Gardening is an activity where you have to get your hands dirty. I know how to do this_________ my grandparents. My grandfather loved gardening. After his arrival in Canada before World War II, Ya Ya opened a small restaurant while my _____________, Yang Yang, didn’t speak any English.

My grandfather took great pride in growing peas, carrots, which he used in home cooking. The entire backyard was devoted to his plants. I would walk in the garden, looking _______________ to the bean stalks (竿) high above my 7-year-old body.

A few years later, my grandfather grew ill. When he died, I was _______________ to see my grandmother pulled up most of the remaining plants. Still only a child, I asked my cousin _________Grandma had dug up Grandpa’s plants. She told me that the garden reminded her of my grandfather.

Years passed, and soon my grandmother was bent-over with age. My father moved her to be closer to our family, which meant taking her away from her home and from the remains of the garden. Shortly after the move, she telephoned my father, and I could hear her _________ shouting in Chinese, asking why he had moved her so far away from her life.

One evening, Grandma told me to _______ her to the backyard. There, in a small patch (块)of soil beside the garage, was a row of Chinese spinach (菠菜). She was gardening at 92.

I now have a house and family of my own. Last _______________ my tomato plant gave us some grape sized fruits by August’s end. I often think back to my grandfather’s garden. And I think about how my grandmother started gardening over again in a new city, far from her first home in Canada, and even further from _____________ .

We all must start somewhere, and sometimes we must start again. And sometimes, starting again ______________ means allowing new roots to grow.

1.A.instead of B.because of C.according of D.belong to

2.A.mother B.father C.grandmother D.grandfather

3.A.up B.down C.back D.out

4.A.worried B.excited C.surprised D.tired

5.A.what C.where D.why

6.A.sadly B.happily C.peacefully D.proudly

7.A.invite B.follow C.carry

8.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

9.A.America B.England C.China D.Japan

10.A.nearly B.hardly C.specially D.simply

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