1. What's the man's favorite animal?
            A                         B                    C
2. What is the man's uncle like?
                  A                                   B                                      C
3. What's Andy's father's job?
             A                         B                            C 
4. Which sport is Leo good at?
                    A                                           B                                            C
5. How many students are there in the class today? 
    A. Thirty-nine.        
    B. Twenty.          
    C. Nineteen
6. What time is it by Liu Ying's watch?
    A. 5:45.                      
    B. 6:15.                
    C. 6:55
7. What does Jack want to do first?
    A. Play computer games.    
    B. Play with Susan.      
    C. Do his homework.
8. What does Jim usually do on Sundays?
    A. He does his homework.      
    B. He plays with his parents at home.
    C. He watches TV at home.
9. How many people come to Lucy's birthday party?
    A. 6  
    B. 5        
    C. 4
10. How does Miss Li go to school today?
    A. By bus    
    B. On foot    
    C. By bike
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