
New Zealand fishermen caught what may prove to be a world-record-breaking colossal squid (巨大的鱿鱼).
In the cold, dark waters of the Antarctic hides a creature with eight arms, two super long tentacles (触须) and eyes as big as dinner plates. Sound like something out of a science fiction movie? Think again.
On February 21, New Zealand fishermen landed a colossal squid the length of a school bus. They had been fishing with long lines for Chilean sea bass (黑鲈) in the waters off the coast of New Zealand when they caught the rare squid. With two hours of hard work, the crew skillfully pulled the creature into a net and dragged it aboard their ship.
Scientists estimate (估计) that the animal weighs about a half ton and is about 40 feet long. That would make this colossal squid the biggest on record.
First identified in 1925 after two tentacles were found in a whale’s stomach, the colossal squid has long been a mystery. The animals are not easy to observe because they can go down to ocean depths of 6,500 feet. What scientists do know from studying the bodies of a half dozen colossal squids is that they are fierce hunters.
The recently captured colossal squid has been frozen to keep it for scientific study. It will be transported to New Zealand’s national museum, Te Papa, in the capital city of Wellington. Experts believe it to be the first adult male ever caught undamaged. Scientists hope to learn more about the colossal squid’s diet, behavior and reproductive (繁殖) patterns.
“Scientists will be very interested in this amazing creature,” said New Zealand Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton. “It adds immeasurably to our understanding of the marine environment.”

  1. 1.

    Why is it usually difficult for experts to observe the squid?

    1. A.
      Because it moves too fast
    2. B.
      Because it is too large
    3. C.
      Because it is very dangerous
    4. D.
      Because it can go down to deep ocean
  2. 2.

    What can be inferred from the passage?

    1. A.
      The squid is from a science fiction story
    2. B.
      The fishermen often meet colossal squids
    3. C.
      Scientists know much about the colossal squid
    4. D.
      The fishermen had some difficulty catching the large squid
  3. 3.

    What’s the purpose of catching such a huge squid?

    1. A.
      To make it into food
    2. B.
      To set a world record
    3. C.
      To do research on it
    4. D.
      To display it for visitors
  4. 4.

    What would be the best title for the passage?

    1. A.
      The biggest squid ever found
    2. B.
      Scientific research on squid
    3. C.
      The lifestyle of the colossal squid
    4. D.
      How the fishermen caught the squid
1.细节题:从文章倒数第三段的The animals are not easy to observe because they can go down to ocean depths of 6,500 feet.可知答案是D
2.推理题,从文章第三段的句子:With two hours of hard work, the crew skillfully pulled the creature into a net and dragged it aboard their ship.说明渔父很难抓住鱿鱼。选D
3.从倒数第二段的句子:The recently captured colossal squid has been frozen to keep it for scientific study.说明抓住鱿鱼是为了科学研究。选C
4.主旨题:从文章第一段的主题句:New Zealand fishermen caught what may prove to be a world-record-breaking colossal squid (巨大的鱿鱼).可知选A


You might think that “global warming” means nothing more than a rise in the world’s temperature But rising sea levels caused by it have resulted in the first evacuation(撤离)of an island nation—the citizens of Tuvalu will have to leave their homeland.

       During the 20th century ,sea level rose 8—12 inches. As a result .Tuvalu has experienced lowland flooding of salt water which has polluted the country’s drinking water.

       Paani Laupepa , a Tuvaluan government official ,reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusaually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years .Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damagingtorms.

       Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions(导致温室效应的气体排放),which are a main cause of global warming . “By refusing to sign the agreement ,the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live where their forefathers have lived for thousands of years,” Laupepa told the BBC.

       Tuvalu has asked Australia and New Zealand to allow the gradual move of its people to both countries .

       Tuvalu is not the only country that is vulnerable (易受影响的)to rising sea levels .Maumoon Gayoon ,president of the Maldives ,told the United Nations that global warming has made his country of 311,000 an “endangered nation”.

54.The text is mainly about           .

A.rapid changes in earth’s temperature

B.bad effects of global warming

C.moving of a country to a new place

D.reasons for lowland flooding

55.According to scientists ,the DIRECT cause of more and fiercer storms is           .

A.greenhouse gas emissions in industrialized nations

B.higher surface water temperatures of the sea

C.continuous global warming

D.rising sea levels

56.Laupepa was not satisfied with the United States because it did not        .

A.agree to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions

B.sign an agreement with Tuvalu

C.allow Tuvaluans to move to the US

D.believe the problems facing Tuvalu were real

57.The country whose situation is similar to that of Tuvalu is          .

A.Australia         B.New Zealan       C.the Maldives     D.the United States

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