Volunteering means that you work to help people without being paid. There are many different volunteers. They help people who really need help. There are many places where you can be volunteers. Here are just a few places for you.
Hospital---ask if you can go and visit people who are really sick. Sometimes what they need is someone to talk to, or someone to give them hope.
Orphanage (孤儿院) ---the children living there really need someone to play with them.
Food Shelter---many food shelters need people to clean up the shelters and help give out food or water to those who need it.
Home for the elderly ---help the elderly people clean up their homes.
Community (社区) Center ---a lot of community centers are very well run. However, some of them really need extra help, especially cleaning and repairs.
As a student you can also do a lot of things to help others at school. Maybe you could start a support group.
Here is some advice:
Help students give up smoking, drinking or other bad habits.
Help students who come from poor families.
Help new students get used to their school life soon.
Provide seniors with information on future studies

  1. 1.

    Volunteers can’t get      when they help others.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      some presents
    4. D.
      a job
  2. 2.

    How many places are mentioned for you to be volunteers in according to this passage?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    The volunteers can      in the community center.

    1. A.
      make the sick hopeful
    2. B.
      give out food or water
    3. C.
      play with the children
    4. D.
      clean up the center
  4. 4.

    Which of the following volunteer jobs can be done at school except______.

    1. A.
      helping students who come from poor families
    2. B.
      helping the students who have bad habits
    3. C.
      helping the student to copy others’ homework
    4. D.
      helping the students in trouble with their studies

Classes resumed (恢复) Thursday for the students of a school in Newtown, Conn, where a gunman last month killed 20 children and 6 adults in the second-largest school shooting in U.S. history.
With their school still being treated as a crime scene, more than 400 students of Sandy Hook Primary School attended classes in neighbouring Monroe.
Returning students, teachers and administrators were met by a large police presence outside their new school. Several officers guarded the entrance and checked IDs of parents dropping off children.
Law-enforcement officers guarding the new school called it “the safest school in America.”
Students found the same chairs and desks, when possible. Their classroom walls were painted the same colours and hung with the same pictures. Other details, such as the location of bookshelves and cubby holes, were replicated (复制) as much as possible.
The school district said parents who wanted to be close to their children were welcome to visit and stay in classrooms or an auditorium.
Newtown superintendent Janet Robinson said officials would do their best to make the students feel at ease.
“We will be doing a normal day.” She said

  1. 1.

    The students of Sandy Hook Elementary School resumed classes in a new school in Monroe because       

    1. A.
      their school fell down because of a natural disaster
    2. B.
      the government needs to use the land of their school
    3. C.
      their school is too small to hold more than 400 students
    4. D.
      a shooting crime happened in their school and it was still treated as a crime scene
  2. 2.

    Why do the law-enforcement officers call the new school “the safest school in America?

    1. A.
      There are few policemen outside the new school
    2. B.
      The school has the newest classrooms and buildings
    3. C.
      Any adult who is near the new school needn’t be checked his I
    4. D.
    5. E.
      There are some officers who guarded the entrance of the new school
  3. 3.

    A lot of things in the new school were replicated as much as possible except       

    1. A.
      chairs and desks
    2. B.
      classroom walls
    3. C.
      the location of the fans and air conditioners
    4. D.
      the location of bookshelves and cubby holes
  4. 4.

    “… to make the students feel at ease.” The phrase “feel at ease” most likely means       

    1. A.
      feel at home
    2. B.
      feel fresh and curious
    3. C.
      feel happy and lucky
    4. D.
      feel safe and relaxed
  5. 5.

    Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    1. A.
      The students have resumed classes in a new school
    2. B.
      A shooting crime happened in an American primary school
    3. C.
      The officials will do their best to make the students feel at ease
    4. D.
      The school children’s parents are not allowed to stay with their children in school

Mr and Mrs White had two sons and three daughters. One Sunday Mrs White said to her husband, “The children don’t have any lessons today, and you’re free too. There’s a new funfair(游乐场) in the park. Let’s all go there to play.”
Her husband said, “I want to finish some work today.” “Oh, forget it. Go there and make our children happy. That’s the most important work.” Mrs White said.
So Mr and Mrs White took their children to the funfair. Mr White was 45 years old, but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets. One of his children said to his mother, “Dad is just like a small child, isn’t he, mom?” Mrs White didn’t want to follow his husband around any more at that time and answered, “He is even worse than a small child, Mary, because he might spend more money than a small child.”

  1. 1.

    There were_____ children in the family

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    One Sunday, Mrs and Mr White wanted to go to_____ with their children

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      a funfair
    4. D.
      a shop
  3. 3.

    Mr White liked the place so much that he_____

    1. A.
      sold lots of sweets
    2. B.
      followed his wife all the time
    3. C.
      hurried from one thing to another
    4. D.
      asked a lot of questions
  4. 4.

    From the story we know Mrs White_____ when Mary asked her the question

    1. A.
      was still excited to play
    2. B.
      was a little angry with Mr White
    3. C.
      looked for Mr White everywhere
    4. D.
      ate a lot of sweets
  5. 5.

    Of all the family members, _____enjoyed playing there most that Sunday

    1. A.
      Mr White
    2. B.
      Mrs White
    3. C.
    4. D.
      the boys

One day when Jack was walking inthe park, he saw a woman he knew sitting on a bench(长椅)with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at the woman.
Jack walked up to the woman and said, “Hello. Sue, how are you? May I sit and talk with you for a while?”
“Of course, please sit down,”Sue said.
Jack sat down next to Sue on the bench, and they talked quietly together.
The dog continued to look up at Sue, as if waiting to be fed.
“That's a nice dog”Jack said, pointing(指向)at the animal.
“Yes, he's handsome. He's a bit of a mixture(混合) but that's not a bad thing.
He's strong and healthy”
“And hungry,” Jack said. “He hasn't taken his eyes off you. He thinks you've got
some food for him.”
“That's true,”Sue said, But I haven’t.”
The two friends laughed and then Jack said, “Does your dog bite?”
“No,” Sue said. “He's never bitten anyone. He's always gentle and good-tempered
Hearing this, Jack decided to pet the dog. He put out his hand and touched the
animal's head. Immediately it jumped up and bit him.
“Hey!” Jack shouted. “You said he didn't bite.”
“No, I didn't,”Sue replied.  “You asked,if my dog bit, and I said no

  1. 1.

    What did Jack do when he saw the woman?

    1. A.
      He walked past her
    2. B.
      He asked to sit next to her
    3. C.
      He spoke angrily to her
    4. D.
      He spoke to her dog
  2. 2.

    The dog looked_________

    1. A.
      angrily at Jack
    2. B.
    3. C.
      as if he would bite Sue
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Jack thought that the dog

    1. A.
      was ill
    2. B.
      belonged to Sue
    3. C.
      was terrible
    4. D.
      belonged in a zoo
  4. 4.

    The underlined word “pet” should be ______________in Chinese

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    From the story, we can know______________

    1. A.
      Jack and Sue talked about the same dog
    2. B.
      Jack asked Sue a right question
    3. C.
      Jack was bitten by Sue's dog
    4. D.
      Jack asked Sue a wrong question

A primary school teacher asked her students to write a composition about what they would like God to do for them. At the end of the day, while marking the compositions, she read one that impressed her deeply. Her husband, who had just walked in, saw her crying and asked her, “What happened?”
She answered, “Read this. It is one of my students’ compositions.”
“Dear God, tonight I ask you for something very special: Make me into a television. I want to take its place and live like the TV in my house. Have my own special place, and have my family around me. To be taken seriously when I talk. I want to be the centre of attention and be heard without interruption(打断) or questions. I want to receive the same special care that the TV receives even when it is not working. Have the company of my dad when he arrives home from work, even when he is tired. And I want my mom to want me close when she is sad and upset, instead of ignoring(不理) me. And ...I want my brothers to fight to be with me...I want to feel that my family just put everything aside, every now and then, just to spend some time with me. And last but not least, make sure that I can make them all happy and entertain them. God, I don’t ask you for much. I just want to live like our TV. ”
At that moment the husband said, “My God, poor kid, what horrible parents!” .The teacher looked up at him and said, “That composition is our son’s!”

  1. 1.

    Why did the teacher cry?

    1. A.
      Because a composition moved her deeply
    2. B.
      Because the composition was very bad
    3. C.
      Because the students were lazy
    4. D.
      Because she had a fight with her husband
  2. 2.

    Who was the boy that wrote the composition?

    1. A.
      student who was with God
    2. B.
      A student who was like a television
    3. C.
      A student in her class, but not her son
    4. D.
      A student in her class, in fact, her son
  3. 3.

    According to the article, what will happen when the boy talks?

    1. A.
      Everyone will pay attention to him
    2. B.
      He will be interrupted
    3. C.
      No one will pay attention
    4. D.
      His mother will talk to him
  4. 4.

    Which is not right according to the passages?

    1. A.
      TV can entertain them
    2. B.
      TV can catch the attention of his family
    3. C.
      TV can give you answers when you ask question
    4. D.
      TV can receive special care from his family
  5. 5.

    According to the article, we can know the boy is______.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

In Britain you’re allowed to drive a car when you’re seventeen. You have to get a special two-year driving license before you can start. When you’re learning,someone with a full license always has to be in the car with you because you aren’t allowed to drive the car on the road alone. You don’t have to go to a driving school --- a friend can teach you. The person with you isn’t allowed to take money for the lesson unless he’s got a teacher’s license.
Before you’re allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take a test in your own car, but it has to be fit for the road. In the test you have to drive round for about half an hour and then answer a few questions. If you don’t pass the test, you’re allowed to take it again a few weeks later if you want to. In 1970 a woman passed her fortieth test after 212 driving lessons! When you’ve passed your test, you don’t have to take it again, and you’re allowed to go on driving as long as you like. Britain’s oldest driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100.
Before 1904 everyone was allowed to drive, even children. Then from 1904 car drivers had to have a license. But they didn’t have to take a test until 1935. On the early days of car driving, before 1878, cars weren’t allowed to go faster than four miles an hour, and someone had to lead the car with a red flag

  1. 1.

    In the driving test, one _______________________

    1. A.
      mustn’t drive his car, even though the car is fit for the road
    2. B.
      is usually asked to drive on roads for some time
    3. C.
      has to be examined(考查) only in car driving skills
    4. D.
      must drive around for more than an hour
  2. 2.

    When can I take the driving test again if I don’t pass it?

    1. A.
      a few years later
    2. B.
      right after the first test
    3. C.
      a few weeks later
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is NOT true?

    1. A.
      There is no limit (限制)to the age of an old man who drives a car
    2. B.
      One can take a driving test again and again until he passes it
    3. C.
      There was a speed limit to cars before 1878
    4. D.
      A car driver didn’t have to get a limit license until 1935
  4. 4.

    The best title for the passage is _____________

    1. A.
      Driving Licenses in Britain
    2. B.
      Tests for Britain People
    3. C.
      Driving Cars
    4. D.
      Young Men’s Driving Licenses
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