Hanfu fashion has become more and more popular with young people. China has followed Western fashion designs in recent years, but a growing number of young people are now looking to the past for fashion ideas.

If you look closely around your city, you might notice hanfu, the traditional clothing of the Han dynasty. In a recently published report by an online shopping platform, about 2 million hanfu clothes were sold in 2019, nearly 4 times as many as those sold in 2018. Most of the buyers are between 19 and 24 years old.

But why has this traditional clothing become popular with young Chinese people? For some of them, it's a costume for relaxation. Dafan, a 24-year-old college student, told CGTN that dressing in hanfu is a way for her to get away from the troubles of real life. Modern clothing, on the other hand, represents the identity (身份) people need to show every day. "Hanfu and modern clothing help me to show the different sides in me," she explained.

Other teenagers like hanfu because of the culture behind it. They regard it as a way to reconnect with traditions. Its wide sleeves, crossed collars and flowing robes bring people back to ancient times.

"Hanfu is the symbol of the Chinese traditional culture." Nanhe, a 21-year-old costume studio owner, told CGTN.

1.According to the passage, about ________ Hanfu clothes were sold in 2018.

A.2,000,000 B.500,000 C.8,000,000 D.600,000

2.Why does the 24-year-old college student Dafan like to wear Hanfu in her daily life?

A.Because it is very modern to wear Hanfu.

B.Because it is a symbol of Chinese culture.

C.Because it is a good way to relax herself.

D.Because she doesn't want to look different.

3.What does the underlined word "collars" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.A kind of material. B.A kind of colour. C.A part of clothes. D.A part of picture.

"Look at the moon," my son shouts excitedly. Our son's best friend joins in the celebration, and soon the whole room is looking out of the window, enjoying this simple sight.

It's not the first time we've _______ our love of the moon as a family. Last time we celebrated as we sat in a taxi after a meaningful day trip. Both our son and little daughter were jumping around with _______ in the back of the cab at the sight of the big golden October harvest moon. The driver couldn't help but join in the simple joy.

In order not to _______ the moon whenever it appears, we even _______ our bedroom to the back of the house. So our son has a _______ from Bath in the East to the Forest in the West. It has paid off as he often now shouts down to us about sunrises, sunsets, rainbows or a storm.

I'm not sure if he knows just _______ this pleases me. At seven, it feels like he is starting to understand more about the rhythm of life, the passing of time, and how it _______ us humans. He knows that the sun doesn't _______ rise in one place, that it travels _______ the sky. He knows that clouds will gather near hills or mountains and a rainbow often ________ rain. It feels like he is developing a ________ connection with the earth through the ________ he spends sitting on his windowsill.

He then understands what he is enjoying is temporary (短暂的). The ________ doesn't stay full for long and rainbows disappear quickly. ________, he's catching those moments with both ________ and holding them in his arms. And what I love about this the most is that his first thoughts are always to share this joy with those whom he loves.

1.A.shared B.developed C.wanted D.accepted

2.A.hope B.joy C.courage D.peace

3.A.see B.welcome C.lose D.miss

4.A.decorated B.changed C.prepared D.bought

5.A.view B.trip C.dream D.memory

6.A.how long B.how often C.how much D.how

7.A.influences B.tells C.worries D.warns

8.A.really B.even C.just D.ever

9.A.through B.above C.across D.under

10.A.appears B.follows C.invites D.brings

11.A.softer B.harder C.lighter D.deeper

12.A.thoughts B.moments C.efforts D.money

13.A.clouds B.rainbows C.sun D.moon

14.A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Suddenly D.However

15.A.hands B.eyes C.ears D.feet

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