How about forgetting bad memories?

Can we forget bad memories? Someone might tell you that time is the only “cure”. But this might be not true.

Researchers at Canada's McGill University have tested a pill that can help you forget bad memories. They tested it on 60 people and found it to be useful.

All 60 people had experienced painful romantic relationships and wanted to forget them. In the study, they were asked to write about these bad memories. Then, they took a pill that is usually used to treat high blood pressure (血压). They then recalled their bad memories by reading what they wrote earlier. In the end, they talked about their feelings, saying that they were finally able to forget their bad experiences.

Dr. Alain Brunet, who led the study, believes that the pill can ease(缓解)the pain that bad memories bring. People can take it after bad things happen to them.

How did the pill do this? In fact, your memories change all the time. They’re like papers on your computer. Every time you recall and "open” the papers, you might happen to make some changes and "save" them. Researchers believe that the pill can stop something in the brain from "re-saving" these memories. This means some details of the memory are lost.

However, there are some ethical (伦理的)worries about this treatment. Some people might use it to forget things that they should be learning from, such as when they did a crime.

A11 of us can think of bad events in our lives that were terrible at the time but make us who we are. They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past. I'm not sure we want to erase those memories, said Rebecca Dresser, a medical ethicist.

How do we form memories?

The part of our brain known as the hippocampus (海马体)is important for forming new memories. Scientists found it after studying a patient named Henry Molaison in the 1950s. After Molaison's hippocampus got hurt during an operation, he couldn't store new memories. But he could remember memories from before the operation. This means long-term memories are stored outside the hippocampus. Scientists believe they are stored in the neocortex(新皮质),which controls attention and planning.

1.The writing purpose of this passage is ________. introduce a new medical invention describe the bad influence of the pill tell stories about a patient named Henry discover the fun secrets of hippocampus

2.The pill tested on people can ________.

A.cause the brain to fix memories B.recall what they wrote down before people remember things easily people forget painful memories

3.Which of the following does Rebecca Dresser agree with in Paragraph Six?

A.Some memories are harmful to people's lives.

B.The pill can help avoid the mistakes of the past.

C.Experiencing bad events makes us different from others.

D.The pill should be used to reduce people's sufferings from bad memories.

4.We can infer from the passage that________.

A.the pill can certainly stop criminals from doing crimes

B.taking the pill will be harmful to people's physical health

C.the pill has been produced and used by the public America

D.medical workers are still unsure about the influence of the pill

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情发生以来,社会各界纷纷传递爱心,把充满温情的爱心善举化作抗击疫情的绵绵动力。Teens Magazine 也开设了爱心专栏,请认真阅读以下信息,用英语写一篇短文向杂志社投稿。


Hi! I'm Lisa, editor(编辑) of Teens Magazine

Our magazine has set up a column(专栏)about love and kindness. Would you like to share your ideas with us?

● Do you think love and kindness matter? Why?

● Have you helped others before? Please share an experience of helping others and your feelings about that.

● What else can we do in our daily life? At least two examples. Looking forward to your opinions!

注意:1.词数 90 左右开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;



Over the last few months, people all over the world have been sending and showing their love and support to those who are fighting COVID-19.


Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference!

Every morning after breakfast, Wilbur walked out to the road with Fern and waited with her till the bus came. She would wave good-bye to him, and he would stand and watch the bus until it vanished around a turn. While Fern was in school, Wilbur was shut up inside his yard. But as soon as she got home in the afternoon, she would take him out and he would follow her around the place. If she went into the house, Wilbur went, too. If she went upstairs, Wilbur would wait at the bottom step until she came down again. If she took her doll for a walk in the doll carriage, Wilbur followed along. Sometimes, on these journeys, Wilbur would get tired, and Fern would pick him up and put him in the carriage alongside the doll. He liked this. And if he was very tired, he would close his eyes and go to sleep under the doll's blanket. He looked cute when his eyes were closed, because his lashes were so long. The doll would close her eyes, too, and Fern would wheel the carriage very slowly and smoothly so as not to wake her infants.

One warm afternoon, Fern and Avery put on bathing suits and went down to the brook for a swim. Wilbur tagged along at Fern's heels. When she waded into the brook, Wilbur waded in with her. He found the water quite cold--too cold for his liking. So while the children swam and played and splashed water at each other, Wilbur amused himself in the mud along the edge of the brook, where it was warm and moist and delightfully sticky and oozy.

Every day was a happy day, and every night was peaceful.

Wilbur was what farmers call a spring pig, which simply means that he was born in springtime. When he was five weeks old, Mr. Arable said he was now big enough to sell, and would have to be sold. Fern broke down and wept. But her father was firm about it. Wilbur's appetite had increased; he was beginning to eat scraps of food in addition to milk. Mr. Arable was not willing to provide for him any longer. He had already sold Wilbur's ten brothers and sisters.

"He's got to go, Fern," he said. "You have had your fun raising a baby pig, but Wilbur is not a baby any longer and he has got to be sold."

—taken from Charlotte’s Web

1.What does “this” in Paragraph 1 refers to(指代)?

A.The carriage

B.The doll

C.When Wilbur got tired, Fern would put him in the carriage alongside the doll

D.If Wilbur was very tired, he would close his eyes and go to sleep under the doll's blanket

2.According to the passage, the underlined sentience “Wilbur tagged along at Fern's heels.”in Paragraph 2 means________.

A.Wilbur went somewhere with Fern

B.Wilbur happened to meet Fern

C.Wilbur agreed to follow Fern

D.Wilbur couldn’t live without Fern

3.According to the passage, we can infer (推断)________.

A.Fern was good at looking after infants

B.Fern would make efforts to stop Wilbur from being sold

C.Fern didn't get along well with Mr. Arable because he would sell Wilbur

D.Mr. Arable would sell Wilbur because Fern always had fun raising Wilbur

My grandfather had a small farm. He also worked in a factory.

One autumn, he promised to help his neighbor harvest(收获) his corn. But after harvesting his own corn, Grandpa's little machine broke down. At the same time, the factory where Grandpa worked began to require overtime(加班). He had to leave the farm early in the morning and didn't get home until after sunset. It now seemed impossible to help out his neighbor.

One night, Grandpa decided that he wouldn't let his neighbor's harvest rot(腐烂) in the field. Without a machine, he would harvest it by hand.

“When do you think you'll have time to do it?” asked my grandma. “Besides, it'd be too dark.” “There's still one more full moon in October. If the weather is clear, I think I can do it,” he said.

And so a few days later, after lots of busy work at the factory, my grandpa made his way to the field. The weather was cold but clear, and the moon was glowing(发光). He worked through the night to keep his word.

Sometimes, when I want to put off responsibilities(责任), I'd see my grandfather cutting corn in the light of the harvest moon.

1.The writer's grandpa found it hard to help with his neighbor's harvest because ________.

①he was too tired to work

②he had so much work in the factory

③his machine for picking corn didn't work

④the weather was not clear enough

A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④

2.The writer's grandpa helped his neighbor harvest the field ________.

A.after sunset B.early in the morning

C.with a full moon D.on a dark night

3.From the story, we know that Grandpa is ________.

A.honest and helpful B.lazy and silly

C.busy and crazy D.Independent and clever

4.What can we learn from the story?

A.A friend is easier lost than found. B.Actions speak louder than words.

C.Helping others is helping yourself. D.A man should keep his word.

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