【题目】How do you get your pocket money? How do you spend it? Let’s see the different answers from a Chinese boy, Li Wei and an Australian boy, James.

Where do they get their pocket money?

Li Wei


* Pocket money from parents: 20 yuan

* Selling old newspapers at home: 20 yuan

Total: 40 yuan a week

* Working in a local supermarket as a cashier

95 Australian dollars a week

How do they spend their pocket money?

Li Wei


Food and drinks

* 9 yuan for breakfast

* 9 yuan for Coke and other drinks

* Lunch on the weekdays

* Pizza on the weekends

20 Australian dollars

For fun

* 10 yuan for newspapers or books

* 5 yuan for taking photos with classmates

* Going out to play with friends

* Going to the cinema

15 Australian dollars


* 50 yuan for a phone card that can last about one year

About 1 yuan a week

* The mobile phone bill

10 Australian dollars


34 yuan a week

45 Australian dollars a week

【1】 We know that Australian boy gets his pocket money __________.

A. by selling old newspapers

B. from his parents

C. by working in a supermarket

【2】 James can save __________ a week.

A. 45 Australian dollars

B. 50 Australian dollars

C. 40 Australian dollars

【3】Li Wei usually __________ for fun.

A. goes out with friends

B. takes photos

C. goes to the cinema

【4】 After reading the diagram, we can infer(推断) that __________.

A. Li Wei spends money on breakfast more than on drinks

B. James doesn’t need to pay money for his mobile phone bill

C. students in different countries get and spend their pocket money in different ways

【5】 Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Li Wei spends about 34 yuan a week in total.

B. James never goes to the cinema.

C. James spends 15 Australian dollars on food and drinks.


Stress(压力) is the feeling you get when you’re really worried about something. This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours, or even days. It makes you feel , scared (恐惧的), or angry. You may find it difficult to eat and sleep, or you might eat and sleep much than usual. Stressing out will lead to serious problems like heart illness. not all stress is bad for you. Sometimes it can your body and mind alert (机敏的) and can make you perform better, like when you’re giving a speech to your class or running to the finish line.

What causes stress? Do you know your dad is worried about the bills, or your mom is unhappy? Because they’re stressed out! There are lots of things in your life that cause stress —— having too much homework, taking a test in a subject that you are not good , or hearing your parents argue!

There are some ways to stress. If you’re stressed out, try these quick and easy ways to relax! Take part in sports and out-of-class activities. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Eat a healthy, balanced that includes all kinds of food. Talk with your close friends, family members or teachers. It’ll make you feel better, and may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.

【1】A. calm B. excited C. upset

【2】A. more B. better C. less

【3】A. So B. Or C. But

【4】A. stop B. keep C. provide

【5】A. how B. why C. when

【6】A. can B. need C. must

【7】A. on B. at C. in

【8】A. start with B. agree with C. deal with

【9】A. vegetables B. fruit C. diet

【10】A. they B. we C. he

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