(   )1.     
                          A                                        B                                      C                                  
(   )2.     
                          A                                          B                                      C
(   )3.     
                          A                                          B                                       C
(   )4.       
                          A                                          B                                        C
(   )5.      
                          A                                          B                                         C
(   )6. A. Across from the pay phone.
         B. Next to the pay phone.  
         C. Next to the restaurant.
(   )7. A. He thinks the pandas are friendly. 
         B. He loves the pandas very much.        
         C. He thinks the pandas are lovely.
(   )8. A. A cook. 
         B. A waitress.  
         C. A policewoman.
(   )9. A. In the hospital.
          B. In the bank.
          C. At home.
(   )10. A. Snowing. 
           B. Windy.  
           C. Raining.
 0  7889  7897  7903  7907  7913  7915  7919  7925  7927  7933  7939  7943  7945  7949  7955  7957  7963  7967  7969  7973  7975  7979  7981  7983  7984  7985  7987  7988  7989  7991  7993  7997  7999  8003  8005  8009  8015  8017  8023  8027  8029  8033  8039  8045  8047  8053  8057  8059  8065  8069  8075  8083  159627