
Give your dead batteries a new life. Recycle them!

Batteries are used to power clocks, computers, tools and more. However, your batteries have some serious power when their lives are over.


Remember, batteries are harmful waste. This means we should properly throw them away. You may not think one little battery can cause that much pollution. But don't think of it as just one battery—there can be millions. In Canada, each person uses about 20 single-use batteries every year. That's about 700 million batteries! If all these batteries end up in landfills (垃圾填埋场),the heavy metals inside them can get into the water, land and air. It can be harmful to humans and wildlife.

By recycling single-use batteries, you can cut down pollution and also help save energy. All batteries are mainly made of plastic and valuable metals. Through recycling programs, dead batteries can be changed into something useful like steel products, or even new batteries!


Make a difference by starting to collect batteries at your home or school today. You can prepare a box for battery collection and invite friends, family and classmates to bring in old batteries to be recycled.

There are many safe ways to deal with your batteries. You can:

●Find a Call2Recycle public collection station near you.

● Ask the store where you bought the batteries if you can return them there.

●Communicate with your local city government to find out if there are special programs for recycling used batteries!

For more information, visit https://ecokids. ca/batteries.

1.The phrase "serious power" in the first paragraph shows that ________.

A.dead batteries are also of some value B.dead batteries can bring harm to our life

C.batteries can power electronic products D.batteries are very useful in our daily life

2.From the passage, we can learn that the population of Canada is around ________.

A.20 million B.35 million C.350million D.700 million

3.If you want to recycle your batteries correctly in your city, you can________.

A.build a public collection station B.no more buy batteries from stores

C.sell old batteries to some stores D.learn more about battery recycling


As is often the case, parents are very shocked to discover their children have lied to them for the first time. But new research has suggested many parents may not even notice many of the lies their children tell them.

Psychologists have discovered that most parents are over-confident in their children’s honesty and this may impair their ability to discover a lie.

The findings may help to explain why some parents seem to be willing to let their children get away with almost anything even in the face of the evidence (迹象). They say parents suffer from a “truth bias (偏见)” with their own teenagers, but when faced with lies from other people’s children, they have less difficulty telling if a statement is true or not.

Dr. Angela Evans, a psychologist at Brock University in Canada, said, “The close relationship that parents share with their own children may lead to parents failing to discover their children’s lies. Parents’ truth bias may result in parents being less doubtable of their children, allowing them to successfully cheat (欺骗) them.”

Most children are thought to start lying as early as two years old but start telling more believable lies at around the age of four years old. Learning how to lie is considered as a key part of cognitive (认知的) and social development in children. But many parents are shocked when their children start lying to them. In their study, Dr Evans and her colleagues filmed 108 children aged between 8 and 16 as they performed a test after being asked not to look at the answers. They were then asked afterwards if they had looked, with 50 truthfully denying (否认) looking, 49 lying about looking and 9 admitting (承认) to looking.

Videos of those denying looking were then shown to 152 parents of children aged 8 to 16, 80 of whom had children who had taken part in the test. The researchers found that the parents were less able to discover lies told by their own children than by other people’s children.

1.What does the underlined word “impair” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Show. B.Harm. C.Realize. D.Develop.

2.When lying to their parents, children can’t be easily found because ________.

A.their parents aren’t prepared for the lies

B.their parents can’t notice any of their lies

C.they are very good at telling lies

D.they know how to lie to their parents

3.What does Dr. Evans want to find about children’s lying?

A.What makes parents lose trust in their children.

B.What causes children to tell lies to their parents.

C.What makes parents fail to see their children’s lies.

D.What affects children’s relations with their parents.

4.What can be inferred from Dr. Evans’s study in the last two paragraphs?

A.Parents prefer to protect their own children.

B.Lying is a part of children’s development.

C.Children aged 8 to 16 are very likely to tell lies.

D.Parents can easily discover lies told by children of others.

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