


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   Last summer I did some fruit-picking. It is pretty hard work,though. I had to start in 7 am and picked for a good eight hours. But it was such cheerful and full of fun. Some of we had guitars,so in the evenings [ ! we had barbecues and played a bit music together. I only got about $80 a week,but at the least they gave me all my meals,and the food was not that awfully. Basic accommodation was also supplying. Still,I’m afraid I won’t be going fruit-picking this summer,because V ve got a temporary job in town what pays better.


   Visualization is closely related to positive thinking. It is used by athletes,musicians,actors,speakers,and others to improve their performance in stressful situations. How does it work? Listen to long-distance runner Vicki Huber:

   Right before a big race,I'11 picture myself running,and I will try and put all of the other competitors in the race into my mind. Then I will try and imagine every possible situation I might find myself in ... behind someone,being pushed,different positions on the track,laps to go,and,of course,the final part. And I always picture myself winning the race,no matter what happens during the event.

   Of course,Huber doesn't win every race she runs,but research has shown that the kind of mental imaging she describes can significantly increase athletic performance. It has also shown that visualization can help speakers control their stage fright.

   The key to visualization is creating a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speech. Picture yourself in your classroom rising to speak. See yourself at the lectern (放演讲稿的讲桌) ,self-assured,making eye contact(接触) with your audience and delivering your introduction in a firm,clear voice. Feel your confidence growing as your listeners get more and more caught up in what you are saying. Imagine your sense of achievement as you conclude the speech knowing you have done your very best.

   As you create these images in your mind's eye,be realistic but stay focused on the positive aspects of your speech. Don't allow negative images to affect the positive ones. Acknowledge your nervousness,but picture yourself overcoming it to give an effective presentation. If one part of the speech always seems to give you trouble,visualize yourself getting through it without any problems. And be specific. The clearer your mental pictures,the more successful you are likely to be.

   As with your physical rehearsal(排练) of the speech,this kind of mental rehearsal should be repeated several times in the days before you speak. It doesn't guarantee that every speech will turn out exactly the way you imagine it — and it certainly is no replacement for thorough preparation. But it is a proven way to help control your nerves and to make a successful presentation.

28. Huber's visualization of her races.

   A. is detailed and thorough

   B. is used during the event

   C. is based on real pictures

   D. is created with other runners

29. The fourth paragraph is mainly developed .

   A. by space   B. by comparison

   C. by process   D. by importance

30. According to the text,if you run into difficulty when preparing a speech,you should .

   A. ignore the negative aspects

   B. do the mental imaging later

   C. imagine finishing it smoothly

   D. create clearer mental pictures

31. What do we learn about mental rehearsal?

   A. It usually produces the desired results.

   B. It may be a good way to calm you down.

   C. It is more important than physical rehearsal.

   D. It is a good chance to show your imagination.

   Many sports players have not only accomplished incredible(不可思议的) acts of athleticism,but also unbelievable acts of sportsmanship. There were some 41 examples in 2014,and T ve 42 two that inspired me.

   One example of sportsmanship took place in the Sochi Olympics. Russian Anton Gafarov was hobbing(蹒跚而行) along the track,far 43 the rest of the skiers. One of his skis was*broken. He had tried to 44 with the damaged equipment. Canadian ski coach Justin Wadsworth was the only one who had a(n)45 ski. Wadsworth didn't want Gafarov to finish slowly,hobbling across the line. He wanted him to finish with 46 .The Canadian skiers were already out of the race,giving Wadsworth two 47 : Leave Gafarov to hobble across the line on one ski,or give him the spare one. Wadsworth gave him the extra ski,48 Gafarov to get second place in the quarter-finals. 49,he came in sixth in the semi-finals. It was Wadsworth who helped Gafarov 50 his Olympic dream.

   The other example took place in the 2014 World Cup quarter-final match between Brazil and Colombia. The game had just ended. Brazil had won,2-1. Brazil was 51 on the sidelines,cheering and having a good time. Colombian midfielder James Rodriguez had just had his World Cup dream 52 despite scoring a record-breaking six goals in the competition. Brazilian defender David Luiz walked over to him,pointed at him,and 53 the crowd to acknowledge him. He then declared his 54 for a game well played and 55 him for his wonderful World Cup performance. It made both the crowd and Rodriguez 56.

   As an athlete,I know it's easy to get caught up in the 57 of a game. But I also know that 58 is just as important as winning and losing.

   Always remember to 59 your opposing team. Play hard,but play fair. And always be nice. It's the right thing to do and it always 60 .

41. A. amusing   B. interesting   C. amazing   D. embarrassing

42. A. collected   B. picked   C. made   D. created

43. A. behind   B. off   C. from   D. back

44. A. walk   B. go   C. work   D. continue

45. A. broken   B. extra   C. new   D. temporary

46. A. respect   B. kindness   C. love   D. pride

47. A. questions   B. chances   C. choices   D. problems

48. A. allowing   B. advising  C. instructing   D. wanting

49. A. Finally   B. Specifically   C. Particularly   D. Gradually

50. A. share   B. enjoy   C. have   D. complete

51. A. imagining   B. reviewing   C. celebrating   D. training

52. A. achieved   B. tom apart   C. followed   D. broken in

53. A. urged   B. forced   C. expected   D. warned

54. A. surprise   B. doubt   C. curiosity   D. appreciation

55. A. prepared   B. challenged   C. recognized   D. interviewed

56. A. shy   B. happy   C. crazy   D. tired

57. A. fun   B. advantage   C. meaning   D. competitiveness

58. A. sportsmanship   B. friendship   C. leadership   D. championship

59. A. learn from   B. fight against   C. keep up with   D. shake hands with

60. A. pays out   B. pays back   C. pays off   D. pays up

                            Out of the cold 

   There are no known cures for colds and the flu,so cold and flu prevention should be your goal. The most effective way of preventing the flu is to get the flu shot. 36 But there are other techniques you can employ as well. Here are some tips you can use to help prevent colds and the flu naturally:

   Put a box of tissues(纸巾) wherever people sit. Place tissue boxes strategically around the house,at work,and in the car. 37 Then anyone who has to cough or blow their nose can use them in a way least likely to spread bacteria.

   Leave the windows open in winter. Not all of them,but one or two in the rooms in which you spend the most time. 38 

   Add green tea and an apple to your morning break. Recent research by food nutritionists at Auckland University in New Zealand,found that eating food rich in (类黄酮) could lower the risk of adults catching a cold by as much as 33%.39 Eating five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit each day in a variety of colours is a great way to make sure you get enough flavonoids in your diet.

   40 The knuckle(指关节) is less likely to have viruses than your fingertip. The eye provides a perfect entry point for bacteria,and the average person rubs his eyes or nose or scratches his face 20-50 times a day,making fingers particularly good at spreading bacteria.

   A. It works better than anything else.

   B. You need to make them widely available.

   C. Use your knuckle to gently rub your eyes.

   D. Fresh air does wonders for chasing out bacteria.

   E. Never come into direct contact with viruses and bacteria.

   F. They are found in green tea,apples,blueberries,red wine and cocoa.

   G. When you feel a cough coming,use a tissue,then throw it away immediately.

   Monique Udell,a researcher with Oregon State University,got the help of ten domesticated(驯养的) dogs,ten dogs that live in shelters,and ten wolves raised by humans. Each of the animals was presented with a tasty sausage which they could smell,but not eat. The sausage was then placed inside a plastic container with a cover connected to a short length of rope. In order to open the container and eat the sausage,they had to pull on the rope while holding down the container,a task considered fairly simple for dogs and wolves. The experiment was conducted in two ways,one in which the animals were alone,and the other one in which they were with their owners.

   Surprisingly,none of the pet dogs was able to complete the task,and only one of the shelter dogs did so. However,eight out of ten wolves succeeded.

   The presence of a human made no difference. When the owner offered encouragements,four of the shelter dogs were able to access the sausage,but still only one pet managed to do it.

   Udell also made an interesting note: pet dogs have lived alongside humans for a long time,and therefore,when feeling confused about a new situation,they tend to look at their owners for help. The dogs were asking for help,while the wolves didn't give up and tried to solve the problem themselves.

   This experiment seems to show that something about being pets made dogs lose a big part of their motivation and this affects their problem-solving ability. Perhaps even more interesting is the fact that shelter dogs did somewhat better than house dogs — which indicates that being a pet makes dogs “softer” and less motivated to solve problems. However,things are not as simple as saying that wolves are “smarter” or “more creative” than dogs.

28. The sausages used in the experiment.

   A. had a disgusting smell

   B. came from some shelters

   C. were directly tied to a rope

   D. could be reached with very little effort

29. As for the pet dogs in the experiment,the presence of their owners .

   A. produced a negative result

   B. made them totally confused

   C. had little effect on their performance

   D. gave them the greatest encouragement

30. What does the underlined part “do it” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?

   A. Pull on the rope. B. Smell the sausage.

   C. Open the container. D. Make a difference.

31. The experiment shows that .

   A. dogs hate being kept as pets

   B. pets have lost part of their wild nature

   C. shelter dogs seldom turn to others for help

   D. wolves are smarter and more creative than dogs

  Mind control Imagine looking at something and being able to move it just by using your brain!That is exactly what the new technology called BrainGate can do 一 with the help of a robotic arm,anyway.

   BrainGate is. the idea of Professor John Donoghue and his team of researchers at the Brown Institute for Brain Science,USA. BrainGate is attached directly to the brain. First of all,gold wires are put into the part of the brain that controls movement. These are then connected to a small computer chip(芯片) . When the person thinks about different movements,this creates electrical signals,which are picked up by the chip. After this,the signals that are created by the brain are sent back to a computer,which changes the signals into movements. Finally,the computer uses the robotic arm to carry out these movements. BrainGate can already be used to write an e-mail or play computer games,just by brain power.

   The technology has already cost millions of dollars to develop and when it is available for use,it will probably cost thousands of dollars per person. There are still many challenges ahead for Donoghue nd his team. They are currently planning a mini wireless version,which will allow people to be connected to the computer at all times. Donoghue also dreams of using this technology to help disabled people who can't move their arms or legs. He plans to connect BrainGate directly to their own paralysed limbs(瘫痪的胳膊或腿) .This will mean that the person can control their own body again,without relying on a robotic arm.

   This research is attracting the military's (军方的) attention as well. However,it is easy to understand why scientists might be concerned about how thought-controlled machines could be used by the military.

32. What does the underlined word “These” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. Wires. B. Brains.

   C. Thoughts. D. Movements.

33. According to the text,what is one of BrainGate's disadvantages?

   A. It is too expensive.

   B. It needs improvement.

   C. It is difficult to control.

   D. It produces few movements.

34. How will Donoghue help disabled people?

   A. By making BrainGate smaller.

   B. By developing a wireless version.

   C. By attaching BrainGate to their bad limbs.

   D. By replacing their limbs with robotic ones.

35. What does the military think of thought-controlled machines?

   A. They could be useful.

   B. They could lead to disasters.

   C. They would be in mass production.

   D. They would face fierce competition.

   Mary Streech and her friends stood by the water fountain,talking casually. It was like any other day in the seventh grade,Mary remembers,until someone pointed to a girl walking by and said,“She's so chunky( 矮胖的) .” 

   As the others joined in,it became clear: “Being chunky” was a crime. And this girl was guilty as charged.

   At first,Mary felt relieved that they weren’t ragging on her,but by that night,the day's events had given her a stomachache. “After that,I became extremely sensitive,” she says. “If anybody looked at me too long,I'd assume they were sizing up my body”

   By high school,she says, “it was like being in a shark tank." Mean comments about people's bodies were the norm,so Mary started to diet 一 she wrongly believed that watching her weight could protect her from their judgment. And sadly,one year later,that diet had developed into a serious eating disorder.

   Now recovered,Mary is fighting to end that culture of hurtful comments 一 what she calls “bodysnarking." And her timing couldn’t be,better: As we spend more and more time critiquing each other's selfies (自拍照) ,openly judging other people's looks is becoming a national pastime of sorts.

   In fact,many experts believe body-shaming others has become a way to deal with our own emotions. “Sometimes our natural response is to criticize an easy target when we feel hurt or insecure,” says psychologist Robyn Silverman.

   This tendency to attack appearances is especially dangerous for teens,whose bodies — and identities — are still developing. Even if someone else's insecurities are fueling the verbal fire,it's hard to see it that way if you’ re the one being criticized.

   The best news of all,says Aaron Blashill,a psychologist at Harvard Medical School,is that our most effective defense against the culture of criticism is to not be our own body bullies(恃强凌弱的人) .He has conducted studies showing that there's a strong link between how we feel about our appearance and our overall happiness,despite whatever shape or size we happen to be. “It's more important to change how you think about your body than to change what it looks like ,” he says.

25. The day described in Paragraph 1 became special to Mary.

   A. because a girl was bullied

   B. because of a serious crime

   C. because of the water fountain

   D. because her friends talked to her

26. What caused Mary to struggle with an eating disorder?

   A. Her friends dieting to keep healthy.

   B. Her being criticized for being chunky.

   C. Her friends looking at her for a long time.

   D. Her dieting to avoid body image problems.

27. What does Mary mean by “bodysnarking”?

   A. Strengthening the muscles of the body.

   B. Returning to the normal state of health.

   C. Controlling the movement of one's body.

   D. Criticizing somebody for their appearances.

28. We can infer from the last paragraph that to be happy,people should .

   A. be content with their bodies

   B. make friends with the tolerant

   C. try to make themselves look better

   D. avoid paying attention to their bodies

                              Need indoor fun?

   In such a hot summer,nothing is better than staying in the air-conditioned house and cheeking out some educational yet fun apps (应用程序) .

   Mystery Math Museum 

   Artgig Studio. Ages 7 to 13. $2.99. 

   Follow the ghost (幽灵) to find the dragonflies that have escaped in the museum. Collect numbers as you move through the museum,then solve equations (等式) using those numbers to unlock doors to find more of your little winged friends.


   Motion Math. Ages 9 to 11. $3.99. 

   You own a pizzeria!First,take $50 to the store to buy ingredients(材料) .Name your pizza and figure out how much it should cost. Then start selling!Keep up with demand as people come pouring in to your pizzeria. At the end of the day,see how much you,ve earned. Earn enough money and you can add new pizzas to the menu and decorations to the storefront. Running a business is hard. Don't run out of money,lose the store and lose the game.

   Book Creator 

   Red Jumper. Ages 8 to 13. Free for your first book. $2. 49 for unlimited books.

   Want to make your own book about your summer vacation with Grandma? With words,photos,music and even videos,your story comes together with the help of this app. It is cool,allowing you to write words and resize photos and text. Then you can email it to Grandma.

   Trash Toys 

   Duckie Deck Development. Ages 6 to 8. $2.99.

   It's cool to make art out of trash in real life. Now you can make it on the computer,too!Start by choosing a piece of trash such as a red cup,a milk box or an old bag. Then paint it and add a few of the 50 or so decorations.

33. In Pizza!your pizzeria will close down if .

   A. you don't add new pizzas

   B. you lose all of your money

   C. your storefront isn’t decorated

   D. you fail to satisfy some customers

34. What do Mystery Math Museum and Pizza!have in common?

   A. They charge the same price.

   B. Both of them involve math problems.

   C. They are suitable for the same age group.

   D. Both of them deal with money management.

35. If you have an interest in art,you should choose the app made by .

   A. Artgig Studio

   B. Motion Math

   C. Red Jumper

   D. Duckie Deck Development

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