The Internet, mobile phones and iPads are part of our lives now. Technology is greatly affecting all ways of our lives, from the ways we work to the ways we play. And it even causes a number of social problems such as cloning humans.
We have had lots of technology and it has changed our lives a lot. There is no doubt that humans will continue to use more and more technology. Here are some examples of modern technology that will change our ideas and will affect our lives greatly.
Global Positioning System (GPS) (全球定位系统)

It’s a system that uses radio signals from satellites to show exact (精确的) information. It tells you where the user is on the earth in all weather conditions. It’s made up of three parts: satellites, control equipments (设备) on land and receivers.
Space Technology

Russian and American scientists have worked together for the International Space Station (ISS) for a long time. They hope the ISS will provide a long-lasting lab. Such a lab will bring humans limitless (无限的) advantages. It’s even hoped that one day space technology will take humans to their new houses in space.

Underwater Robot
Hercules is a kind of underwater robot with some high technology equipments. It will be used to search for ancient ships which were destroyed into the deep sea during their journey long ago.
The world is changing so quickly that it’s hard for us to catch up with all the new inventions because they seem to come out every month. It’s important for us to learn about new technology and the role that it plays in our lives. So we should be willing to accept modern technology, or we will fall behind the times

  1. 1.

                      can tell you where the user is on the earth exactly

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      Global Positioning System
    4. D.
      Underwater Robot
  2. 2.

    According to the passage, which is NOT true about the ISS?

    1. A.
      It has carried people to other planets
    2. B.
      It will provide a long-lasting lab for us
    3. C.
      Russia and America are working for it
    4. D.
      Humans will get a lot of advantages from it
  3. 3.

    Hercules is used to                   

    1. A.
      save lives in the sea
    2. B.
      take pictures in the sea
    3. C.
      repair the broken ships
    4. D.
      look for the ancient ships in the sea
  4. 4.

    From the passage, we know that                   

    1. A.
      the use of GPS is affected by the weather conditions
    2. B.
      it’s very important for us to learn about new technology
    3. C.
      it’s easy for us to catch up with all the new inventions
    4. D.
      technology brings us many advantages such as cloning humans
  5. 5.

    What is the purpose of the passage?

    1. A.
      To help us study some new technology
    2. B.
      To tell us technology is changing the world
    3. C.
      To help solve the problems that technology causes
    4. D.
      To remind us the advantages of technology are limitless

When I tidied up(整理)some old boxes under my bed, I found an old letter for me from my best friend. Her name was Minnie.
In the letter, Minnie wrote, “I am really sorry about before. Tell me if you will be my best friend again and tell me if you accept(接受)my apology . ”I wrote, “YES. I will be your best friend. ”
The twelve-year-old letter made me remember the time that Minnie and I spent together. We often wrote to each other during that time. One minute, Minnie and I would be playing happily together; the other moment we would get into arguments. But things would always be better again. She gave me a doll(洋娃娃)for my tenth birthday. I still keep it.
Finally things changed. We stopped writing letters to each other after she moved away, and I could no longer ride my bike to her house. Years later, she invited me to her sixteenth birthday party. I don’t see Minnie very often from then on. But I’ll always keep the letter and I’ll never forget the time we spent together

  1. 1.

    Minnie wrote the letter to       

    1. A.
      say sorry to the writer
    2. B.
      thank the writer
    3. C.
      invite the writer to her party
    4. D.
      say goodbye to the writer
  2. 2.

    The writer got the letter      years ago

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    The underlined word “apology” means “    ” in Chinese

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

    1. A.
      The writer never had arguments with Minnie
    2. B.
      Minnie gave the writer a doll on one of her birthdays
    3. C.
      Minnie still writes letters to the writer
    4. D.
      The writer often rides her bike to Minnie’s house
  5. 5.

    The writer wrote the passage to tell us about her      with Minnie

    1. A.
      old boxes
    2. B.
    3. C.
      birthday party
    4. D.

Mrs Elise was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time, I was getting ready to eat my tuna fish (金枪鱼) sandwich and suddenly Mrs Elise asked me if she could buy my sandwich from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a hot hunch from the cafeteria (食堂).
I was excited. I never bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was too expensive for my family, and I always carried my lunch and took the bag back home to use it again the next day. So you could understand my happiness when I had the chance to buy a hot lunch.
When we finished lunch that day, Mrs Elise took me aside and said she wanted to explain why she had bought my sandwich. I really didn’t care why, but it gave me a few minutes of her special attention, so I was quiet as she explained. She told me that she was a Catholic(天主教徒) and Catholics didn’t eat red meat on Fridays, they ate fish on Fridays.
Oh, I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my mother that from then on I wanted a tuna fish sandwich on Fridays. After my mother understood why, she gladly made tuna fish sandwiches for me on Fridays. She even made it with brown bread because she knew Mrs Elise liked brown bread. From then on, every Friday I could get in line with other kids for a hot lunch. I didn’t care how many of the kids complained about cafeteria food. It tasted divine to me!
I realize now that Mrs Elise could have made herself tuna fish sandwiches on Fridays. But she bought mine because she saw a little girl who was excited at the simple act of having a hot lunch.
I will never forget Mrs Elise for her pity for me and generosity (慷慨) and what I should do is to follow her example

  1. 1.

    From this passage we know_______

    1. A.
      Mrs Elise was the best friend of the writer
    2. B.
      the writer came from a poor family
    3. C.
      many or the writer’s classmates liked cafeteria food
    4. D.
      the writer like to eat tuna fish sandwiches on Fridays
  2. 2.

    Mrs Elise bought the writer’s sandwiches because_______

    1. A.
      she was tired of cafeteria food
    2. B.
      she hated getting in line with kids
    3. C.
      she liked the tuna fish sand writer’s made by the writer’s mother
    4. D.
      she wanted to show care to the writer
  3. 3.

    The underlined word“divine”means“_____”

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Which of the following can we learn from this passage?

    1. A.
      It is hard to please all
    2. B.
      Better to give than to receive
    3. C.
      Love makes the world go around
    4. D.
      The more you offer, the more you get

Dear Alice,
You really have two different questions here,so we’ll discuss them one at a time.
Your problems at school may be a result of a number of things.You don’t say much about how these classmates get along with each other.It’s possible that all the students are feeling a little cautious(谨慎的) in the first term.
It’s also possible that the others are unkind.If this is so,you have to find out why you are the class “outsider.”
In your letter you say you often offer to help others with their work.Is it possible that your classmates don’t understand your offers? Could it seem that you were trying to“buy”friends with these offers?
Is it possible that you took no notice of your classmates when you had your good friend near you? They may have felt hurt at that time.It may take a time for them to believe in you if so.Try to ask one classmate directly what the problem is.If you hear a negative(负面的)answer,at least you’ll know what to do.
Yours truly,

  1. 1.

    From the letter we know that Alice was very______

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    From the letter we can conclude(得出结论)that______

    1. A.
      Alice wasn’t pleased with her teachers
    2. B.
      Alice’s parents made her study too hard
    3. C.
      Alice didn’t get along well with her classmates
    4. D.
      Alice didn’t want to go to school any more
  3. 3.

    In the letter Sheila talked about______ possible reasons(原因)for Alice’s problems.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is NOT true according to the letter?

    1. A.
      Alice felt her classmates weren’t kind to her
    2. B.
      Alice was very warm-hearted to help her classmates
    3. C.
      Alice didn’t want to get along well with her classmates
    4. D.
      The girl asked two questions in her letter.

Nathan Sawaya's childhood was a lot of fun. He drew cartoons, wrote stories, and played with plastic toy bricks (积木). His grandparents bought his first set of toy bricks when he was five years old and he's been building with toy bricks ever since. He even took his building bricks to college with him! Instead of books and a computer, he had a model of Greenwich Village made of bricks on his desk.
Nathan started as a lawyer but gave up His highly-paid (高薪的) job to become an artist that uses toys in his art. He uses toy bricks to build everything from the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) to Superman! He has more than 1.5 million colored bricks in his working room in New York which he uses to make pieces of art. He started by building small models but then decided to do something big and created a self-portrait (自画像). It took him two days just to build the eyes.
Nathan's work has appeared in museums around the world. Children love his art because it is made out of the same toys that they play with at home and adults love his work because it is fascinating. Since it began in2007, Nathan's exhibition "The Art of the Brick" has been very popular with museum visitors everywhere.
"I'm proud that I took a dream I had as a child, to become an artist, and I have actually made a job out of it," says Nathan. "To do what you love in life is the most important thing."

  1. 1.

    What did Nathan put on his desk at college?

    1. A.
      The Statue of Liberty
    2. B.
    3. C.
      His serf-portrait
    4. D.
      A Greenwich Village modal
  2. 2.

    Why did Nathan give up his job as a lawyer?

    1. A.
      Because he made little money out of a lawyer
    2. B.
      Because he wanted to make toys for the children
    3. C.
      Because he decided to become an artist of toy bricks
    4. D.
      Because he was going to work in the museum instead
  3. 3.

    What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

    1. A.
      Nathan's work
    2. B.
      Nathan's exhibition
    3. C.
      Nathan's art
    4. D.
      Nathan's self-portrait
  4. 4.

    What would be the best title for the passage?

    1. A.
      The Brick Artist
    2. B.
      The Brick Exhibition
    3. C.
      Toy Bricks for Adults
    4. D.
      The Artist's Childhood

A woodcutter(伐木工) was working in the forest one day when he found a box full of gold coins. Unfortunately, his wife was the kind of woman who could not keep a secret. Somehow, he knew, he had to prevent(阻止) her from talking about the gold.
He thought about this for a long time, then had an idea.
“ I found something in the forest”, he told his wife, “come with me and I’ll show you.”.His wife followed him into the forest and soon they came to a tree.“ Look at that!” the woodcutter said to his wife, and pointed to the tree. “There’s a fish growing on that branch!” His wife was surprised ,especially when he climbed up the tree and brought down the fish for her to see.They walked on and soon came to the river. “I’ll just pull in my net and see what I’ve caught”, the woodcutter said.
He pulled in his net and inside there were several hares(野兔). “How interesting!” he said “there are now hares in the river.” After that, they came to where the woodcutter had found the box of gold. “Look, wife”, he said “this is what I have found. A box of gold coins.”
The next day, his wife could not stop herself from telling her friends about all the wonderful things she had seen.Of course, nobody believe her!

  1. 1.

    Where did the woodcutter find the box of gold?______

    1. A.
      When he was working
    2. B.
      In his garden
    3. C.
      In the forest where he was working
    4. D.
      On his farm fields, where he was farming
  2. 2.

    Where do you usually see hares?______

    1. A.
      In the street
    2. B.
      In the forest
    3. C.
      In the river
    4. D.
      In the sea
  3. 3.

    Why did his wife tell her friends what happened? Because ______

    1. A.
      she was very surprised
    2. B.
      she wondered why the hares were in the river and fish was in the tree
    3. C.
      she could not stop herself from talking about anything
    4. D.
      she was very happy

Giving a gift can mean a lot. It can be a way to deepen (加深) a friendship. Before you get a gift for someone, spend time really thinking about what makes him or her special. Think about their interests, hobbies, needs and happiest moments. For example, friends and families with children might love a special calendar that contains everyone’s birthday and other special dates and events.
For music fans, a CD filled (填充) with their favourite music always makes a special gift.
Spending time with loved ones is also a way to give them a gift. You might take that special person out for a birthday dinner at your favourite restaurant.
Making a gift for someone using your own skills is very special. It is much more meaningful than a store-bought gift and shows how much you care!
Writing your feelings in a greeting card can be a simple way to make a keepsake (纪念品) that will be remembered for years

  1. 1.

    The writer thinks that we should think about someone’s ____ before we get him or her a gift.
    ①interests ②hobbies ③needs ④height

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    According to the passage, _____ gifts are the best

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    For music fans, _____ is a special gift

    1. A.
      a calendar
    2. B.
      nice food
    3. C.
      a music CD
    4. D.
      a greeting card
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

    1. A.
      Never go to a shop to buy a gift
    2. B.
      We make a gift by ourselves to show our skills
    3. C.
      A greeting card is too simple and cheap to be a gift
    4. D.
      Having dinner with a loved one can be a special kind of gift
  5. 5.

    What is the best title for this passage?

    1. A.
      How to Give Special Gifts
    2. B.
      How to Remember Friends’ Birthdays
    3. C.
      How to make Yourself Special
    4. D.
      How to Be a Good Gift Receiver
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