Why is setting goals important? 1.Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.

Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals.2.It’s like having a map to show you where you want to go. Think of in this way. There are two drivers. One has a destination in mind which can be found in a map. She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns. The other driver has no goal, or destination or map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, but she drivers aimlessly around. Never getting anywhere, just using up gas. Which driver do you want to be?

3.They decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren’t difficult to set, and they aren’t difficult to reach.4.You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.

5.Written goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power. Like a contract with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget. Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously aware of situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.

A. Winners in life set goals and follow through

B..It’s up to you to find out what your goals really are

C. By setting goals you are taking control of your life

D. Because everybody should have a goal in his mind

E. It’s difficult for a driver to reach his destination without a map

F. Because goals can help you do, be and experience everything you want in life

G. Research tells us that when we write a goal down, we are more likely to achieve it

You want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon? But wait! You’d better not. If a policeman sees you, you’ll have to pay a fine. New traffic laws say that if people cross the street when the light is red, they can be fined as much as 50 yuan.

Traffic accidents killed more than 100,000 people in China one year. Chinese cities have more cars than ever. Drivers and pedestrians must work together to make the streets safer.

The law has new rules for drivers and pedestrians. Drivers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks. If people are in a crosswalk, cars must stop to let them pass. There are rules for bus drivers, too. If bus drivers, smoke, drink or make phone calls while driving, they can be fined. Buses that carry too many people are also against the law.

Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law. They must cross streets at crosswalks. Also, they shouldn’t climb over the fences (栅栏) along streets.

Do you bike to school? It’s not a good idea to carry classmates on the back. You could be fined 50 yuan. And stay in the bike lane (车道), when you’ re riding. The big roads are for cars and buses.

Do you like to ride your uncle’s motorbike? When you put on your helmet (头盔), ask him to put one on, too. People on motorbikes must wear helmets, the new law says. If they don’t, they’ll have to pay 200 yuan.

Do you ride in cars often? Don’t forget to put on your seat belt (安全带), even if you’re going for a short taxi ride. It could save your life.

If you see a hit-and-run(肇事逃逸), tell the police. They may give you a reward (奖赏).And don’t be afraid to help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident. Don’t worry about money. The new law says that doctors must take care of them even if they can’t pay right away.

1.According to the new traffic laws, if you run across the street when the light is red, you will .

A. be not in danger B. be fined

C. stop the traffic D. see a policeman

2.When you ride in a car, even if in a taxi, you have to .

A. Put on the helmet B. stay in the bike lane

C. Put on the seatbelt D. see if it carries too many people

3.You should do all the following EXCEPT .

A. carry your class mate on the back when you’re riding a bike

B. phone the police when you see a hit-and-run

C. help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident

D. wear your helmet while riding a motor bike

4.What’s the purpose of the text?

A. To tell us those who break traffic rules will he punished seriously.

B. TO warn drivers not to break traffic laws.

C. To warn students not to break traffic laws.

D. To tell the readers some new traffic laws.

When my grandma fell ill just a few days before Christmas, I felt shocked and sad that she wasn’t going to be at able for Christmas with the people she loved around her. Mother said, “If she can’t come here for Christmas, we’ll take Christmas to her !” She was very _______when we all arrived at the ward with a lot of_______, full of bustle(喧闹)and chatter.

Afterwards, the idea for Secret Santa started to _______in me. The following year, I decided to put my thoughts into action and _______a request on Facebook and Twitter asking people to donate presents to those who were in hospital at Christmas. The _________was incredible.

The first year, in the week _______up to Christmas, I put on a red Santa’s hat and pushed a trolley(手推车) full of presents _______the hospital wards and the local children’s hospice(收容所) handing out some Christmas _______. I made sure those who weren’t _______ also received a present.

And, of course, the nurses and carers were________big boxes of Chocolates. I also took presents into care homes for the __________. Often it was just something little, but I think they were just ________to see a friendly face. It felt good doing something for other people.

________my grandma died last year, I was still determined to keep the ________running for a second year. This time I was overwhelmed(征服)by the response. There were twice as many presents__________as there were the previous year.

We’ll be________presents right up to the Christmas Eve before going to Midnight Mass(子夜弥撒), so it takes a lot of energy and time. But it’s ________ worth to see the looks on the children’s faces when they get their presents, and to see how happy the older folk are with a (n)________and a chat. I love being a real-life Santa Claus.

My grandma always told me Christmas was about giving, not________. “That’s the real spirit of Christmas!” she used to say. ________, I can pass on that message to others.

1.A. positive B. awkward C. greedy D. delighted

2.A. presents B. fruits C. flowers D. foods

3.A. mix B. push C. grow D. check

4.A. cut out B. put out C. make out D. leave out

5.A. honor B. response C. proof D. model

6.A. leading B. turning C. adding D. looking

7.A. beyond B. around C. under D. opposite

8.A. origin B. trust C. guide D. cheer

9.A. rich B. lonely C. well D. outgoing

10.A. treated B. devoted C. invited D. sent

11.A. young B. elderly C. deaf D. blind

12.A. curious B. pleased C. generous D. confused

13.A. Since B. Unless C. If D. Although

14.A. appeal B. fortune C. gesture D. identity

15.A. bought B. created C. donated D. used

16.A. decorating B. delivering C. wrapping D. carrying

17.A. more than B. less than C. rather than D. other than

18.A. report B. praise C. outcome D. visit

19.A. gathering B. misunderstanding C. receiving D. celebrating

20.A. Generally B. Appropriately C. Consequently D. Hopefully

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