
  When I was in the final year at college,we visited one of our friends' homes for a lunch. The moment we 6_________ his house,I found his home wasn't painted very well. I couldn't 7        in words but it was not even the kind of house in which a typicaK典型的) middle-class Indian family lives.

  One of the 8        things I did find there was the loving parents. We sat on the ground for the lunch 9        they didn't have a dining table. His mother served us very 10        food,smiling throughout and showed 11        during the whole hmchtime―something I can never 12_________ . His father worked as a normal repairman and I wondered if he made enough money to 13        their two sons.

  While we were taking lunch,his father 14        home to meet us,with black hands and in very 15        clothes. I remember our friend had no hesitation (犹豫) about his father and made our 16    . How loving this family was!.

Now,I am telling you the 17        moment of the story. As soon as his father came in,after just 4  or 5 18_________,our friend asked us if we wanted "Papad" (a typical Indian food) to eat. 19_________ we could say any?thing,our friend's mother said there was no "Papad" in the house.

  20_________,our friend asked his father if he could get some. Very gently and kindly his father 21        it for us. after going through many staircases even though he was looking 22    . From this I understand: the amount of money you make won't 23        others' hearts;the only way is with love and 24_________ . I always tell my friend that one of the most 25_________ days of my life is the day I had lunch with him and his parents.

6. A. compared   B. reached   C. repaired   D. cleaned

7. A. write   B. report   C. learn   D. describe

8. A. greatest   B. funniest   C. easiest   D. strangest

9. A. whether   B. though   C. because   D. unless

10. A. little   B. cheap

   C. delicious D. common

11. A. care   B. pity   C. surprise   D. regret

12. A. imagine   B. mention   C. know   D. forget

13. A. direct   B. support   C. please   D. control

14. A. left   B. stayed   C. returned   D. rushed

15. A. new   B. dirty   C. comfortable   D. thick

16. A. decisions   B. suggestions   C. discussions   D. introductions

17. A. unusual   B. hard   C. exact   D. quiet

18. A. seconds   B. minutes   C. quarters   D. hours

19. A. Until   B. Since   C. Before   D. When

20. A. Quickly   B. Suddenly   C. Certainly   D. Finally

21. A. brought   B. changed   C. cooked   D. prepared

22. A. worried   B. excited   C. satisfied   D. tired

23. A. stop   B. refuse   C. win   D. break

24. A. courage   B. attention   C. experience   D. kindness

25. A. surprising   B. special

   C. boring   D. interesting


6. B根据后一句中作者发现朋友家的墙刷得不太好可以看出作者来到了朋友家里。

7. D朋友家的房子甚至都赶不上一个典型的印度中产阶级家庭的房子,故作者无法用言语来表达。

8. A根据下文的loving parents,smiling以及对朋友父亲行为的描述可以看出作者对朋友一家持赞赏的态度,greatest符合文意。

9. C下文的"…they didn't have a dining table."与坐在地上吃午饭构成了因果关系,因此用because

10. C

11. A在整个用餐过程中,朋友的母亲都保持着微笑,表现出了关爱。

12. D根据下文作者告诉朋友说,与他的父母一起吃午餐的那一天是作者生命中最特别的一天可以看出,朋友父母的热情与爱心是令作者难以忘怀的。

13. B根据上文交代,朋友的父亲是一名普通的修理工,可猜测他的收人不会很高,这使作者开始怀疑他是否能赚足够的钱来养活两个儿子。

14. C根据下文的"…with black hands and in very ... clothes."可知朋友的父亲刚下班回到家。

15. B与black hands相对应的应该是dirty clothes。

16. D作者初次来到朋友家,第一次见朋友的父亲,因此此处是朋友在做介绍。

17. A根据下文内容可知,作者在交代另一件让他感到不寻常的事情。

18. B父亲回家后,朋友为他和作者及其他人做了介绍,因此不可能是几秒钟,故B项符合语境。

19. C作者和其他人还没来得及说话,朋友的母亲就说话了。

20. A

21. A根据''Very gently and kindly…"及"…after going through many staircases…"可知朋友的父亲果真不辞辛劳地弄来了一些Papaci。

22. D朋友的父亲刚下班回来,根据他的衣着等可判断出他做了很多工作,已经很疲惫了。

23. C作者从中明白了一个道理:钱不会赢得人心。

24. A

25. B上文中朋友一家的热情与爱心令作者难以忘怀,因此作者总是跟朋友说,与他们共进午餐的那天是作者生命中最特别的一天。


  A twenty-nine-year-old kindergarten teacher from Maryland was named National Teacher of the Year in 2006. On June first she would begin a year as a nation?al and international spokeswoman for education.

Kimberly Oliver was the first National Teacher of the Year from her state. She taught five-year-old chil?dren at a public school in Maryland,near Washington D.C. President Bush honoured her and other top teachers at the White House.

  Kimberly Oliver said she wanted people to under?stand that the first several years of a child's life were the most important for learning. She said investing in children at a very young age would result in great gains later in school and in life. She called on parents to read to children from an early age so they would not fall be?hind in school. One of the activities at her school was an event called "Books and Supper Night", Families read together at the school and received free books to take home. Parents,children and teachers also ate din?ner together.

  Broad Acres Elementary School was in a poor area. Many of the parents were immigrants with limited English. Kimberly Oliver helped improve learning envi?ronment at her school. She received money to buy elec?tronic learning systems,tape players and books in English and Spanish and sent them home with students. Parents said she had shown them how to help their children at home.

 She was born and raised in Delaware. She held one degree in English and another in Elementary Edu?cation. Kimberly Oliver would follow in the footsteps of another teacher Jason Kamras from the Washington area as National Teacher of the Year. Jason Kamras,honoured for his work,taught maths to middle school students in the nation's capital.

  The National Teacher of the Year programme be?gan in 1952. A fourteen-member committee chose from teachers honoured the best in their states. 

1. From the text we know that in the state of Mary?land,__________ .

   A. no other teacher than Kimberly Oliver had been given the honour

   B. Kimberly Oliver had been teaching in a middle school for many years

   C. Kimberly opened her own school early in Wash?ington in 1952

   D. many other teachers were given the honour to?gether with Oliver

2. Oliver hoped that parents should _________.

   A. spend more time playing with their children

   B. read to their children at an early age

   C. not give too much money to their children

   D. stay at school with their children more often

3. Kimberly Oliver had been named National Teacher of the Year mostly because_________ .

   A. she taught five-year-old children at a public school

   B. the elementary school she taught in is in a poor area

   C. she was helpful and had many special and good ideas in teaching children

   D. she called on parents to read to children from an early age

4. 丁he National Teacher just before Oliver comes from_________

   A. Delaware   B. Maryland

   C. New York   D. Washington

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Oliver got two degrees at university.

   B. Oliver believed reading to children from an early age benefited a lot.

   C. The first National Teacher was chosen in 1952.

   D. The winner of National Teacher of the Year just before Oliver taught Chinese in a middle school.

   One Christmas when I was three years old,my father gave me a present wrapped in shiny red paper. I tore off (新下) the paper 6        to discover what deli?cious secret was inside. My 7        fell on the face of a beautiful little girl on the 8        of a book with a lighted match in her hands. "It's called The Little Match Girl. It was one of my 9         when I was at your age," said my father.

  I was pleased to have Papa J.0it to me. My eyes opened widely as his rich,deep voice 11        the story of a little girl. She was sent out to the cold street to make money by 12        match sticks. Warned not to return home 13        all of her match sticks were sold,the girl warmed her 14        hands by lighting matches,one by one. With the flame of the final match,she 15        joining her dear grandmother in heaven who had ever really 16        her. When Papa stopped here,my heart was filled with sorrow.

  The Little Match Girl became part of our holiday 17___________ . Each Christmas after dinner,my father and I sat on the couch together. I 18        my head on his shoulder and felt the 19        warmth of his shirt. His sweet 20        carried me along on an unforgettable trip. No matter how old I got,I 21        let Papa read it to me.

  This past June,Papa 22___________ . Each holiday,I will miss Papa's soft shoulder and his warmth. But,bravely,I will read The Little Match Gir l23 on my own. And when I come to the 24        where the girl lights her final match,I will close my eyes 25        that I am with the person who loved me more than anyone,ever.

6. A. quickly   B. calmly   C. disappointedly   D. sadly

7. A. hands   B. hair   C. eyes   D .tear

8. A. paper   B. cover   C. board   D. shelf

9. A. memories   B. stories

   C. hobbies   D. favourites

10. A. buy   B. talk   C. explain   D. read

11. A. told of   B. thought of   C. consisted of   D. heard of

12. A. making   B. burning   C. collecting   D. selling

13. A. since   B. if

   C. as   D. unltss

14. A. little   B. beautiful   C. cold   D. white

15. A. met with H. drtamed of

   C. reminded of   D. worried about

16. A. cared for   B. lived with   C. brought in   D. depended on

17. A. present   B. tradition   C. list   D. project

18. A. cleaned   B. covered   C. rested   D. hid

19. A. familiar   B. attractive   C. serious   D. strong

20. A. sight R. voice   C. laughter   D. advice

21. A. never   B. ever

   C. always   D. sometimes

22. A.ran away   B. passed away   C. set off   D. moved out

23. A. aloud   B. perfectly   C. quietly   D. carefully

24. A. shop   B. house   C. part   D. street

25. A. watching   B. begging   C. missing  D. imagining

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