Why do some people seem to be naturally happier than others?

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh have known the answer according to their recent study. Nine hundred twins took part in the study and had their happiness levels measured. The result shows that our genes(基因), in fact, control half of the personality traits(特点) that make us happy. And the other half is linked with lifestyles, careers and relationships. That is to say, individual differences in happiness are based on genetic differences between people.

"All human beings naturally desire happiness. We have found that happiness is partly rooted in genes," said Dr Alexander Weiss, the leader of the research. "This study is both a milestone and a new beginning: A milestone because we are now sure that there is a genetic side of happiness and a new beginning because the happy genes have just been found."

However, the researchers warn that genes are not the whole story. The environment can also affect oar happiness levels. In fact, a great deal of our happiness is directly connected with whatever is happening in our lives. Thus finding the right matters affecting us is the correct thing.

To become truly happy, we need to understand our important needs perfectly for if we fail to satisfy our needs, then unhappiness might happen. Besides, doing simple things, such as keeping a journal and writing down three things that we are thankful for every day, can increase our long-term happiness. Will you try it tonight?

1.What plays the most important role in making us happy?


2.What tip will you give to the people who are easily unhappy?


3.Some people think wealth seems to bring all happiness in life. Do you agree with this point of view? Why or why not?



1. Power of smiles.

2.Your own story about smiles.

3.What you have learned from the story.




A smile is the most beautiful language of human beings._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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