _____, and many other people had to stand in the jam-packed


One of them was a little girl. It was ______that she was used to the crowd, since she knew how to ___her position to the one that was the most. ___. I felt a little uneasy sitting there watching her having to stand.

I knew what I should do. ___, I had to overcome some internal ___before I could do anything. “Would I look foolish trying to help her?” I wondered. Then I thought, “Maybe this sort of thing is quite ______, and nobody would think the worse of me if I did not do anything.” My ___continued, “Am I thinking too much of the whole thing?” ___, I felt a little shy just reaching out. But I told myself, “Well, ___you are thinking about it, go the whole way.” So, a minute later, I ___the child and asked her to sit on my lap for the rest of the ___ride. Though I _______a bit while offering it to her, the surprised and delighted _____on the child’s

face was enough to

_____all my doubts away. And then, I began to think instead, “Why hadn’t

I offered it to her even earlier? What was_______me?”

Somehow, the gift of gratitude she given me was far beyond the slight discomfort. It was difficult to say who was doing the giving. She was so ___that she sat at the very edge of my knee, supporting half her ____so that there was less on me and my legs wouldn’t hurt. I felt glad that I’d finally done the _____thing.

1.A. difficult B. clever C. lucky D. shocked

2.A. taken B. booked C. emptied D. controlled

3.A. interesting B. practical C. strange D. evident

4.A. direct B. hold C. interrupt D. adjust

5.A. careful B. familiar C. comfortable D. beautiful

6.A. Then B. Therefore C. Besides D. However

7.A. thoughts B. barriers C. challenges D. movements

8.A. unique B. simple C. regular D. common

9.A. doubts B. plans C. decisions D. cheers

10.A. Hopefully B. Actually C. Usually D. Fortunately

11.A. unless B. after C. since D. although

12.A. praise B. phoned C. called D. recognized

13.A. bus B. train C. boat D. plane

14.A. hesitated B. regretted C. imagined D. predicted

15.A. shine B. look C. cry D. puzzle

16.A. order B. require C. force D. permit

17.A. stopping B. encouraging C. relaxing D. supporting

18.A. fearful B. careless C. honest D. considerate

19.A. action B. weight C. work D. pressure

20.A. same B. real C. right D. terrible

Ways to Improve Your Luck

Some people have all the luck!Or does it just seem that way?Why did your co-worker get that big promotion while you were overlooked?Why do some of us seem to experience these lucky things more than others and how can you improve your luck?1.

What You Tell Yourself Matters!

Do you know that people who are lucky tell themselves they're lucky?Has your own self-talk been filled with less-than-lucky talk?Do you say things like:"I'm just not a lucky person."or "Good things never happen to me?" 2.They say things like---"This setback is only temporary.I know things will turn around."or"Things have a way of working out for me."

Expect and Acknowledge Your Good Luck.

3. Research suggests keeping a "good luck journal" helps people become even luckier.Did someone bring you coffee at work today?Did you find a random quarter on the street?Did your husband or wife do something nice for you today?Did your child get a good grade at school?Write them down! 4. Begin to notice all the good that comes to you.

Do Something New and Different.

Make contact with people.Take risks.People who try new things are much more open to luck and good fortune than those who don't.This doesn't mean you have to quit your job or take up skydiving! It could be as simple as starting a conversation with a stranger,taking a class in an unfamiliar subject, learning some words and phrases in a foreign language,or trying a new ethnic restaurant.5. And this greater openness can help promote chance opportunities in their lives.

A.You probably have many more lucky things happening in your life than you think.

B.Lucky people generally expect good fortune.

C.All of these things count.

D.You will never forget your lucky friends.

E.Here are ideas that researchers tell us about luck.

F.A lucky person generally receive good fortune in the future.

G.Lucky people score much higher on openness than unlucky people.

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