
At first, Rhonda Tormaschy thought her 16-year-old daughter, Cassidy, was joking about opening up an ice cream truck. "We were sitting around one night with her and one of her friends, and this is what she approached(接近)us with and we thought she wasn't _______ at first, "Rhonda said.

But last all, her husband, Chad, started _______ some type of truck, and they found an old school bus in Lincoln, Oregon. The family spent the winter fixing, painting and transforming _______into Ice Cream Express. In order to turn the small, old school bus into an ice cream truck, the family even _______ a freezer, fridge and sink.

"Getting it together was kind of a(n)_______ for all of us, "Rhonda said. "We had to go through the health inspector, get signatures from the police department and the fire department. Finally we received the _______."

"The community needed something to lighten up their day and make their day _______," Cassidy said. "I thought that this would be a good way to help everybody through their day. "

She visits local businesses at a set time every Thursday and plans to hit up neighborhoods and parks in the evening, as well as _______ ice cream at other summer events.

Ice Cream Express serves Schwan's products. "It's quite a variety (多样)." Cassidy said. "We offer products from the sundae cones to the sandwiches and Italian ice—just about_______.”

Now that the truck is up and running, Cassidy hopes her younger sisters will take it over when she leaves for college.

"We have a daughter who's going to be 13 here and that would be a perfect time for her to take it over in the next couple of years. "Rhonda said. "________ she doesn't want to, I think I would probably continue it as long as it's still a want and a need in Dickinson. "

So far, the reception to Ice Cream Express has been amazing, Rhonda said.

"We haven't had an ice cream bus in this town for years, Rhonda said. "I think it's gone over way better than we expected it to, which is great. "

1.A.satisfied B.silent C.strange D.serious

2.A.pushing for B.looking for C.paying for D.asking for

3.A.them B.her C.us D.it

4.A.put in B.put up C.put out D.put through

5.A.trick B.trip C.event D.experience

6.A.wonder B.reward C.license D.project

7.A.faster B.cooler C.darker D.brighter

8.A.buying B.serving C.feeding D.storing

9.A.anyone B.nothing C.anything D.none

10.A.If B.Because C.Whenever D.Unless

Hobbies are something we enjoy doing in our free time for fun. It is often the case that we first become interested in something, and then we practise it ourselves. When we often do it or practise it for fun, it becomes our hobby.

Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. The choice of hobbies is different from person to person. It depends on one's own interests and jobs. People who sit at a desk all day long like to develop active hobbies while people like sports players like to take up quiet hobbies. Everyone should do something for a change so as to keep a balance between work and play.

People can choose hobbies that are very popular and easy to develop, such as watching TV, reading, window-shopping, going to the movies and so on. These hobbies need no special training. They can also choose hobbies that are not so easy to develop, such as painting, playing musical instruments, taking part in sports, etc. These hobbies need special training and talents.

Most people take up one hobby or another for relaxation while others, such as old people, have hobbies for killing time. However, students have to study. They have to finish a lot of homework, to take many exams and to fight for their future. But as the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Students need hobbies to refresh themselves in order to have better performances in their studies.

1.Which of the following people will be most likely to take up active hobbies according to the article?

A.A football player. B.A fireman. C.A swimming coach. D.A history teacher.

2.What hobbies are not so easy to develop?

A.Window-shopping and reading.

B.Painting and playing musical instruments.

C.Watching TV and taking part in sports.

D.Going to the movies and singing.

3.What can we learn from the article?

A.Students need hobbies to balance work and play.

B.Students have to study hard without any hobbies.

C.Everyone has his or her own hobbies.

D.Interests are something we practise ourselves.

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