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Before sending a manuscript to the Post, a contributor is advised to.

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get a better understanding of American issues


find out the range of the articles in the post


increase his knowledge in many fields


broaden his research focus


to submit nonfiction articles,a contributor must _________.

[  ]


provide his special qualification


be a regular reader of the Post


produce printed version


be over 45 year old


From the passage we can learn that the Post _________.

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allows article submission within six weeks


favor science articles within 2,000 words


have a huge demand for humorous works


prefers nonfiction to fiction article

Generations of children who sat through endless lessons of “chalk and talk” in front of a bossy teacher can take some relief. But the “chalk and talk” method helped them achieve better exam results. Modern classroom techniques may make school days a good deal happier, but contentment(满足) is not the road to success in examinations, according to university researchers.?

Their three-year study, monitoring the progress of 2000 teenagers, tried to measure the influence of the “boredom factor” in 17 selected schools in the north of England. The researchers also found that the old-fashioned approach(方法) of teachers ordering pupils about is still alive and producing results. Their conclusions were welcomed yesterday by educationists who were worried by the shift to less formal lessons.

The pupils in the latest study were asked to award teachers marks to measure how frequently they followed or ignored today's fashion for “child-centred” education. A five-point scale was given to spot the teachers who always told them what they should know and what to write down. “It was significant and not anything you would get by chance or accident. Certainly, when you compare the pupil's interest and attitude to school, there is a quite definite and highly significant difference,” one of the researchers said. But the rankings were turned upside down when the team of four researchers looked at how the children did in examination. The sort of methods now frowned upon(不赞同) actually improve the final grades.?

The researchers said,“There is nothing wrong with old-fashioned, didactic(说教性的) teaching in the fight place, even if it isn't the flavor at the moment.” However, he insisted the best teachers had always mixed the two techniques to match the needs of pupils, although certain examinations forced some to concentrate more on dictation and learning by rote(死记硬背).?

University researchers have discovered that _______.

A. modern teaching methods provide students with entertainment?

B. students taught by modern techniques are happy and successful?

C. traditional teaching methods help students score higher?

D. students like old teaching better than modern teaching at school?

We can infer from Paragraph 3 that _______.?

A. child-centred education promotes friendship among children?

B. the research findings are not significant enough for a conclusion?

C. those who show greater interest in school did better in exams?

D. those who don't show much interest in school may turn out to score higher in tests

The researchers suggest that _______.

A. more old methods be used in teaching?

B. students be taught how to score high in exams?

C. dictation be used as one of the best teaching methods?

D. old and new methods be used together?

The best title for this text would be _______.

A. The Examination?based Teaching

B. Rote Learning Was the Winner

C. The Problem of Child-centred Education

D. The Problem of the Traditional Method

We know the effect calories have on your body.For each pound of weight that your body carries,it takes about 12 calories per pound per day to keep it alive.If you weigh 150 pounds,you therefore need about (150×12) 1800 calories per day to keep yourself alive and maintain that same weight.

If you were to eat more than 1800 calories per day,the surplus turns into fat.It takes about 3600 excess calories to make a pound of fat.Let's say that you were to eat,on average,2000 calories per day.That extra 200 calories per day is going to turn into fat.However,you will eventually hit a point of equilibrium(平衡,均衡) because as you gain weight,you need more calories to maintain that weight.So,a person eating an average of 2000 calories per day will hit equilibrium at (2000/12) 166.67 pounds.

So let's say that you eat,on average,2000 calories per day and reach equilibrium at 166 pounds.Then you go on a crash diet where you eat only 1000 calories per day for 60 days.You lose 16 pounds and reach your target weight of 150 pounds.But then you go right back to eating 2000 calories per day again.The graph below shows your eating pattern before,during and after the diet:

Note that the graph assumes that you,like most people,eat a random number of calories per day.Some days you are “good” and eat less,and some days you are “bad” and eat more,but the assumption is that it averages out to 2000 calories per day over the long run.

This graph shows what happens to your weight before,during and after the diet:

The diet really takes the weight off.But the weight comes right back when you return to your “normal” eating pattern.The weight appears to come back so quickly because when you are at your lightest,you tend to gain more weight each day.The lighter you are,the fewer calories you need.If you only need 1500 calories per day and you're eating 2000,you're going to gain weight faster than if you need 1800 and you're eating 2000.

The passage is mainly about_________.

A.how to lose weight effectively

B.why the weight comes back so quickly once a person stops dieting

C.why a person puts on weight

D.how to keep a healthy diet

According to the text,a person weighing 120 pounds needs _________calories per day to keep the same weight.

A.1440                         B.1800                         C.2000                  D.1000

Suppose all the following people take in 3000 calories every day.Who will gain weight fastest?

A.A person who weighs 200 pounds.                  B.A person who weighs 180 pounds.

C.A person who weighs 150 pounds.                  D.A person who weighs 100 pounds.

What will the writer continue to discuss at the end of the text?

A.Ways to keep the weight off.                          B.Ways to go on a diet.

C.Diseases caused by overweight.                       D.Proper diet to keep healthy.

When I met him, I had a lot of anger inside of me. I’ve lived my whole life in Spanish Harlem, but in my neighborhood, there are shoot-ups all the time. I know kids who have been shot or beaten up. I have friends who ended up in prison. I could have ended up that way, too, but Mr. Clark wouldn’t let that happen.

Mr. Clark worked long hours, making sure I did my work. My grades rose. In fact, the scores of our whole class rose. One day, he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera, and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem. Before the show, he treated us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full. We did not want to let him down.

Mr. Clark was selected as Disney’s 2000 Teacher of the Year. He said he would draw three names out of a hat; those students would go with him to Los Angeles to get the award. But when the time came to draw names, Mr. Clark said, “You’re all going.”

On graduation day, there were a lot of tears. We didn’t want his class to end. In 2001, he moved to Atlanta, but he always kept in touch. He started giving lectures about education, and wrote a bestselling book based on his classroom rules, The Essential 55. In 2003,

Mr. Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to deliver school supplies and visit the orphanages (孤儿院). It was the most amazing experience of my life. It’s now my dream to one day start a group of women’s clubs, helping people from all backgrounds.

1.Without Mr. Clark, the writer           .

A.might have been put into prison

B.might not have won the prize

C.might have joined a women’s club

D.might not have moved to Atlanta

2.The Essential 55 is           .

A.a show

B.a speech

C.a classroom rule

D.a book

3.How many students’ names were finally drawn out of a hat by Mr. Clark?





4.What can we learn in the short reading?

A.It was in Harlem that we saw The Phantom of the Opera for the first time.

B.Mr. Clark taught us not to talk with our mouths full, and we did.

C.Mr. Clark was selected as Disney’s 2000 Teacher of the Year in Los Angeles.

D.In 2003, Mr. Clark moved to Atlanta, and he always kept in touch with us.

5.In the passage, the writer intends to tell us that           .

A.Mr. Clark went to South Africa because he liked traveling

B.Mr. Clark helped to set up a group of women’s clubs

C.a good teacher can help raise his or her students’ scores

D.a good teacher has a good influence on his or her students


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