
  ISLANDS in the world are famous for different things. But Hawaii is special for its variety of features. Beautiful sandy beaches, active volcanoes, a great canyon(溪谷) and special history and culture add up to create its famously romantic atmosphere.

  Formed by volcanoes at the bottom of the sea, the Hawaii islands are like a necklace in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 6 000 kilometres off the west coast of Mexico. There are eight main islands in the group Hawaii (or Big Island), Mai, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau.

  The youngest and biggest island, also called Hawaii was formed 430 000 years ago and is still growing. Kauai, the oldest was formed 5.1 million years ago. For tourists, the sight of the lava that still flows from some of the volcanoes down to the sea, is a major attraction.

  Hawaii is the newest and smallest state in the US. In 1900 the islands joined the US. In modern history it will always be remembered for the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese air force in 1941.

  About 1000 years ago the islands were settled by Polynesians(波利尼西亚人). Captain James Cook led the first group of Westerners there in 1778.

  Native Hawaiians have a special culture and languages. Although nowadays English is the official language of Hawaii, folk music and dancing are still widely practiced. The traditional dance of the islands is the hula, a Hawaiian word that means dance.

  Hawaii's reputation for romance was spread when Hollywood started to use its typical music in movies in the 1960s.

  Today, Hawaii is famous for its mix of cultures. Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos all live there.

  Chinese arrived in the islands as early as the late 18th century. Dr. Sun Yatsen, the famous Chinese revolutionary, grew up there.

  Everyone in Hawaii is a member of an ethnic minority(少数民族) and generally they exist in a pleasant harmony of races and cultures.

1.Which of the following directly led to the formation of the Hawaii islands?

[  ]

A.The sea.

B.The volcanoes.

C.The violent meeting of the earth's different planets.

D.The nonstop turning of the earth.

2.Which of the following shows the correct order of the listed events?

a. Japan attacked Hawaii.

b. The Hawaii islands became part of the US.

c. Hawaii began to be known for romance.

d. First group of Chinese settled there.

[  ]


3.Which of the following is wrong?

[  ]

A.Though Hawaii is the youngest island, it's the biggest of the island group.

B.Native Hawaiians have done well in keeping their tradition alive.

C.The folk music there is not really romantic.

D.Various ethnic group get along quite well there.

4.Native Hawaiians come from ________

[  ]

B.The West.
C.South America.

5.The main idea of the story is about Hawaii's ________.

[  ]


ISLANDS in the world are famous for different things. But Hawaii is special for its variety of features. Beautiful sandy beaches, active volcanoes, a great canyon and special history and culture add up to create its famously romantic atmosphere.

Formed by volcanoes at the bottom of the sea, the Hawaii islands are like a necklace(项链) in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 6,000 kilometres off the west coast of Mexico. There are eight main islands in the group Hawaii (or Big Island), Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau.

The youngest and biggest island, also called Hawaii was formed 430,000 years ago and is still growing. Kauai, the oldest was formed 5.1 million years ago. For tourists, the sight of the lava that still flows from some of the volcanoes down to the sea, is a major attraction.

Hawaii is the newest and smallest state in the US. In 1900 the islands joined the US. In modern history it will always be remembered for the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese air force 1941.

About 1,000 years ago the islands were settled by Polynesians Captain James Cook led the first group of Westerners there in 1778.

Native Hawaiians have a special culture and languages. Although nowadays English is the official language of Hawaii, folk music and dancing are still widely practiced. The traditional dance of the islands is the hula, a Hawaiian word that means dance.

Hawaii's reputation for romance was spread when Hollywood started to use its typical music in movies in the 1960s.

Today, Hawaii is famous for its mix of cultures. Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos all live there. Chinese arrived in the islands as early as the late 18th century. Dr Sun Yat-sen, the famous Chinese revolutionary, grew up there.

Everyone in Hawaii is a member of an ethnic minority and generally they exist in a pleasant harmony of races and cultures.

6. Which of the following directly led to the formation of the Hawaii islands?

A. The sea. 

B. The volcanoes.

C. The violent meeting of the earth's different plates.

D. The nonstop turning of the earth.

7. Which of the following shows the correct order of the listed events?

a. Japan attacked Hawaii.

b. The Hawaii islands became part of the US.

c. Hawaii began to be known for romance.

d. First group of Chinese settled there.

A. d, b, c, a           B. b, d, a, c

C. d, b, a, c            D. b, a, d, c

8. What's the official language of Hawaii nowadays?

A. English.           B. Japanese.   

C. Polynesian.        D. Chinese.

9. Native Hawaiians come from ________.

A. Asia              B. the West

C. South America       D. Polynesia

10. The main idea of the story is about Hawaii's ________.

A. history             B. geography   

C. culture             D. features

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