

Joe Azougar was walking his dog when a bear appeared suddenly.

"When it came up,the first thing my dog did was me and attack the bear," Azougar said from his in Lady Minto Hospital.

Then Azougar ran into his house and began to his neighbors,warning them what was going on."As I looked around I saw the bear pull my dog into the .And to my great sadness,the dog was killed," he said.

Then suddenly,the bear and it broke through the house's back window.Azougar began throwing things at the bear and making loud noises.Then he stood on a chair to make himself look much

"It seemed as if the bear was very said Azougar.“I thought my best chance was to run outside someone could find me."

Azougar began running,but the bear him.

"It had four paws on top of me," he said.“Then,it my body and tried to bite my stomach.That gave me just a few to turn into and protect my head."

The bear began to pull Azougar's body.“By that time I could feel my body becoming ," Azougar said.

Luckily,two women,who were ,saved him.Their car was such a(n) thing in the bear's eyes,that it ran quickly into the woods.

"I am just thankful to those two angels that saved me in time," he said.

People,who have lived here for 20 or 30 years,said they had seen anything like this," said Azougar.He is the first one,and he span>hopes that he will be also the last one."Now I'm planning to move somewhere else once I come out of hospital."

【1】A.protect B.follow C.leave D.stop

【2】A.office B.lab C.bed D.desk

【3】A.calm B.visit C.save D.call

【4】A.water B.fire C.woods D.grass

【5】A.ran away B.came back C.gave up D.jumped up

【6】A.larger B.kinder C.smaller D.cleverer

【7】A.sick B.lazy C.bored D.hungry

【8】A.ever since B.so that C.even if D.as if

【9】A.ate B.forgot C.caught D.changed

【10】A.turned over B.put up C.cut off D.poured into

【11】A.days B.hours C.minutes D.seconds

【12】A.warm B.lifeless C.strong D.healthy

【13】A.walking by B.running by C.driving by D.cycling by

【14】A.funny B.interesting C.modern D.frightening

【15】A.sometimes B.once C.never D.often



In a tree in a jungle,there once lived many birds.They were 【1】h ____ in their small nests(鸟巢) and sang every day.Before the rainy season arrived,all the animals in the jungle repaired their homes.The birds 【2】a____ made their homes safer.

Many birds brought twigs (细枝) and leaves and others wove(编织) their nests."We 【3】s____ also store some food for our children," said one of the birds.And they collected food until they had enough to see them through the rainy season.They kept 【4】t____ busy getting ready for the bad times.

Soon the rain came.It was 【5】f____ by thunder and lightning.All the animals and birds stayed at their homes.It kept raining for many days.One day,a monkey wet in the rain came into the jungle.He sat on a branch(树枝),shaking【6】w____ cold.

The poor monkey tried his best to get a place,but 【7】f____.The leaves were not enough to save him from the rain."Brrr! It is so cold!" said the monkey.The birds were watching all this.They felt sorry for the monkey,【8】b____ there was little they could do for him.One of them said,"Brother! Our small nests are not big enough to give you shelter." Another bird said,"All of us prepared for the rainy season.If you had,you would not be in this difficult 【9】s ____ ".

"How dare you tell me what to do?" said the monkey,shouting at the "bird.The monkey 【10】a____ hit the bird's nest and threw it on the ground.The bird and her babies were helpless.

The poor birds thought,"Fool never value(重视) good advice.It is better not to advise them ".

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