【题目】Life in the future(将来) is different from now. There are not any paper money in the future. People use their______when they go shopping. There are not so many shops. At weekends, people needn’t go out. They usually do some shopping at home on the Internet.

Children don’t get up early to go to school. They have lessons at home on the Internet, too. Teachers teach their students and give them homework on the Internet. Children give the homework to their teachers on the Internet, too.

People don’t need to do much work. There are more robots(机器人). Robots do hard work for people. Parents don’t cook or wash clothes. A cooking robot cooks breakfast. In fact, robots do all the housework for us.

There are more holidays. Parents spend much time with their children. They spend a lot of time travelling around the world.

I think life in the future is very interesting. Do you think so?

1What is the Chinese for the underlined phrase “credit cards”?

A. 身份证 B. 户口本 C. 信用卡 D. 优惠卡

2Teachers teach their students __________ in the future.

A. in the classroom B. over the radio

C. on TV D. on the Internet

3In the future, robots can __________ for us.

A. eat dinner B. cook meals

C. watch films D. talk with friends

4How does the writer like the life in the future? He thinks it is__________.

A. hard B. easy C. interesting D. healthy

5Which is the best title(标题) for the passage?

A. Life in the future

B. Studying at home

C. Working at home

D. A hard life


One day, I am reading a newspaper when my wife calls me in the kitchen, “Will you_____here and make your daughter eat her food?”

I throw the____away and run to my 8-year-old daughter, Millie. In front of her is a bowl of rice. She says to me: “Dad, I want to do a special thing._____I eat all the rice, will you let me do it?” “OK.” I say.

“Dad, I want to cut(剪掉) all my hair from my____this Sunday.” She says. I feel a little surprised(惊讶的). “Millie, why don’t you ask for something else? We will be____when we see your cleanshaven(剃光的) head.”

“Dad, you say you will let me_____it!” Millie cries.

On Monday morning, I_____her to school. I watch my hairless(没有头发的) daughter walking to her classroom. I see a boy with a hairless head. He_____another car, and shouts: “Millie, please_____for me.”

“Sir, your daughter is_____” A woman gets out of the_____, and says, “That boy is my son, Harish. He is ill. He lost(失去了) all his hair because of chemotherapy(化疗).He doesn’t_____to go to school. Millie visits him and I don’t know she would cut her hair____my son! ”

I stand there, and I can’t_____anything. “Thank you, my little angel! You are teaching me what love is!” I think. My daughter is a_____girl. She lives for her friends.

1A. come B. go C. ride D. drive

2A. book B. magazine C. picture D. newspaper

3A. But B. Before C. And D. If

4A. head B. foot C. hands D. legs

5A. happy B. sad C. healthy D. excited

6A. do B. have C. eat D. drink

7A. fly B. ride C. walk D. drive

8A. gets out of B. gets into C. gets on D. gets away from

9A. look B. ask C. wait D. answer

10A. interesting B. bright C. great D. clever

11A. bus B. taxi C. train D. car

12A. want B. need C. hate D. have

13A. about B. for C. of D. in

14A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk

15A. kind B. bad C. strong D. healthy

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