
Finnish President said Finland-China relations had progressed_______ with fruitful co-operation in new and high-tech fields.

A. peacefully                B. highly                      C. quietly                            D. smoothly



Millions of people all over the world use the word OK. In fact, some people say the world. OK means all right or acceptable it expresses agreement or approval.

______ .Some people say it came from the Native American Indian tribe known as the Choctaw. The Choctaw word “oken” means the same as the American word “okay”. Experts say early explorers in the American West spoke the Choctaw language in the 19th century.

But many people doubt this. Language expert Allen Walker Read wrote about the word OK in reports published in the 1960s. He said the word began being used in the 1830s. _____.Some foreign –born people wrote “all correct” as “o-l-l k-o-r-r-e-c-t”, and used the letters O.K. Other people say a railroad worker named Obadiah Kelly invented the word long ago. They said he put the first letters of his names--- O and K --- on each object people gave him to send on the train.

___ The organization supported Martin Van Buren for president in 1840. They called their group the OK Club. The letters were taken from the name of the town where Martin Van Buren was born--- Old Kinderhook, New York.

Then there is the expression A-OK. It is a space-age expression. It was used in 1961 during the flight of astronaut Alan Shepard. He was the first American to be launched into space. His flight ended when his spacecraft landed in the ocean, as planned. Shepard reported, “Everything is A-OK.”____ One story says it was first used during the early days of the telephone to tell an operator that a message had been received.

There are also funny ways to say okay. ____ .These expressions were first used in the 1930s. Today, a character on the American television series, “The Simpsons”, says it another way. He says okely-dokely.

Some people say okey-dokey or okey-doke.

Still others say a political organization invented the word.

Therefore, it has become popular in that area from then on.

But many experts don’t agree on what the expression means.

Language experts do not agree about where the word came from.

It was a short way of writing a different spelling of the words “all correct”.

However, some exerts say the expression did not begin with the space age.

第Ⅱ卷  (本卷共计40分)

Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分为40分)

第一节  基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)




1.    是21世纪初重大体育赛事之一;

2.    包括中国在内的亚洲各国都在为此做准备;

3.    亚运会的作用;


1. 修建体育场馆、亚运村等;

2. 美化城市;


1. 学好英语,争做自愿者;

2. ……




3. 注意:发言稿的开头和结尾已给出(不计入5个句子中)。

     Hello, my dear fellow classmates. Today we’re having a class meeting here whose topic is “2012 Guangzhou Asian Games & Me”.                                                                            


     Thank you for your attention and next, I hope all of you will share your idea with one another about the coming great Games.

WASHINGTON – It’s a great achievement that inspires notions of robots with consciousness and independent minds.

When people or animals get hurt, they can usually compensate for minor injuries and keep limping along, but for robots, even slight damage can make them stumble and fall. However, a recently made robot has demonstrated a novel ability: it can heal its own damage.

The new robot, which looks like a splay – legged, four – footed starfish can sense injury to itself and adapt. That ability sets the new robot apart from earlier machines. Because the robot can recover from unfamiliar places. “There is a need for planetary robotic rovers to be able to fix things on their own,” says Josh Bongard, a professor in the University of Vermont, who is one of the device’s creator. “Robots on other planets must be able to continue their mission without human help if they are damaged and cannot communicate their problem back to Earth.”

A typical robot functions according to a computer program, but the new robot works differently. First, sensors in its four legs observe the robot’s movements and signals to its built – in computer. From the formation it collects, the robot creates its own programs that allow it to adapt to different situations. For example, when the researchers shortened one of the robot’s legs, the smart machine simply adjusted its way of walking – it used three legs instead of four.

The researchers are looking for other places to put the resilient robot to work. One pellicle spot is the ocean floor. That dark and dangerous undersea terrain might be a good choice for a robot the scientists call the Starfish. “We never officially named the robot, but we usually refer to it as the Starfish, even though a real starfish has five rather than four legs,” says Bongard. “Also, a real starfish  is much better than our robot at recovering from injury, because it can actually grow its legs again.” Scientists have created robots that help humans in many ways: by exploring space, fighting fires, and even performing surgery.

46.The newly designed robot distinguishes itself from the former ones because it___________

       A.can communicate with people on the earth about their problems

       B.works according to a certain computer program

       C.can find its problems and solve them automatically

       D.can explore unfamiliar places

47.An example is given in the fourth paragraph in order to explain that the robot ___________

       A.is used to create new programs

       B.has typical robot functions

       C.has sensors to observe its movements

       D.can gather information and adapt to new conditions

48.The underlined word “resilient” in the last paragraph means the robot is ___________.

       A.creative    B.newly made     C.able to recover    D.informative

49.Which of the following is TURE about the robot “Starfish”?

       A.It was spoken highly of by people for its special ability?

       B.It will stumble and fall if damaged.

       C.It can grow its legs again once they are broken.

       D.It has started to work on the ocean floor.

50.What might be the best title of the passage?

       A.How does the Starfish Robot work

       B.Do – It – Yourself Robot Repair

       C.Robots Designed to Work On Other Planets

       D.New Robot Helping Us In Many Ways

第二部分: 阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分, 满分30分):阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

Science summer camps are one of the best ways to improve creativity of students and teach them a practical approach towards science and its applications (应用).Students taking part in the camps can learn to appreciate science and technology at an early age, to be better positioned for further learning and finally better prepared to face challenges.Apart from theories, scientific experiments and discussions are encouraged at these camps.

The science summer camps are usually held between June and August and it’s good for parents to start planning their children’s summer camps at least 6 to 7 months in advance.This period of time provides an opportunity for them to do proper research and save money.With more than 2,000 summer camps in the US, there is a wide variety for parents to choose from.If the child doesn’t like biology, there  is no point sending him to an anatomy (解剖学) science camp.Likewise (同样地), if one thinks that his child limits himself to books throughout the school year, he should try and choose camps which provide students with an opportunity to move out in the open and be physically active.To make the task easier, there are many websites which provide online resource materials to help parents select a summer camp that fits the needs of their children.

Generally, a science summer camp costs between $ 150 and $ 500, depending on where the camp is located, how long it lasts and of course what subject it covers.Some of them also provide scholarships (奖学金) for bright students to encourage them.

51.A science summer camp offers students       .

       A.chances to be well prepared for future study

       B.chances to research and save money

       C.ways to get online resource materials

       D.chances to live independently

52.What does the underlined word “them” in the second paragraph refer to?

       A.Students    B.Organizers         C.Scientists    D.Parents

53.We can infer (推断) from the second paragraph that         .

       A.it’s important for children to relax at the summer camps

       B.online resource materials can help to organize a summer camp

       C.proper camps should be chosen for children according to their needs

       D.different parents should be chosen for children according to their needs

54.What do the costs of a science summer camp depend on?

       A.Organizers’ efforts and suggestions. B.Location, time and content.

       C.Students’ likes and dislikes.        D.Effects and benefits.



The gray-haired lady can’t wait to leave the building to search for her dad. Unless watched, she will walk in the streets in an effort to find her father, who died 30 years ago.

Not all cases of Alzheimer’s disease look like this, but Alzheimer’s is a serious disease that is said to be the fourth or fifth leading cause of death for people over age 75.

It is said that about three percent of the U.S. population over age 65 have Alzheimer’s. In the early stages, people may exhibit short term memory loss. Some may experience changes in personality, easy to be angry. As the disease progresses, patients might lose the ability to move and may be unable to speak or move at all. This progressive disease generally lasts 8 to 10 years before death occurs.

While no one is certain what causes these changes in the brain’s nerve fibers, their effect is certain. Alzheimer’s destroys not only the patients, but also spouses(配偶), friends and families.

What should you do if you notice progressive memory loss in yourself or a loved one? Has the person been examined by a doctor who is a specialist in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease? Though many reasons other than Alzheimer’s disease may cause memory loss, its early diagnosis(诊断)and treatment may delay some of the most serious effects.

What feeling will you likely experience, should a loved one suffer from Alzheimer’s disease? A person will often go through the various stages of sadness, shock, anger, and so on. If the spouse develops the disease, you may experience hurt and disappointment when he or she doesn’t remember you are married.

Life for the Alzheimer’s patients and their loved ones will never be the same as the disease progresses, bringing a deep sorrow, loss and even anger towards God. No matter what feelings are present, facing them honestly will serve one better than burying them.

41.What can be inferred from the passage about the gray-haired day?

       A.She has been living with her father.

       B.She was sad about the death of her father.

       C.She can’t search for her father without being watched.

       D.She suffers from Alzheimer’s disease.

42.When people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease , ________.

       A.their families and friends will suffer from the same disease

       B.their families and friends will experience mental sufferings

       C.they will certainly die in 8 to 10 years

       D.they will forget everybody but their spouses

43.Memory loss occurs ________.

       A.from Alzheimer’s disease and nothing else

       B.from sadness, shock, anger, and so on

       C.for a number of reasons  

       D.with changes in personality

44.From the passage we know that        .

A.early treatment may stop Alzheimer’s disease occurring

B.it is still unknown what causes the changes in the brain’s nerve fibers

C.nerve fibers in the brain will cause Alzheimer’s disease

D.when one suffers from Alzheimer’s disease ,he will be buried

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