
Peppa Pig is an interesting and popular cartoon on television. It tells the stories about Peppa and her life.

Peppa, a five-year-old pig, is a cute pig with a long face like a hair dryer. She lives happily with her parents and her brother, George. She loves chocolate cakes and orange juice. In her free time, she likes playing games, taking vacations and jumping up and down with her friends and brother. Also, she often visits her grandparents and has great fun with them.

Children all around the world like watching Peppa Pig. People are making a movie about Peppa Pig now and it will be on show on February 5th, 2019.

“There are lots of fans of Peppa Pig in our school, and we will be really happy to watch the movie,” said a ten-year-old girl.

1.How old is Peppa?


2.Does Peppa love chocolate cakes or oranges?


3.When will the movie about Peppa Pig be on show?


4.Do most children like watching Peppa Pig in the passage?


5.How many things does Peppa like doing in her free time?



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