1. How does the boy go to school every day?
                  A.                                   B.                                   C.
2. What does the boy's mother often do at weekends?
                  A.                                    B.                                    C.  
3. How does Tom learn Chinese?
                   A.                                   B.                                    C.
4. When is the boy's birthday?
                  A.                                   B.                                     C.

5. Why won't the girl go to the cinema this evening?
A. Because she has seen the film.
B. Because she is ill.
C. Because she has to do her homework.
6. What colour is Lucy's blouse?          
A. White.                            
B. Red.                                
C. Black.
7. What does John want to do?            
A. Eat some food.                
B. Drink some water.            
C. Do some shopping.
8. What is Sandy doing now?           
A. Reading a book.              
B. Joining the reading club.    
C. Asking a question.
9. Where does Kate sit?            
A. In front of Jack.            
B. In front of Amy.            
C. between Jack and Amy.
10. What does the girl have?
A. Both a pen and a pencil.    
B. A pen.                            
C. A pencil.
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